Police have already identified around 10 murder suspects.A:targetedB:distinguishedC:capturedD:separated

Police have already identified around 10 murder suspects.



解析:本句意思:警察已经确认了近10名杀人嫌疑犯。target作动词的意思为“瞄准”;distin- guish的意思为“区分,辨认出”;capture的意思为“捕获,占领”;separate的意思为“使分开”。 identify的意思为“认出,鉴定”,和distinguish的意思接近。


What he said was already (记录) by the police.

The police haven’t caught the murder alive yet, but they are convinced that the really important facts of the case will soon ()__ . A.come into forceB.come into contactC.come into lightD.come down to earth

The police have found no ______ to the identity of the murdered man. A. clawB. civilC. clueD. clause

The police searched the city in an effort to catch the man who ______ murder last week. A.limitedB.madeC.didD.committed

He said, “I ________ a lot of new words by the end of last year.” A.had already learntB.have already learntC.would have already learntD.already learnt

have the police looked into the bank _____. A. muggerB. theftC. robbery

The police found the murder weapon at ( ). A、the bottom of the lakeB、the bottom of lakeC、bottom of the lakeD、bottom of a lake

His book is reported () into several foreign languages already. A、to be translatedB、to have translatedC、to translateD、to have been translated

The police got to know about the murder because _____.( Who Saw Murder Didn’t Call the Police) A. the man called the policeB. the man’s friend called the policeC. the police discovered the body of Miss Genovese on the streetD. two women who were at the scene reported the murder

He was ________ by the police, because he was charged with murder. A. arrestedB. answeredC. treatD. talked

The police have begun to ______ the murder case, but in vain.A、look intoB、look upC、look outD、look after

The poor police had never ____ of winning.A、stand a chanceB、get a chanceC、have a chanceD、stood a chance

Police have already identified around 10 murder suspects.A:targeted B:distinguishedC:captured D:separated

共用题干“Lucky” Lord Lucan一Alive or DeadOn 8th November 1974 Lord Lucan,a British aristocrat,vanished. The day before,his children's nanny had been brutally murdered and his wife had been attacked too.To this day the British public are still interested in the murder case because Lucan has never been found.Now,over 30 years later,the police have reopened the case,hoping that new DNA tech-niques will help solve this murder mystery. People suspected that“Lucky”,as he was called by friends,wanted to kill his wife he no longer lived with. They say that Lucan entered his old house and in the dark,killed the nanny by mistake. His estranged wife heard noises,came downstairs and was also attacked,but managed to escape. Seven months after the murder,a jury concluded that Lucan had killed the nanny.What happened next is unclear,but there are several theories which fall into one of three categories:he may have killed himself,he could have escaped or he might have been killed. It appears that the night after the murder,“Lucky” borrowed a car and drove it,Lucan's friend Aspinall said in an interview that he thought Lucan had committed suicide by sinking his boat in the English Channel.Another version of events says that“Lucky” left the blood-soaked car on the coast and took a ferry to France. He was met there by someone who drove him to safety in another country.However,after a time,his rescuers became worried that they would become involved in the murder too and so Lucan was killed.A further fascinating theory was made in the book Dead Lucky by Duncan MacLaugh-lin,a former detective.He believes that Lucan travelled to Goa,India.where he assumed the identity of a Mr. Barry Haplin. Lucan then lived in Goa till his death in 1996.In the end the claim turned out be a case of mistaken identity. The man who died in 1996 was really Haplin,an exschoolteacher turned hippy. So what is the truth about Lucky?DNA testing has solved many murder cases,but who knows if it can close the book on this one.Lucan could have been killed because people______.A: didn't want the police to catch himB: thought he might talk to the police about them if he was caughtC: were unhappy with himD: thought he was rich

The police took fingerprints and identified the body.A:discoveredB:touchedC:recognizedD:missed

The police believe the motive for the murder was jealousy.A: choiceB: ideaC: decisionD: reason

The police believe the motive for the murder was jealousy.A:choiceB: idea C: decisionD: reason

The police took fingerprints and identified the body.A:discovered B:touchedC:missedD:recognized

共用题干Jewel Thief CapturedAt 1:30 this morning,local police finally caught the jewel thief whom they had been trying to trap (诱捕)for the past two months.________(51)the man they arrested,James Smith,_________(52)that he was the thief,he was captured with several diamond rings in his_________(53).Police saw Smith leaving a jewe场store on Main Street at 1:16 A. M.________(54)seeing the police,Smith jumped ________(55)his auto,and a high-speed chase followed for the next fourteen minutes. The police finally_______(56)Smith off the road and his_______(57)hit a tree.When the police searched Smith's________(58),they found the diamond rings hidden in an inside pocket of his jacket. Although Smith claimed that the diamonds were fake(假的),the owner of the jewelry store_________(59)the most recent robbery incident happened identified them __________(60)his missing jewels.Smith is now awaiting his first visit to court in a cell in the town jail. if he does not_________(61), a jury(陪审团)will have to decide his guilt or innocence.________ (62),a representative of the police stated today that they have no_______(63)that he will be found to be_________(64).This spokesman also stated that they hoped that the alarm________(65)in the community by all the recent robberies would be calmed by Smith's arrest._________(56)A:urged B:imposedC:forced D:attempted

Police have ruled out robbery as a motive for the murder.A: stimuliB: targetC: monotonousD: lengthy

He might have been killed () the arrival of the police.A、except forB、withC、forD、but for

单选题Since many insects have already become()to DDT, scientists have to look for some new insecticideAactiveBresistantCtoughDgradual

单选题I was on the highway when this car went past followed by a police car. They _____ at least 150 km an hour.Ashould have been goingBmust have been goingCcould have goneDwould have gone

单选题Which of the following is the figure provided of the attackers in the passage?AFour men wearing backpacks scaled the academy’s walls according to a construction worker.BPunjab police chief said there were about 8 to 10 attackers.CSome injured police recruits at the hospital claimed there must have been more than 10 attackers.DArmy official claimed 95 recruits were injured.

问答题Studies of skilled language learners have identified specific listening strategies that lead to superior comprehension

单选题From this passage we know that ______.Aevery American cannot have gunsBonly soldiers and police can have gunsCevery American citizen can own gunsDteachers have no money to buy guns

单选题He might have been killed () the arrival of the police.Aexcept forBwithCforDbut for