共用题干Tiny InvadersThe human body is truly amazing.It allows us to sense the world around us,to do work and have fun,and to move from place to place.In fact,the human body does its work so well that most people don't think about it very much一until they get sick.The germs(致病菌)that make people sick are everywhere.You can't see them, but they're there.They're sitting on your desk.They're hiding on your computer's keyboard.They're even in the air that you are breathing.There are two types of germs:viruses and bacteria(细菌).Viruses are germs that can only live inside animals or plants.Viruses cause illnesses such as flu and measles(麻疹).Bacteria are tiny creatures.Some bacteria are good.They can help your stomach break down food.Other bacteria aren't so good.They can make you sick.Bacteria can cause sore throats(喉痛)and ear infections.How can you stop these tiny invaders from making you sick?Your skin is the first de-fense against germs.You can prevent some illnesses simply by washing,with soap and wa-ter.But germs can still enter the body through small cuts in the skin or through the mouth, eyes,and nose.Once germs are inside your body, your immune(免疫的)system tries to protect you.It looks for and destroys germs.How does it do that?Special cells patrol your body.Some of these cells actually eat germs!Other cells make antibodies.An antibody sticks to a germ.There is a different antibody for each kind of germ.Some antibodies keep germs from making you sick.Others help your body find and kill germs.After a germ is destroyed,the antibodies stay in your body.They protect you if the same kind of germ comes back.That way you will not get the same illness twice.You can keep your body healthy by eating a nutritious(有营养的)diet to make your immune system strong.You can also help your immune system fight germs by getting vaccinated(接种).Vaccines are medicines.They contain germs that have been killed or weakened.The dead germs can't make you sick.Instead,they cause your body to make antibodies.If the same germ ever shows up again,then your antibodies attack it.Vaccines can make you sick.A:RightB:WrongC:Not mentioned

Tiny Invaders
The human body is truly amazing.It allows us to sense the world around us,to do work and have fun,and to move from place to place.In fact,the human body does its work so well that most people don't think about it very much一until they get sick.
The germs(致病菌)that make people sick are everywhere.You can't see them, but they're there.They're sitting on your desk.They're hiding on your computer's keyboard.They're even in the air that you are breathing.There are two types of germs:viruses and bacteria(细菌).Viruses are germs that can only live inside animals or plants.Viruses cause illnesses such as flu and measles(麻疹).Bacteria are tiny creatures.Some bacteria are good.They can help your stomach break down food.Other bacteria aren't so good.They can make you sick.Bacteria can cause sore throats(喉痛)and ear infections.
How can you stop these tiny invaders from making you sick?Your skin is the first de-fense against germs.You can prevent some illnesses simply by washing,with soap and wa-ter.But germs can still enter the body through small cuts in the skin or through the mouth, eyes,and nose.
Once germs are inside your body, your immune(免疫的)system tries to protect you.It looks for and destroys germs.How does it do that?Special cells patrol your body.Some of these cells actually eat germs!Other cells make antibodies.An antibody sticks to a germ.There is a different antibody for each kind of germ.Some antibodies keep germs from making you sick.Others help your body find and kill germs.After a germ is destroyed,the antibodies stay in your body.They protect you if the same kind of germ comes back.That way you will not get the same illness twice.
You can keep your body healthy by eating a nutritious(有营养的)diet to make your immune system strong.You can also help your immune system fight germs by getting vaccinated(接种).Vaccines are medicines.They contain germs that have been killed or weakened.
The dead germs can't make you sick.Instead,they cause your body to make antibodies.If the same germ ever shows up again,then your antibodies attack it.

Vaccines can make you sick.
C:Not mentioned


题干意为“病毒只存活于动物或者植物的体内。”关键词为inside,在……之内;people or animals,动物或植物。根据关键词到文中找相关句为第二段第七句“Viruses are germs that can only live inside animals or plants.”,由此表明病毒是只能存活于动物或植物体内的致病菌。因此题干错误,故选B项。
题干意为“所有的细菌都会导致生病。”从常识上来讲,一般比较绝对的说法都是错误的。第二段倒数第五句“Some bacteria are good.”明确说明,一些细菌是好的。所以选B。
题干意为“清洗皮肤可以避免一些疾病。”以wash为关键词到文中去寻找关键句。由第三段第二、三句“Your skin is the first defense against germs.You can prevent some illnesses simply by washing, with soap and water.”可知可以简单地通过用水和香皂清洗来预防一些疾病。可见题干表述是正确的。故选A。
题干意为“细菌可以通过眼睛进入体内。”我们以eyes作为关键字回文中找相关表述。第三段最后一句为“But germs can still enter the body through small cuts in the skin or through the mouth, eyes, and nose.”由此可知,细菌可以通过口眼鼻等途径进入体内。所以题干表述正确,选A。
题干意为“心脏有体内最强健的肌肉。”全文根本没有提及过muscle (肌肉)的话题。所以本题选C。
题干意为“杀死细菌后,抗体留在体内。”此题可以以kill, antibodies和stay 这三个关键字中的任一个到文中查找到相关句为第四段倒数第三句:“After a germ is de-stroyed, the antibodies stay in your body.”由此可见题干表述正确,所以本题选A。
题干意为“疫苗会让你生病。”最后一段讲的是Vaccines (疫苗)的相关话题。由本段第三、四、五句“Vaccines are medicines.They contain germs that have been killed or weakened.The dead germs can't make you sick.”可知疫苗是死的或者弱化的细菌,不会致病。所以题干的表述是错的。故本题选B。


