Flash plants produce hot water through _____.A.the energy to turn a turbineB.impermeable rockC.one or two separatorsD.turbine operatorE.little or no waterF.hot springs

Flash plants produce hot water through _____.

A.the energy to turn a turbine
B.impermeable rock
C.one or two separators
D.turbine operator
E.little or no water
F.hot springs




The water is too hot ( ). A、to drinkingB、to drinkC、to be drinkedD、for drink

In a ______boiler the hot gases from the furnace pass through the tubes while the water is on the outside.A.water-tubeB.fire-tubeC.exhaust gasD.Composite

共用题干第三篇Only special plants can survive in the terrible climate of a desert,for these are regions where the annual range of the soil temperature can be over 75℃.Furthermore,during the summer there are few clouds in the sky to protect plants from the sun's ray.Another problem is the fact that there are frequently strong winds which drive small-sharp particles of sand into the plants,tearing and damaging them.The most difficult problem for all forms of plant life,however,is the fact that the entire annual rainfall occurs during a few days or weeks in spring.Grasses and flowers in desert survive from one year to the next by existing through the long, hot,dry season in the form of seeds.These seeds remain inactive unless the right amount of rain falls.If no rain falls,or if insufficient rain falls,they wait until the next year,or even still the next.Another factor that helps these plants to survive is the fact that their life cycles are short.By the time that the water from the spring rains disappears—ust a few weeks after it falls一such plants no longer need any.The perennials(多年生植物)have special features which enable them to survive as plants for several years. Thus,nearly all desert perennials have extensive root systems below ground and a small shoot system above ground.The large root network enables the plant to absorb as much water as possible in a short time.The small shoot system,on the other hand,considerably limits water loss by evaporation(蒸发).Another feature of many desert perennials is that after the rainy season they lose their leaves in preparation for the long,dry season,just as trees in wetter climates lose theirs in preparation for the winter. This reduces their water loss by evaporation during the dry season.Then,in the next rainy season,they come fully alive once more,and grow new branches,leaves and flowers,just as the grasses and flowers in desert do.According to the passage,spring is the best time for plants in desert_________.A:to find a shady placeB:to get water for their growthC:to reduce water lossD:to enjoy the sunshine

共用题干第三篇Only special plants can survive in the terrible climate of a desert,for these are regions where the annual range of the soil temperature can be over 75℃.Furthermore,during the summer there are few clouds in the sky to protect plants from the sun's ray.Another problem is the fact that there are frequently strong winds which drive small-sharp particles of sand into the plants,tearing and damaging them.The most difficult problem for all forms of plant life,however,is the fact that the entire annual rainfall occurs during a few days or weeks in spring.Grasses and flowers in desert survive from one year to the next by existing through the long, hot,dry season in the form of seeds.These seeds remain inactive unless the right amount of rain falls.If no rain falls,or if insufficient rain falls,they wait until the next year,or even still the next.Another factor that helps these plants to survive is the fact that their life cycles are short.By the time that the water from the spring rains disappears—ust a few weeks after it falls一such plants no longer need any.The perennials(多年生植物)have special features which enable them to survive as plants for several years. Thus,nearly all desert perennials have extensive root systems below ground and a small shoot system above ground.The large root network enables the plant to absorb as much water as possible in a short time.The small shoot system,on the other hand,considerably limits water loss by evaporation(蒸发).Another feature of many desert perennials is that after the rainy season they lose their leaves in preparation for the long,dry season,just as trees in wetter climates lose theirs in preparation for the winter. This reduces their water loss by evaporation during the dry season.Then,in the next rainy season,they come fully alive once more,and grow new branches,leaves and flowers,just as the grasses and flowers in desert do.The last paragraph is mainly about__________.A:the comparison between plants in different areasB:the growth of new leaves in the rainy seasonC:water loss by evaporation in the dry seasonD:the changes in the leaves of the perennials

