






IT运维服务工作涉及的主要角色包括()。 A.IT虚用系统开发人员B.IT运维服务提供商C.IT运维服务使用人员D.IT运维服务管理者

运维监理的监理工作内容包括()。 A.IT运维规划咨询B.IT运维监理C.IT运维实施D.IT运维评估

()足指采用信息技术手段及方法,依据需方提出的服务级别要求,对其所使用的信息系统运行环境、业务系统等提供的综合服务。 A.IT应用系统运维服务一B.IT安全管理服务C.IT综合管理服务D.IT运维服务

_____________________.A.It's my father. B.It's old. C.It's Betty's.


—What time is the next flight to Washington? —_______A.It’s a smaller one.B.It’s too late .C.It’s1.45 pm.D.It sounds good.

在制定IT审计计划阶段,具体的审计目标的确定需要考虑到()等。 A.合规要求B.企业自身发展要求C.IT治理现状D.IT管理成熟度

()是指用户在决定实施it项目后,基于企业it战略和it规划,结合it项目的投资预算,对市场上相关it产品和供应商进行调查、比较、分析和评估,最后选择其中最适合企业自身需求和特点的it产品和服务的过程。 A.IT咨询B.IT风险评估C.IT选型D.IT外包

()是指按照一定的程序、方法和标准,对拟建的it项目的各种因素进行调查、研究、分析、判断并作出选择的过程。 A.IT项目开发B.IT项目咨询C.IT项目决策D.IT项目制定

it项目决策的具体内容包括:()。 A.IT项目投标决策B.IT项目调查决策C.IT项目选型决策D.IT项目外包决策

典型的企业it应用项目可分为:()。 A.应用软件开发项目B.IT系统平台构建项目C.IT咨询项目D.IT外包项目

A user executes the statement;PURGE BINARY LOGS TO ‘mysql-bin.010‘;What is the result?() A.It deletes all binary log files, except ‘mysql-in.010‘B.It deletes all binary log files up to and including ‘mysql-bin.010‘C.It deletes all binary log files before ‘mysql-bin.010‘D.It deletes all binary log files after ‘mysql-bin.010‘

( )作为重要的IT系统管理流程,可以解决IT投资预算、IT成本、效益核算和投资评价等问题,为高层管理者提供决策支持。A.IT财务管理B.IT资源管理 C.IT性能管理 D.IT可用性管理

()此种情况挖掘企业信息化需求的方向在于发现人员和设备需要移动的情形,并考虑通信应用是否可以更好地提高效率、节约成本。 A.IT应用与通信应用相互独立B.基础网络和网络应用对IT应用起支撑作用C.IT应用向通信应用延伸D.IT应用与通信应用融合

公路供电系统的接地形式有()。 A.TN系统B.TT系统C.IT系统D.TN-C-S系统

在住宅的供电系统设计中,哪种接地方式不宜在设计中采用?( )A.TN-S系统B.TN-C-S系统C.IT系统D.TT系统


--How about seeing a film tonight?-- __________I haven′t been to the cinema for long.A.Yes, that' s right. B.Why not?C.I guess so. D.It' s a pity.

What is computer- vision researchers’main concern of iPhone X’s FaceID?( ) A.They have concerns of the security and convenience of FacelD. B.They don’t believe iPhone X’s FaceID can successfully unlock a phone every time. C.They have doubts of its technique to overcome variable lighting and subtle change of the user’s face. D.They are mainly worried about the smartphone’s accuracy.

In which way is Lenovo different from other Chinese companies?( ) A.It is a veteran of globalization. B.It has many nationalities on its senior management. C.It has succeeded in buying some foreign companies. D.It is now the world’s biggest white-goods maker.

What was true of Fuller’s theater at the Paris Exposition?( ) A.It presented some works that were not by Fuller. B.It featured performances by prominent male as well as female dancers. C.It became a famous school that is still named in honor of Fuller. D.It continued to operate as a theater after Fuller died.

What kind of message does the society give to the children who are becoming obsessed with dieting and their weight?( ) A.It is important to be thin B.It is fashionable to have diet C.It’s a shame that children are being robbed of their childhoods D.It’s a shame that children are developing eating disorders

Which one of the following statements about iPhone X’s FaceID is false according to this article?( ) A.It is a whole new technique Apple Inc.applied on iPhone X. B.It has started a revolution in computer-vision industry. C.It has a problem of revocation. D.It has embedded security mechanisms to secure the data on the phone.

A.It is criticized for doing business in a primitive way B.It aims to deal with hyperinflation in some countries C.It helps get rid ofmiddlemen in trade and exchange D.It is intended to evaluate the performance of trading partners

A.It is criticized for doing business in a primitive way. B.It aims to deal with hyperinflation in some countries. C.It helps get rid ofmiddlemen in trade and exchange. D.It is intended to evaluate the performance of trading partners.

According to paragraph 1,the presidency of Andrew Jackson was especially significant for which of the following reasons?( ) A.The President granted a portion of his power to the Senate B.The President began to address the Senate on a regular basis C.It was the beginning of the modern presidency in the United States D.It was the first time that the Senate had been known to oppose the President

What kind of message does the society give to the children who are becoming obsessed with dieting and their weight?( ) A.It is important to be thin. B.It is fashionable to have diet. C.It’s a shame that children are being robbed of their childhoods. D.It’s a shame that children are developing eating disorders.

In which way is Lenovo different from other Chinese companies?( ) A.It is a veteran of globalization B.It has many nationalities on its senior management C.It has succeeded in buying some foreign companies D.It is now the world’s biggest white-goods maker