What do people generally believe about the way human minds work?A People think in words and sentences.B Human ideas are translated into symbolsC People think by connecting threads of ideas.D Human thoughts are expressed through pictures.

Water is the __46___ of all the things we eat and drink . Not many people understand this but __47____ quite true . The human body can go without ___48___ for a long time . We’ve got many examples for this . Yet two __49___ three days without water can usually make people __50____ . Man can’t live __51____ water .Many people don’t understand how ___52__ water the human body needs __53___ work well , and many people , especially young people , do not drink enough , ___54__ in very hot weather . Our body has mostly water , about 65% to 75% . That is to say about two thirds of our body is water . When we do sports , some of the water will get away from our body . __55 _ we don’t drink some water , we won’t have enough water. And if we don’t have enough water , we’ll feel tired and many of us will get ill . So you know how important water is to us .46.___________( )46. A. importantB. most importantC. more importantD. different

What do people generally believe about the way human minds work ?A. People think in words and genternces.B. Human ideas are translated into symbolsC. People think by connecting threads of ideas .D. Human thoughts are expressed through pictures.

If cloned animals could be used as organ donors, ().A、people don’t have to worry about cloning twins for transplantsB、raising animals such as pigs can help solve the problemC、the human body attacks and destroys tissue from other speciesD、it may be more efficient to produce such animals by cloning than by cur

共用题干Tiny InvadersThe human body is truly amazing. It allows us to sense the world around us,to do work and have fun, and to move from place to place.In fact,the human body does its work so well that most people don't think about it very much-until they get sick.The germs(致病菌)that make people sick are everywhere. You can ' t see them , but they ' re there. They're sitting on your desk.They're hiding on your computer's keyboard.They're even in the air that you are breathing. There are two types of germs : viruses and bacteria(细菌).Viruses are germs that can only live inside animals or plants. Viruses cause illnesses such as flu and measles(麻疹).Bacteria are tiny creatures.Some bacteria are good.They can help your stomach break down food.Other bacteria aren't so good. They can make you sick. Bacteria can cause sore throats(喉痛)and ear infections.How can you stop these tiny invaders from making you sick?Your skin is the first defense against germs.You can prevent some illnesses simply by washing,with soap and water. But germs can still enter the body through small cuts in the skin or through the mouth,eyes,and nose.Once germs are inside your body , your immune(免疫的)system tries to protect you. It looks for and destroys germs.How does it do that?Special cells patrol your body.Some of these cells actually eat germs! Other cells make antibodies.An antibody sticks to a germ.There is a different antibody for each kind ofgerm.Some antibodies keep germs from making you sick.Others help your body find and kill germs.After agerm is destroyed,the antibodies stay in your body.They protect you if the same kind of germ comes back. That way you will not get the same illness twice.You can keep your body healthy by eating a nutritious(有营养的)diet to make your immune systerm strong. You can also help your immune system fight germs by getting vaccinated(接种).Vaccines are medicines.They contain germs that have been killed or weakened.The dead germs can't make you sick. Instead,they cause your body to make antibodies.If the same germ ever shows up again,then yourantibodies attack it.The heart contains the body's strongest muscle.A:RightB:WrongC:Not mentioned

