Most people findrejection hard to accept.A: excuseB: clientC:destinyD: refusal

Most people findrejection hard to accept.

A: excuse
B: client
D: refusal


解析:句意:大多数人认为,拒绝是很难接受的。画线单词rejection意为“拒绝”。A项excuse意为“理由,借口”;B项client意为“顾客,当事人”;D项refusal意为“拒绝”,与画 线单词同义;C项destiny意为“命运,天数”。故本题选D。


Some people find it hard to _________ help. A.ask forB.believe inC.find into

The _____ power of the people in this town has been decreasing since most young people have left for the big cities. A.shoppingB.purchasingC.enduringD.spending

The speaker lectured in _____ a way that some people found it hard to understand him. A.soB.asC.suchD.that

5.—How many people will come to Shanghai next month?—It's hard to say._______ people,l think.A. Million ofB. Millions ofC. Three millionsD. Three millions of

Most of the people in Asian country have the same language, history and culture.()

Most environmental problems are caused by people.()

( ) are ( ). A、The Chineses/ a hard working peopleB、The Chinese/ hard working peopleC、Chinese/ hardworking peoplesD、Chinese/ hardworking people

There are so many people in the hall _______ it's hard for me to find her. A.becauseB.thatC.forD.why

Most people consider ____ innocent. A、him asB、him likeC、himD、him for

When Greeks meet, then comes the tug of war. A、If too many people try to do the same thing at the same time, chaos will reign.B、Empty-hearted persons are always the most talkative and noisy.C、There must be something better after every piece of unpleasantness.D、When two adversaries are of equal strength of character, the contest of wills is certain to be long and hard-fought.

People lived a hard life _________ . the the fortyD.on forties

What ________ me most was the friendship your people have for our people.A、depressedB、expressedC、oppressedD、impressed

Bicycling is the best physical activity because it is most comfortable to most people than brisk walking.()

People lived a hard life____. A、in the fortyB、in the fortiesC、in fortyD、during the on the forty

The value of competition works against the spirit of national cooperation in that( ).A. it makes people not believe in the governmentB. it causes people to suspect but not to trust each otherC. it makes people even unable to cooperate well on local levelsD. it encourages people to gain success through individual hard work

Modern computers based on ( ) are millions to billions of times more capable than the early computers, which occupy a fraction of the space. Simple computers are small enough to fit into mobile devices, an mobile computers can be powered by small batteries. Personal computers in their various forms are icons of the Information Age and are what most people think of as ‘computers’.A.Central Processing UnitB.integrated circuitsC.Hard integration

Most people find rejection hard to accept.A: refusalB: excuseC: clientD: destiny

It is hard for the young people to imagine what severe conditions their parents once lived under.A:sincereB:hardC:strictD:tight

Most people favored the plan.A: agreedB: opposedC: likedD: voted

Most people consider () to be responsible citizens.AhimselfBthemselvesCthemDthemselfs

Which of the following desktop hardware should a technician be MOST concerned with disposing of correctly?()A、batteriesB、power cordsC、disk drivesD、hard drives

Which of the following backup media would be MOST appropriate for router configuration files?()A、OpticalB、TapeC、Flash driveD、Hard disk

单选题Ellsworth Huntington decided that climate and temperature have _____.Aa great effect on everyone’s intelligenceBsome effect on most people’s intelligenceCsome effect on a few people’s intelligenceDno effect on most people’s intelligence

单选题Most people in Northern Ireland are _____.ACatholicsBProtestantsCPresbyteriansDNonconformists

单选题() people who report such crimes, ()criminals are arrested.Athe more; the moreBthe more; moreCmore; moreDthe most; the most

单选题Shanghai is the most largest city by population in the People's Republic of China.AisBthe most largest cityCinDthe People's Republic of China

单选题Some habits people are _____ to be hard to get rid of.AaccustomedBalienChostileDgenerous