共用题干Plants in DesertOnly special plants can survive the terrible climate of a desert,for these are regions where the annual range of the soil temperature can be over 75℃.Furthermore,during the summer there are few clouds in the sky to protect plants from the sun's ray.Another problem is the fact that there are frequently strong winds that drive small,sharp particles of sand into the plants,tearing and damaging them.The most difficult problem for all forms of plant life,however,is the fact that the entire annual rainfall occurs during a few days or weeks in spring.Grasses and flowers in desert survive from one year to the next by existing through the long,hot,dry season in the form of seeds.These seeds remain inactive unless the right amount of rain falls.If no rain falls,or if insufficient rain falls,they wait until the next year,or even still the next.Another factor that helps these plants to survive is the fact that their life cycles are short.By the time the water from the spring rains disappears-just a few weeks after it falls-such plants no longer need any.The perennials(多年生植物)have special features that enable them to survive as plants for several years.Thus,nearly all desert perennials have extensive root systems below ground and a small shoot system above ground.The large root network enables the plant to absorb as much water as possible in short time.The small shoot system,on the other hand,considerably limits water loss by evaporation(蒸发).Another feature of many perennials is that after the rainy season they lose their leaves in preparation for the long,dry season,just as trees in wetter climates lose theirs in preparation for the winter.This reduces their water loss by evaporation during the dry season.Then,in next rainy season,they come fully alive once more,and grow new branches,leaves and flowers,just as the grasses and flowers in desert do.The theme of the second last paragraph is why the perennials can survive as plants for several years.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

共用题干Plants in DesertOnly special plants can survive the terrible climate of a desert,for these are regions where the annual range of the soil temperature can be over 75℃.Furthermore,during the summer there are few clouds in the sky to protect plants from the sun's ray.Another problem is the fact that there are frequently strong winds that drive small,sharp particles of sand into the plants,tearing and damaging them.The most difficult problem for all forms of plant life,however,is the fact that the entire annual rainfall occurs during a few days or weeks in spring.Grasses and flowers in desert survive from one year to the next by existing through the long,hot,dry season in the form of seeds.These seeds remain inactive unless the right amount of rain falls.If no rain falls,or if insufficient rain falls,they wait until the next year,or even still the next.Another factor that helps these plants to survive is the fact that their life cycles are short.By the time the water from the spring rains disappears-just a few weeks after it falls-such plants no longer need any.The perennials(多年生植物)have special features that enable them to survive as plants for several years.Thus,nearly all desert perennials have extensive root systems below ground and a small shoot system above ground.The large root network enables the plant to absorb as much water as possible in short time.The small shoot system,on the other hand,considerably limits water loss by evaporation(蒸发).Another feature of many perennials is that after the rainy season they lose their leaves in preparation for the long,dry season,just as trees in wetter climates lose theirs in preparation for the winter.This reduces their water loss by evaporation during the dry season.Then,in next rainy season,they come fully alive once more,and grow new branches,leaves and flowers,just as the grasses and flowers in desert do.Grasses and flowers in desert are able to survive because they stay in the form of seeds to wait for the right amount of water to come.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

共用题干Plants in DesertOnly special plants can survive the terrible climate of a desert,for these are regions where the annual range of the soil temperature can be over 75℃.Furthermore,during the summer there are few clouds in the sky to protect plants from the sun's ray.Another problem is the fact that there are frequently strong winds that drive small,sharp particles of sand into the plants,tearing and damaging them.The most difficult problem for all forms of plant life,however,is the fact that the entire annual rainfall occurs during a few days or weeks in spring.Grasses and flowers in desert survive from one year to the next by existing through the long,hot,dry season in the form of seeds.These seeds remain inactive unless the right amount of rain falls.If no rain falls,or if insufficient rain falls,they wait until the next year,or even still the next.Another factor that helps these plants to survive is the fact that their life cycles are short.By the time the water from the spring rains disappears-just a few weeks after it falls-such plants no longer need any.The perennials(多年生植物)have special features that enable them to survive as plants for several years.Thus,nearly all desert perennials have extensive root systems below ground and a small shoot system above ground.The large root network enables the plant to absorb as much water as possible in short time.The small shoot system,on the other hand,considerably limits water loss by evaporation(蒸发).Another feature of many perennials is that after the rainy season they lose their leaves in preparation for the long,dry season,just as trees in wetter climates lose theirs in preparation for the winter.This reduces their water loss by evaporation during the dry season.Then,in next rainy season,they come fully alive once more,and grow new branches,leaves and flowers,just as the grasses and flowers in desert do.Winter is the toughest season for the grasses and flowers to survive.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

Geothermal(地热)Energy  1 Since heat naturally moves from hotter regions to cooler ones, the heat from the earth's center flows outwards towards the surface. In this way, it transfers to the next layer of rock. If the temperature is high enough, some of this rock melts and forms magma(岩浆). The magma ascends in its turn towards the earth's surface. It often remains well below the earth's surface, creating vast areas of hot rock. In such regions, there are deep cracks, which allow rainwater to descend underground. Some of the heated rainwater travels back up to the earth's surface where it will appear as a hot spring. However, if this ascending hot water reaches a layer of impermeable(不可渗透的)rock, it remains trapped, forming a geothermal reservoir. If geothermal reservoirs are close enough to the surface, they can be reached by drilling wells. Hot water and steam shoot up the wells naturally, and can be used to produce electricity in geothermal power plants.  2.A few geothermal power plants depend on dry-stem reservoirs which produce steam but little or no water. In these cases, the steam is piped up directly to provide the power to spin a turbine generator. The first geothermal power plant, constructed at Lardarello in Italy, was of this type, and is still producing electricity today.  3.Most currently operating geothermal power plants are either "flash" steam plants or binary(双重的)plants. Flash plants produce mainly hot water ranging in temperature from 300° to 700°Fahrenheit. This water is passed through one or two separators where released from the pressure of the underground reservoir, it "flashes" or boils into steam Again, the force of this steam provides the energy to spin the turbine and produce electricity. The geothermal water and steam are then reinjected directly back down into the earth to maintain the volume and pressure of the reservoir. Gradually they will be reheated and can then be used again.  4.A reservoir with temperatures below 300° Fahrenheit is not hot enough to flash steam but it can still be used to generate electricity in binary fluid. The steam from this is used to power the turbines. As in the flash steam plant, the geothermal water is recycled back into the reservoir.文章(23~30)Paragraph1_____A.Dry steam plantsB.Binary plantsC.Origin of geothermal energyD.Generation of electricityE.Flash steam plantsF.Recyclable water and steam

共用题干Plants in DesertOnly special plants can survive the terrible climate of a desert,for these are regions where the annual range of the soil temperature can be over 75℃.Furthermore,during the summer there are few clouds in the sky to protect plants from the sun's ray.Another problem is the fact that there are frequently strong winds that drive small,sharp particles of sand into the plants,tearing and damaging them.The most difficult problem for all forms of plant life,however,is the fact that the entire annual rainfall occurs during a few days or weeks in spring.Grasses and flowers in desert survive from one year to the next by existing through the long,hot,dry season in the form of seeds.These seeds remain inactive unless the right amount of rain falls.If no rain falls,or if insufficient rain falls,they wait until the next year,or even still the next.Another factor that helps these plants to survive is the fact that their life cycles are short.By the time the water from the spring rains disappears-just a few weeks after it falls-such plants no longer need any.The perennials(多年生植物)have special features that enable them to survive as plants for several years.Thus,nearly all desert perennials have extensive root systems below ground and a small shoot system above ground.The large root network enables the plant to absorb as much water as possible in short time.The small shoot system,on the other hand,considerably limits water loss by evaporation(蒸发).Another feature of many perennials is that after the rainy season they lose their leaves in preparation for the long,dry season,just as trees in wetter climates lose theirs in preparation for the winter.This reduces their water loss by evaporation during the dry season.Then,in next rainy season,they come fully alive once more,and grow new branches,leaves and flowers,just as the grasses and flowers in desert do.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

An Essential Scientific ProcessAll life on the earth depends upon green plants. Using sunlight, theplants produce their own food. Then animals feed upon the plants. They take inthe nutrients the plants have made sted. But that’s not all.Sunlight also helps a plant produce oxygen. Some of the oxygen is used by theplant, but a plant usually produces me oxygen than it uses. The excess oxygenis necessary f animals other ganisms to live.The process of changing light into food oxygen is calledphotosynthesis. Besides light energy from the sun, plants also use water carbon dioxide. The water gets to the plant through its roots. The carbondioxide enters the leaves through tiny openings called stomata. The carbondioxide travels to chloplasts, special cells in the bodies of green plants.This is photosynthesis takes place. Chloplasts contain the chlophyllsthat give plants their green col. The chlophylls are the molecules thattrap light energy. The trapped light energy changes water carbon dioxide toproduce oxygen a simple sugar called glucose.Carbon dioxide oxygen move into out of the stomata. Watervap also moves out of the stomata. Me than 90 percent of water a planttakes in through its roots escapes through the stomata. During the daytime, thestomata of most plants are open. This allows carbon dioxide to enter the leavesf photosynthesis. As night falls, carbon dioxide is not needed. The stomataof most plants close. Water loss stops.If photosynthesis ceased, there would be little food other ganicmatter on the earth. Most ganisms would disappear. The earth’s atmospherewould no longer contain oxygen. Photosynthesis is essential f life on ourplanet.  词汇:nutrient n.营养物 ganism n.生物体,有机体carbon dioxide n.二氧化碳chloplast n.叶绿体molecule n.分子vap n.水蒸气oxygen n.氧气 photosynthesis n.光合作用chlophyll n.叶绿素glucose n.葡萄糖cease v.停止  注释:1.Then animals feed upon the plants.动物以植物为食。  练习:5.Another good title f this passage would beA.Oxygen Carbon Dioxide.B.Plants Their Roots.C.How Photosynthesis Wks.D.Why Our Earth Needs Water.

An Essential Scientific ProcessAll life on the earth depends upon green plants. Using sunlight, theplants produce their own food. Then animals feed upon the plants. They take inthe nutrients the plants have made sted. But that’s not all.Sunlight also helps a plant produce oxygen. Some of the oxygen is used by theplant, but a plant usually produces me oxygen than it uses. The excess oxygenis necessary f animals other ganisms to live.The process of changing light into food oxygen is calledphotosynthesis. Besides light energy from the sun, plants also use water carbon dioxide. The water gets to the plant through its roots. The carbondioxide enters the leaves through tiny openings called stomata. The carbondioxide travels to chloplasts, special cells in the bodies of green plants.This is photosynthesis takes place. Chloplasts contain the chlophyllsthat give plants their green col. The chlophylls are the molecules thattrap light energy. The trapped light energy changes water carbon dioxide toproduce oxygen a simple sugar called glucose.Carbon dioxide oxygen move into out of the stomata. Watervap also moves out of the stomata. Me than 90 percent of water a planttakes in through its roots escapes through the stomata. During the daytime, thestomata of most plants are open. This allows carbon dioxide to enter the leavesf photosynthesis. As night falls, carbon dioxide is not needed. The stomataof most plants close. Water loss stops.If photosynthesis ceased, there would be little food other ganicmatter on the earth. Most ganisms would disappear. The earth’s atmospherewould no longer contain oxygen. Photosynthesis is essential f life on ourplanet.  词汇:nutrient n.营养物 ganism n.生物体,有机体carbon dioxide n.二氧化碳chloplast n.叶绿体molecule n.分子vap n.水蒸气oxygen n.氧气 photosynthesis n.光合作用chlophyll n.叶绿素glucose n.葡萄糖cease v.停止  注释:1.Then animals feed upon the plants.动物以植物为食。  练习:4.This passage is primarily developed byA.explaining a process.B.telling a sty.C.comparing contrasting.D.convincing the reader of plants’ imptance.

An Essential Scientific ProcessAll life on the earth depends upon green plants. Using sunlight, theplants produce their own food. Then animals feed upon the plants. They take inthe nutrients the plants have made sted. But that’s not all.Sunlight also helps a plant produce oxygen. Some of the oxygen is used by theplant, but a plant usually produces me oxygen than it uses. The excess oxygenis necessary f animals other ganisms to live.The process of changing light into food oxygen is calledphotosynthesis. Besides light energy from the sun, plants also use water carbon dioxide. The water gets to the plant through its roots. The carbondioxide enters the leaves through tiny openings called stomata. The carbondioxide travels to chloplasts, special cells in the bodies of green plants.This is photosynthesis takes place. Chloplasts contain the chlophyllsthat give plants their green col. The chlophylls are the molecules thattrap light energy. The trapped light energy changes water carbon dioxide toproduce oxygen a simple sugar called glucose.Carbon dioxide oxygen move into out of the stomata. Watervap also moves out of the stomata. Me than 90 percent of water a planttakes in through its roots escapes through the stomata. During the daytime, thestomata of most plants are open. This allows carbon dioxide to enter the leavesf photosynthesis. As night falls, carbon dioxide is not needed. The stomataof most plants close. Water loss stops.If photosynthesis ceased, there would be little food other ganicmatter on the earth. Most ganisms would disappear. The earth’s atmospherewould no longer contain oxygen. Photosynthesis is essential f life on ourplanet.  词汇:nutrient n.营养物 ganism n.生物体,有机体carbon dioxide n.二氧化碳chloplast n.叶绿体molecule n.分子vap n.水蒸气oxygen n.氧气 photosynthesis n.光合作用chlophyll n.叶绿素glucose n.葡萄糖cease v.停止  注释:1.Then animals feed upon the plants.动物以植物为食。  练习:1.In the first paragraph,the wd “excess” meansA.heavy.B.extra.C.green.D.liquid.

An Essential Scientific ProcessAll life on the earth depends upon green plants. Using sunlight, theplants produce their own food. Then animals feed upon the plants. They take inthe nutrients the plants have made sted. But that’s not all.Sunlight also helps a plant produce oxygen. Some of the oxygen is used by theplant, but a plant usually produces me oxygen than it uses. The excess oxygenis necessary f animals other ganisms to live.The process of changing light into food oxygen is calledphotosynthesis. Besides light energy from the sun, plants also use water carbon dioxide. The water gets to the plant through its roots. The carbondioxide enters the leaves through tiny openings called stomata. The carbondioxide travels to chloplasts, special cells in the bodies of green plants.This is photosynthesis takes place. Chloplasts contain the chlophyllsthat give plants their green col. The chlophylls are the molecules thattrap light energy. The trapped light energy changes water carbon dioxide toproduce oxygen a simple sugar called glucose.Carbon dioxide oxygen move into out of the stomata. Watervap also moves out of the stomata. Me than 90 percent of water a planttakes in through its roots escapes through the stomata. During the daytime, thestomata of most plants are open. This allows carbon dioxide to enter the leavesf photosynthesis. As night falls, carbon dioxide is not needed. The stomataof most plants close. Water loss stops.If photosynthesis ceased, there would be little food other ganicmatter on the earth. Most ganisms would disappear. The earth’s atmospherewould no longer contain oxygen. Photosynthesis is essential f life on ourplanet.  词汇:nutrient n.营养物 ganism n.生物体,有机体carbon dioxide n.二氧化碳chloplast n.叶绿体molecule n.分子vap n.水蒸气oxygen n.氧气 photosynthesis n.光合作用chlophyll n.叶绿素glucose n.葡萄糖cease v.停止  注释:1.Then animals feed upon the plants.动物以植物为食。  练习:2.Which of the following does not move through a plant’s stomata?A.Carbon dioxide. B.Water vap.C.Oxygen. D.Food.

单选题One advantage of a flash distilling plant when compared to a submerged tube distiller is()Agreater distillate purity through high temperature evaporationBcold shocking for scale removal is not requiredCless internal corrosion because of lower brine densityDless feed-water is required for equal plant capacity

单选题If a large difference exists between the compressor discharge pressure and the pressure corresponding to the existing condensing temperature in a refrigeration system, you should().Aincrease the flow of the cooling water through the condenserBadjust the high pressure cutout to maintain the desired pressureCopen the hot gas bypass temporarily to reduce capacityDpurge non-condensable gases to reduce the excess pressure

单选题The heated feed-water entering any flash chamber of a flash-type evaporator will()Avaporize, with the un-flashed water remaining at the temperature at which it entered the flash chamberBvaporize, with the un-flashed eater equalizing to the saturation conditions existing in the f lash chamberCvaporize, with the remaining water a t a temperature greater than it entered the flash chamberDboil, allowing steam bubbles to rise through the brine at the bottom of the flash chamber

单选题Which of the following is NOT among the solutions to the lack of sewage water treatment plants?ACooperation with other organizations.BCooperation with the World Bank.CTwo projects about treatment plants for sewage waters in Vlore and Pogradec.DTo control the waste water discharged.

单选题What is the operating principal of a flash type evaporator?()ASea water is heated to boiling temperature under a vacuumBSea water is passed over heated plates in a thin filmCHeated sea water is injected into a vacuum chamberDSea water is forced through a heated eductor

单选题Very few plants will()without water.AflourishBfadeCstemDcultivate

单选题In a () boiler the hot gases from the furnace pass through the tubes while the water is on the outside.Awater-tubeBfire-tubeCexhaust gasDNone of the above is true

单选题The heated feedwater entering any flash chamber of a flash-type evaporator will()Avaporize, with the unflashed water remaining at the temperature at which it entered the flash chamberBvaporize, with the unflashed water equalizing to the saturation conditions existing in the flash chamberCvaporize, with the remaining water at the temperature greater than it entered the flash chamberDboil, allowing steam bubbles to rise through the brine at the bottom of the flash chamber

单选题Why will a two stage flash type distilling plant tend to operate more efficiently when operating in cold seawater?()AThe colder seawater passing through the condenser tube bundles of the various stages increases evaporator vacuumBThe amount of heated feed water discharged from the feed water heater after cndenser is increasedCFewer non-condensable gases are created by the flow of colder seawaterDMore seawater is allowed to pass through the flint stage overflow weir

单选题Too much excess air is ()because the heat generated is being lost through the exhaust trunking instead of being made used of in heating the water to produce steam.Anot goodBgoodCbetterDthe best

单选题In (), hot diesel engine jacket water passes over the stack and heats the sea water passing through the tubes.Aa flash generatorBa flash evaporatorCa vacuum boiling evaporatorDa boiler

单选题Which of the following descriptions best identifies the operating principal of a flash-type evaporator?()ASea water is heated to boiling temperature while under a vacuumBSea water is passed over heated plates in a thin filmCHeated sea water is injected into a vacuum chamberDSea water is forced through a heated eductor

单选题When a vacuum boiling evaporator works, the hot jacket water will pass over the tube stack and () the sea water passing through the tubes.AdisposeBdissolveCheatDdissipates

问答题You are trying to fill a bath with both taps on, but have accidentally left out the plug. Normally the hot water tap takes 8 minutes to fill the bath and the cold water tap takes 10 minutes. However, the water empties out through the plug hole in 5 minutes. How long will it take for the bath to fill?