共用题干Do You Have a Sense of Humor?Humor and laughter are good for us.There is increasing evidence that they can heal us physically, mentally,emotionally,and spiritually.In fact,every system of the body responds to laughter in some positive,healing way.So how can we get more laughter into our lives?______(46)Psychologist and author.Steve Wilson,has some answers.Many people believe that we are born with a sense of humor.They think,"either you've got it,or you don't."Dr.Wilson points out that this is false.______(47)The parts of the brain and central nervous system that control laughing and smiling are mature at brith.______(48)(After all,when a baby laughs,we don't rush over and say,"That kid has a great sense of humor!")A sense of humor is something that you can develop over a lifetime.Sometimes people think that they don"have a good sense of humor because they are not good joke tellers.Dr.Wilson reminds us that telling jokes is only one of many ways to express humor.______(49) Then we will make others laugh, too.A person who has a true sense"'humor is willing and able to see the funny side of everyday life.One of the best definitions of a sense of humor is "the ability to see the nonserious element in a situation." Consider this sign from a store window." Any faulty merchandise will be cheerfully replaced with merchandise of equal quality." The store manager probably placed the sign in the window to impress customers with the store's excellent service.______(50)As Dr.Wilson says,"a good sense of humor means that you don't have to be funny;you just have to see what's funny."______(50)A:What is true,however,is that we are born with the capacity to laugh and smile.B:However,that does not mean that infants have a sense of humor.C:He advises us to lose our inhibitions(抑制)and try to laugh at ourselves.D:Is it possible to develop a sense of humor?E:Everyone experiences this emotion.F:He had a serious purpose,but if you have a sense of humor,you will probably find the sign funny!

共用题干Tiny InvadersThe human body is truly amazing. It allows us to sense the world around us,to do work and have fun, and to move from place to place.In fact,the human body does its work so well that most people don't think about it very much-until they get sick.The germs(致病菌)that make people sick are everywhere. You can ' t see them , but they ' re there. They're sitting on your desk.They're hiding on your computer's keyboard.They're even in the air that you are breathing. There are two types of germs : viruses and bacteria(细菌).Viruses are germs that can only live inside animals or plants. Viruses cause illnesses such as flu and measles(麻疹).Bacteria are tiny creatures.Some bacteria are good.They can help your stomach break down food.Other bacteria aren't so good. They can make you sick. Bacteria can cause sore throats(喉痛)and ear infections.How can you stop these tiny invaders from making you sick?Your skin is the first defense against germs.You can prevent some illnesses simply by washing,with soap and water. But germs can still enter the body through small cuts in the skin or through the mouth,eyes,and nose.Once germs are inside your body , your immune(免疫的)system tries to protect you. It looks for and destroys germs.How does it do that?Special cells patrol your body.Some of these cells actually eat germs! Other cells make antibodies.An antibody sticks to a germ.There is a different antibody for each kind ofgerm.Some antibodies keep germs from making you sick.Others help your body find and kill germs.After agerm is destroyed,the antibodies stay in your body.They protect you if the same kind of germ comes back. That way you will not get the same illness twice.You can keep your body healthy by eating a nutritious(有营养的)diet to make your immune systerm strong. You can also help your immune system fight germs by getting vaccinated(接种).Vaccines are medicines.They contain germs that have been killed or weakened.The dead germs can't make you sick. Instead,they cause your body to make antibodies.If the same germ ever shows up again,then yourantibodies attack it.Washing your skin can prevent some illnesses.A:RightB:WrongC:Not mentioned

共用题干Tiny InvadersThe human body is truly amazing. It allows us to sense the world around us,to do work and have fun, and to move from place to place.In fact,the human body does its work so well that most people don't think about it very much-until they get sick.The germs(致病菌)that make people sick are everywhere. You can ' t see them , but they ' re there. They're sitting on your desk.They're hiding on your computer's keyboard.They're even in the air that you are breathing. There are two types of germs : viruses and bacteria(细菌).Viruses are germs that can only live inside animals or plants. Viruses cause illnesses such as flu and measles(麻疹).Bacteria are tiny creatures.Some bacteria are good.They can help your stomach break down food.Other bacteria aren't so good. They can make you sick. Bacteria can cause sore throats(喉痛)and ear infections.How can you stop these tiny invaders from making you sick?Your skin is the first defense against germs.You can prevent some illnesses simply by washing,with soap and water. But germs can still enter the body through small cuts in the skin or through the mouth,eyes,and nose.Once germs are inside your body , your immune(免疫的)system tries to protect you. It looks for and destroys germs.How does it do that?Special cells patrol your body.Some of these cells actually eat germs! Other cells make antibodies.An antibody sticks to a germ.There is a different antibody for each kind ofgerm.Some antibodies keep germs from making you sick.Others help your body find and kill germs.After agerm is destroyed,the antibodies stay in your body.They protect you if the same kind of germ comes back. That way you will not get the same illness twice.You can keep your body healthy by eating a nutritious(有营养的)diet to make your immune systerm strong. You can also help your immune system fight germs by getting vaccinated(接种).Vaccines are medicines.They contain germs that have been killed or weakened.The dead germs can't make you sick. Instead,they cause your body to make antibodies.If the same germ ever shows up again,then yourantibodies attack it.Viruses can only live inside people or animals.A:RightB:WrongC:Not mentioned

共用题干第二篇The next big breakthrough in artificial intelligence could come from giving machines not just more logical capacity,but emotional capacity as well.Feeling aren't usually associated with inanimate(无生命的)machines, but Posalind Picard, a professor of computer technology at MIT,believes emotion may be just the thing computes need to work effectively.Computers need artificial emotion both to understand their human users better and to achieve self-analysis and self-improvement,says Picard."If we want computers to be genuinely intelligent,to adapt to us,and to interact naturally with us,then they will need the ability to recognize and express emotions,to have emotions,and to have what has come to be called emotional intelligence,"Picard says.One way that emotions can help computers,she suggests,is by helping keep them from crashing. Today's computers produce error messages,but they do not have a "gut feeling" of knowing when something is wrong or doesn't make sense.A healthy fear of death could motivate a computer to stop trouble as soon as it starts.On the other hand, self-preservation would need to be subordinate to service to humans.It was fear of its own death that promoted RAL,the fictional computer in the film 2002 :A Space Odyssey, to extermine(消灭)most of its human associates.Similarly,computers that could"read"their users would accumulate a store of highly personal information about us一not just what we said and did,but what we likely thought and felt."Emotion not only contribute to a richer quality of interaction,but they directly impact a person's ability to interact in an intelligent way,"Picard says."Emotional skills,especially the ability to recognize and express emotions,are essential for natural communication with humans." What does the author think about the computers with emotions?A:The author has high expectation for its potential in the future.B:The author worries that it will threaten the security of human beings.C:The author doubts its capacity to interact with human beings.D:The author believes that it will take the place of human beings in many aspects.

When I opened the first "Body Shop" in 1976, what I wanted to do was to earn (挣) enough money to feed my children. Today the "Body Shop" is a great company growing fast all around the world. In the years since we began, I have learned a lot. Much of what I have learned will be found in this book, because I believe that we, as a company, have something worth saying about how to run a successful business without giving up what you really believe in.It's not an ordinary business book. It is not just about my life, either. The message is that to succeed in business you have to be different. Business can be fun, and can be run with love and do good. In business, as in life, I need to enjoy myself, to have a feeling of my family and to feel excited by something unusual. I have always wanted the people who work for the "Body Shop" to feel the same way.Now this book sends these ideas out into the world, and makes them public. I'd like to think there are no limits (界限) to our "family", and no limits to what can be done. I find that an exciting thought. I hope you do, too.How does the writer feel about the business she runs?A. It's the biggest company in the world.B. It will possibly be more successful.C. It's one of the most successful businesses.D. It is the only company that is growing all around the world.

共用题干PainAll of us have felt pain.We have cut ourselves.We have been burned.Or we have had headaches. Some of us suffer pain rarely.______(46)Pain can take complete control of our body and mind,making it impossible to move and even to think. Yet we need pain.Without it,we would not know if we have hurt ourselves.It is our body's warning system.______(47) Pain is the most common reason we go to a doctor.It is the most common reason we take medicines.Until recently,however,most doctors knew of only a few drugs that stopped some pains.______(48)But new knowledge about the process of pain is helping them to control pain better.Scientists have learned that the sense of pain is made up of both chemical and electrical signals.______(49)Scientists also have learned that the nervous system sends two different kinds of pain messages to the brain:one very fast,the other slow.The first message is the warning signal.It moves at a speed of 30 meters a second.In less than a second,the brain understands that part of the body is hurt andhow badly it is injured.______(50)It tells us not to use the injured part until it heals.______(48)A:And others have painful attacks all the time.B:These signals travel from nerve cells in the injured area , up the spinal cord(脊髓)to the brain , and back down again.C:It tells us that we are injured and should do something about it.D:They knew little about the process of pain itself.E:The other message moves at a g peed of only one meter a second.F:And they send the second,slower message of pain to the brain.

共用题干Tiny InvadersThe human body is truly amazing.It allows us to sense the world around us,to do work and have fun,and to move from place to place.In fact,the human body does its work so well that most people don't think about it very much一until they get sick.The germs(致病菌)that make people sick are everywhere.You can't see them, but they're there.They're sitting on your desk.They're hiding on your computer's keyboard.They're even in the air that you are breathing.There are two types of germs:viruses and bacteria(细菌).Viruses are germs that can only live inside animals or plants.Viruses cause illnesses such as flu and measles(麻疹).Bacteria are tiny creatures.Some bacteria are good.They can help your stomach break down food.Other bacteria aren't so good.They can make you sick.Bacteria can cause sore throats(喉痛)and ear infections.How can you stop these tiny invaders from making you sick?Your skin is the first de-fense against germs.You can prevent some illnesses simply by washing,with soap and wa-ter.But germs can still enter the body through small cuts in the skin or through the mouth, eyes,and nose.Once germs are inside your body, your immune(免疫的)system tries to protect you.It looks for and destroys germs.How does it do that?Special cells patrol your body.Some of these cells actually eat germs!Other cells make antibodies.An antibody sticks to a germ.There is a different antibody for each kind of germ.Some antibodies keep germs from making you sick.Others help your body find and kill germs.After a germ is destroyed,the antibodies stay in your body.They protect you if the same kind of germ comes back.That way you will not get the same illness twice.You can keep your body healthy by eating a nutritious(有营养的)diet to make your immune system strong.You can also help your immune system fight germs by getting vaccinated(接种).Vaccines are medicines.They contain germs that have been killed or weakened.The dead germs can't make you sick.Instead,they cause your body to make antibodies.If the same germ ever shows up again,then your antibodies attack it.Washing your skin can prevent some illnesses.A:RightB:WrongC:Not mentioned

共用题干Tiny InvadersThe human body is truly amazing.It allows us to sense the world around us,to do work and have fun,and to move from place to place.In fact,the human body does its work so well that most people don't think about it very much一until they get sick.The germs(致病菌)that make people sick are everywhere.You can't see them, but they're there.They're sitting on your desk.They're hiding on your computer's keyboard.They're even in the air that you are breathing.There are two types of germs:viruses and bacteria(细菌).Viruses are germs that can only live inside animals or plants.Viruses cause illnesses such as flu and measles(麻疹).Bacteria are tiny creatures.Some bacteria are good.They can help your stomach break down food.Other bacteria aren't so good.They can make you sick.Bacteria can cause sore throats(喉痛)and ear infections.How can you stop these tiny invaders from making you sick?Your skin is the first de-fense against germs.You can prevent some illnesses simply by washing,with soap and wa-ter.But germs can still enter the body through small cuts in the skin or through the mouth, eyes,and nose.Once germs are inside your body, your immune(免疫的)system tries to protect you.It looks for and destroys germs.How does it do that?Special cells patrol your body.Some of these cells actually eat germs!Other cells make antibodies.An antibody sticks to a germ.There is a different antibody for each kind of germ.Some antibodies keep germs from making you sick.Others help your body find and kill germs.After a germ is destroyed,the antibodies stay in your body.They protect you if the same kind of germ comes back.That way you will not get the same illness twice.You can keep your body healthy by eating a nutritious(有营养的)diet to make your immune system strong.You can also help your immune system fight germs by getting vaccinated(接种).Vaccines are medicines.They contain germs that have been killed or weakened.The dead germs can't make you sick.Instead,they cause your body to make antibodies.If the same germ ever shows up again,then your antibodies attack it.Viruses can only live inside people or animals.A:RightB:WrongC:Not mentioned

共用题干Tiny InvadersThe human body is truly amazing.It allows us to sense the world around us,to do work and have fun,and to move from place to place.In fact,the human body does its work so well that most people don't think about it very much一until they get sick.The germs(致病菌)that make people sick are everywhere.You can't see them, but they're there.They're sitting on your desk.They're hiding on your computer's keyboard.They're even in the air that you are breathing.There are two types of germs:viruses and bacteria(细菌).Viruses are germs that can only live inside animals or plants.Viruses cause illnesses such as flu and measles(麻疹).Bacteria are tiny creatures.Some bacteria are good.They can help your stomach break down food.Other bacteria aren't so good.They can make you sick.Bacteria can cause sore throats(喉痛)and ear infections.How can you stop these tiny invaders from making you sick?Your skin is the first de-fense against germs.You can prevent some illnesses simply by washing,with soap and wa-ter.But germs can still enter the body through small cuts in the skin or through the mouth, eyes,and nose.Once germs are inside your body, your immune(免疫的)system tries to protect you.It looks for and destroys germs.How does it do that?Special cells patrol your body.Some of these cells actually eat germs!Other cells make antibodies.An antibody sticks to a germ.There is a different antibody for each kind of germ.Some antibodies keep germs from making you sick.Others help your body find and kill germs.After a germ is destroyed,the antibodies stay in your body.They protect you if the same kind of germ comes back.That way you will not get the same illness twice.You can keep your body healthy by eating a nutritious(有营养的)diet to make your immune system strong.You can also help your immune system fight germs by getting vaccinated(接种).Vaccines are medicines.They contain germs that have been killed or weakened.The dead germs can't make you sick.Instead,they cause your body to make antibodies.If the same germ ever shows up again,then your antibodies attack it.Germs can enter the body through the eyes.A:RightB:WrongC:Not mentioned

共用题干Tiny InvadersThe human body is truly amazing.It allows us to sense the world around us,to do work and have fun,and to move from place to place.In fact,the human body does its work so well that most people don't think about it very much一until they get sick.The germs(致病菌)that make people sick are everywhere.You can't see them, but they're there.They're sitting on your desk.They're hiding on your computer's keyboard.They're even in the air that you are breathing.There are two types of germs:viruses and bacteria(细菌).Viruses are germs that can only live inside animals or plants.Viruses cause illnesses such as flu and measles(麻疹).Bacteria are tiny creatures.Some bacteria are good.They can help your stomach break down food.Other bacteria aren't so good.They can make you sick.Bacteria can cause sore throats(喉痛)and ear infections.How can you stop these tiny invaders from making you sick?Your skin is the first de-fense against germs.You can prevent some illnesses simply by washing,with soap and wa-ter.But germs can still enter the body through small cuts in the skin or through the mouth, eyes,and nose.Once germs are inside your body, your immune(免疫的)system tries to protect you.It looks for and destroys germs.How does it do that?Special cells patrol your body.Some of these cells actually eat germs!Other cells make antibodies.An antibody sticks to a germ.There is a different antibody for each kind of germ.Some antibodies keep germs from making you sick.Others help your body find and kill germs.After a germ is destroyed,the antibodies stay in your body.They protect you if the same kind of germ comes back.That way you will not get the same illness twice.You can keep your body healthy by eating a nutritious(有营养的)diet to make your immune system strong.You can also help your immune system fight germs by getting vaccinated(接种).Vaccines are medicines.They contain germs that have been killed or weakened.The dead germs can't make you sick.Instead,they cause your body to make antibodies.If the same germ ever shows up again,then your antibodies attack it.All bacteria cause illnesses.A:RightB:WrongC:Not mentioned

共用题干Computer MouseThe basic computer mouse is an amazingly clever invention with a relatively simple design that allows us to point at things on the computer and it is very productive.Think of all the things you can do with a mouse like selecting text for copying and pasting,drawing,and even scrolling on the page with the newer mice with the wheel. Most of us use the computer mouse daily without stopping to think how it works until it gets dirty and we have to learn how to clean it. We learn to point at thing before we learn to speak,so the mouse is a very natural pointing device.Other computer pointing devices include light pens,graphics tablets and touch screen,but the mouse is still our workhorse.The computer mouse was invented in 1964 by Douglas Englehart of Stanford University.As computer screens became popular and arrow keys were used to more around a body of text,it became clear that a pointing device that allowed easier motion through the text and even selection of text would be very useful.The introduction of the mouse,with the Apple Lisa computer in 1983,really started the computer public on the road to relying on the mouse for routine computer tasks.How does the mouse work?We have to start at the bottom,so think upside down for now. It all starts with mouse ball. As the mouse ball in the bottom of the mouse rolls over the mouse pad,it presses against and turns two shafts.The shafts are connected to wheels with several small holes in them. The wheels have a pair of small electronic light-emitting devices called light emitting diodes (LED)mounted on either side.One LED sends a light beam to the LED on the other side.As the wheels spin and a hole rotates by,the light beam gets through to the LED on the other side.But a moment later the light beam is blocked until the next hole is in place.The LED detects a changing pattern of light,converts the pattern into an electronic signal,and sends the signal to the computer through wires in a cable that goes out the mouse body.This cable is the tail that helps give the mouse its name.The computer interprets the signal to tell it where to position the cursor on the computer screen.So far we have only discussed the basic computer mouse that most of you probably have or have used.One problem with this design is that the mouse gets dirty as the ball rolls over the surface and picks up the dirt. Eventually you have to clean your mouse. The newer optical mice avoid this problem by having no moving parts.The computer mouse derives its name from the cable that goes out its body,which looks like the tail of a mouse.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

There is no creature that does not need sleep or complete rest every day.If you want to know why,just try going without sleep for a long period of time.You will discover that your mind and body would become too tired to work properly.You would become irritable and find it hard to think clearly or concentrate on your work.So sleep is quite simply the time when the ceils of?your body recover from the work of the day and build up supplies of energy for the next period of activity.One of the things we all know about sleep is that we are Unconscious in sleep,We do not know what is going on around us.But that do.esn′t mean the body stops all activity.The important organs continue to work during sleep,but most of the body functions are slowed down.For example,our breathing becomes slower and deeper.The heart beats more slowly,and the blood pressure is lower.Our arms and legs become limp(柔软的)and muscles are at rest.It would be impossible for our body to relax to such an extent if we were awake.So sleep does for us what the?most quiet rest can not do.Your body temperature becomes lower when you are asleep,which is the reason people go to sleep under some kind of covers.And even though you are unconscious,many of your reflexes(反射动作)still work.For instance,if someone tickles(使觉得痒)your foot,you will put it away in your sleep,or even brush a fly from your forehead.You do these things without knowing it.When you are sleeping,A.all of you reflexes stop workingB.most of your reflexes stop workingC.many of your reflexes still workD.all of your reflexes still work

There is no creature that does not need sleep or complete rest every day.If you want to know why,just try going without sleep for a long period of time.You will discover that your mind and body would become too tired to work properly.You would become irritable and find it hard to think clearly or concentrate on your work.So sleep is quite simply the time when the ceils of?your body recover from the work of the day and build up supplies of energy for the next period of activity.One of the things we all know about sleep is that we are Unconscious in sleep,We do not know what is going on around us.But that do.esn′t mean the body stops all activity.The important organs continue to work during sleep,but most of the body functions are slowed down.For example,our breathing becomes slower and deeper.The heart beats more slowly,and the blood pressure is lower.Our arms and legs become limp(柔软的)and muscles are at rest.It would be impossible for our body to relax to such an extent if we were awake.So sleep does for us what the?most quiet rest can not do.Your body temperature becomes lower when you are asleep,which is the reason people go to sleep under some kind of covers.And even though you are unconscious,many of your reflexes(反射动作)still work.For instance,if someone tickles(使觉得痒)your foot,you will put it away in your sleep,or even brush a fly from your forehead.You do these things without knowing it.In the clause"...that we are unconscious in sleep"(Pam.3),the word"unconscious"means__________.A.untiringB.unmovedC.quietD.not knowing what is happening around

There is no creature that does not need sleep or complete rest every day.If you want to know why,just try going without sleep for a long period of time.You will discover that your mind and body would become too tired to work properly.You would become irritable and find it hard to think clearly or concentrate on your work.So sleep is quite simply the time when the ceils of?your body recover from the work of the day and build up supplies of energy for the next period of activity.One of the things we all know about sleep is that we are Unconscious in sleep,We do not know what is going on around us.But that do.esn′t mean the body stops all activity.The important organs continue to work during sleep,but most of the body functions are slowed down.For example,our breathing becomes slower and deeper.The heart beats more slowly,and the blood pressure is lower.Our arms and legs become limp(柔软的)and muscles are at rest.It would be impossible for our body to relax to such an extent if we were awake.So sleep does for us what the?most quiet rest can not do.Your body temperature becomes lower when you are asleep,which is the reason people go to sleep under some kind of covers.And even though you are unconscious,many of your reflexes(反射动作)still work.For instance,if someone tickles(使觉得痒)your foot,you will put it away in your sleep,or even brush a fly from your forehead.You do these things without knowing it.The cells of your body develop supplies of energy__________A.when you are asleepB.when you recover from your work of the dayC.in the next period of activityD.when you are quiet

There is no creature that does not need sleep or complete rest every day.If you want to know why,just try going without sleep for a long period of time.You will discover that your mind and body would become too tired to work properly.You would become irritable and find it hard to think clearly or concentrate on your work.So sleep is quite simply the time when the ceils of?your body recover from the work of the day and build up supplies of energy for the next period of activity.One of the things we all know about sleep is that we are Unconscious in sleep,We do not know what is going on around us.But that do.esn′t mean the body stops all activity.The important organs continue to work during sleep,but most of the body functions are slowed down.For example,our breathing becomes slower and deeper.The heart beats more slowly,and the blood pressure is lower.Our arms and legs become limp(柔软的)and muscles are at rest.It would be impossible for our body to relax to such an extent if we were awake.So sleep does for us what the?most quiet rest can not do.Your body temperature becomes lower when you are asleep,which is the reason people go to sleep under some kind of covers.And even though you are unconscious,many of your reflexes(反射动作)still work.For instance,if someone tickles(使觉得痒)your foot,you will put it away in your sleep,or even brush a fly from your forehead.You do these things without knowing it.If you don′t have as much sleep as your body needs,you will__________A.work properlyB.think clearlyC.keep your attention on your workD.easily get angry

共用题干第二篇Three Ways to Become More CreativeMost people believe they don't have much imagination.They are wrong. Everyone has imagination,but most of us,once we become adults,forget how to access it. Creativity isn't always connected with great works of art or ideas.People at work and in their free time routinely think of creative ways to solve problems.Maybe you have a goal to achieve,a tricky question to answer or you just want to expand your mind!Here are three techniques to help you.This technique involves taking unrelated ideas and trying to find links between them.First,think about the problem you have to solve or the job you need to do.Then find an image,word,idea or object,for exam- pie,a candle.Write down all the ideas/words associated with candles:light,fire,matches,wax,night,silence, etc.Think of as many as you can?The next stage is to relate the ideas to the job you have to do?So imagine you want to buy a friend an original present,you could buy him tickets to a match or take him out for thenight.Imagine that normal limitations don't exist. You have as much time/space/money,etc.as you want. Think about your goal and the new possibilities.If,for example,your goal is to learn to ski,you can now prac- tice skiing every day of your life(because you have the time and the money).Now adapt this to reality.May- be you can practice skiing every day in December,or every Monday in January.Look at the situation from a different point of view. Good negotiators(谈判者)use this technique in business; and so do writers.Fiction writers often imagine they are the characters in their books.They ask questions: what does this character want?Why can't she get it?What changes must she make to get what she wants? What does she dream about?If your goal involves other people,put yourself" in their shoes".The best fisher- men think like fish!According to the passage,when we become adults_______________.A:most of us are no longer creativeB:we are not as imaginative as childrenC:we can still learn to be more creativeD:we are unwilling to be creative

共用题干Do You Have a Sense of Humor?Humor and laughter are good for us.There is increasing evidence that they can heal us physically mentally,emotionally,and spiritually.In fact,every system of the body responds to laughter in some positive healing way.So how can we get more laughter into our lives?_______(46)Psychologist and author Steve Wilson,has some answers.Many people believe that we are born with a sense of humor.They think,"either you've got it,or you don't."Dr.Wilson points out that this is false._________(47)The parts of the brain and central nervous system that control laughing and smiling are mature at birth.______(48)(After all,when a baby laughs,we don't rush over and say,"That kid has a great sens(of humor!")A sense of humor is something that you can develop over a lifetime.Sometimes people think that they don't have a good sense of humor because they are not good joke tellers Dr.Wilson reminds us that telling jokes is only one of many ways to express humor._______(49)Then we will make others laugh,too.A person who has a true sense of humor is willing and able to see the funny side of everyday life.On of the best definitions of a sense of humor is"the ability to see the nonserious element in a situation".Consider this sign from a store window:"Any faulty merchanJise will be cheerfully replaced with merchandise of equal quality."The store manager probably placed the sign in the window to impress customers with the store's excellent service.________(50)As Dr.Wilson says,"a good sense of humormeans that you don't have to be funny,you just have to see what's funny."_______(47)A:Everyone experiences this emotion.B:Is it possible to develop a sense of humor?C:He advises us to lose our inhibitions(抑制)and try to laugh at ourselves.D:However,that does not mean that infants have a sense of humor.E:What is true,however,is that we are born with the capacity to laugh and smile.F:He had a serious purpose,but if you have a sense of humor,you will probably find the sign funny!

共用题干Tiny InvadersThe human body is truly amazing. It allows us to sense the world around us,to do work and have fun, and to move from place to place.In fact,the human body does its work so well that most people don't think about it very much一until they get sick.The germs(致病菌)that make people sick are everywhere. You can ' t see them , but they ' re there. They're sitting on your desk.They're hiding on your computer's keyboard.They're even in the air that you are breathing. There are two types of germs : viruses and bacteria(细菌).Viruses are germs that can only live inside animals or plants. Viruses cause illnesses such as flu and measles(麻疹).Bacteria are tiny creatures.Some bacteria are good.They can help your stomach break down food.Other bacteria aren't so good. They can make you sick. Bacteria can cause sore throats(喉痛)and ear infections.How can you stop these tiny invaders from making you sick?Your skin is the first defense against germs.You can prevent some illnesses simply by washing,with soap and water. But germs can still enter the body through small cuts in the skin or through the mouth,eyes,and nose.Once germs are inside your body, your immune(免疫的)system tries to protect you. It looks for and destroys germs.How does it do that?Special cells patrol your body.Some of these cells actually eat germs! Other cells make antibodies.An antibody sticks to a germ.There is a different antibody for each kind of germ. Some antibodies keep germs from making you sick.Others help your body find and kill germs.After a germ is destroyed,the antibodies stay in your body.They protect you if the same kind of germ comes back. That way you will not get the same illness twice.You can keep your body healthy by eating a nutritious(有营养的)diet to make your immune system strong. You can also help your immune system fight germs by getting vaccinated(接种).Vaccines are medicines.They contain germs that have been killed or weakened.The dead germs can't make you sick. Instead,they cause your body to make antibodies.If the same germ ever shows up again,then your antibodies attack it.Vaccines can make you sick.A:RightB:WrongC:Not mentioned

共用题干Tiny InvadersThe human body is truly amazing. It allows us to sense the world around us,to do work and have fun, and to move from place to place.In fact,the human body does its work so well that most people don't think about it very much一until they get sick.The germs(致病菌)that make people sick are everywhere. You can ' t see them , but they ' re there. They're sitting on your desk.They're hiding on your computer's keyboard.They're even in the air that you are breathing. There are two types of germs : viruses and bacteria(细菌).Viruses are germs that can only live inside animals or plants. Viruses cause illnesses such as flu and measles(麻疹).Bacteria are tiny creatures.Some bacteria are good.They can help your stomach break down food.Other bacteria aren't so good. They can make you sick. