In terms of place of articulation, the two consonants [f], [v] are __________.A.dentalB.alveolarC.palatalD.labiodental

In terms of place of articulation, the two consonants [f], [v] are __________.


解析:考查辅音的分类。根据发音部位不同,英语的辅音可以分为:双唇音(bilabial)、唇齿音(labiodental)、齿音(dental)、齿龈音(alveolar)、齿龈后音(postal veolar)、硬腭音(palatal)、软腭音(velar)、声门音(glottal)。[f],[v]是上齿咬下唇的唇齿音。


A vowel is different from a consonant in English because ofA.absence of obstruction B.presence of obstructionC.manner of articulation of articulation

The pair of English phonemes音素 _ differ in the place of articulation发音部位. A. // and // B. /θ/ and /e/ C. /d/ and /z/ D. /m/ and /n/

A vowel is different from a consonant in English because ofA.absence of obstructionB.presence of obstructionC.manner of of articulation

Which of the following consonants doesn't fall under the same category according to theplace of articulation?

In terms of the place of articulation, [t] [d] Is] [z] [n] are all__________.A.palatalB.alveolarC.bilabial

In terms of the place of articulation, the following sounds [t], [d], [s], [n] share the feature

The main difference between /m/, /n/, and /?/lies in( ).A.manner of articulation B.sound of articulation D.voicing

Consonants are classified in terms of__________.A.the place where the airstream obstruction occursB.the part of tongue that is the highestC.openness of the mouthD.the length of the sound

The distinction between vowels and consonants lies in_________A.the place of articulationB.the obstruction of airstreamC.the position of the tongueD.the shape of the lips

In terms of the place of articulation, the following sounds [t], [d], [s], [n] share the feature of__________.A.palatal

In terms of manner of articulation, the sounds [p], [b], [t], [d], [k], [g] are__________.A.affricatesB.fricativesC.bilabialD.oral stops

/s/and/θ/can be distinguished by__________.A.manner of of articulationC.vibration of the vocal cordsD.aspiration of articulation

In terms of manner of articulation, the sounds [p], [b], [t], [d], [k], [g] areA. affricatesB. fricativesC. bilabialD. oral stops

There are two syllables in the word "motto". /ēü/ occurs in both syllables, but the first one is longer than the second because is comes before a is in the first comes between two consonants

In terms of manner of articulation发音方法, the sounds [p], [b], [t], [d], [k], [g] are__________.  A. affricates塞擦音B. fricatives擦音C. bilabialD. oral stops

English consonants can be classified into stops, fricative, nasals ect.,in terms of ( ) A.openness of mouth B.manner of articulation of articulation D.voicing

Consonant articulation is relatively easy to feel and as a result is most conveniently described in terms of ( ) and manner of articulation. B.speed C.power D.time

In terms of the place of articulation, the following sounds [t][d][s][z][n] share the feature of ().ApalatalBalveolarCbilabialDdental

Consonants vary depending on where and how the air stream gets through, the place and movement of the tongue, and also whether the voice is used or not.()A对B错

Tense and reference are two terms often encountered in the study of meaning.

The sentence “The baby smiled.” is a().A、two-place predicationB、three-place predicationC、no-place predicationD、one-place predication

单选题Consonants are classified in terms of ______ .Athe place where the airstream obstruction occursBthe part of tongue that is the highestCopenness of the mouthDthe length of the sound

单选题Which of the following do not belong to the same type according to the manner or place of articulation? A/p/ /b/ /m/B/θ/ /ʒ/ /h/C/g/ /h/ /k/D/g/ / ŋ/ /w/

单选题Which of the following sets of consonants differs only in one distinctive feature? _____A[v][z][3][θ]B[t][z][ʃ][ð]C[s][v][ɜ][p]D[p][d][z][S]

判断题Consonants vary depending on where and how the air stream gets through, the place and movement of the tongue, and also whether the voice is used or not.()A对B错

单选题Which of the following consonants does NOT fall to the same category according to the place of articulation?A/k/B/h/C/ŋ/D/g/

单选题/f/ and /v/ can be distinguished by____.Amanner of articulationBplace of articulationCvibration of the vocal cordsDaspiration of articulation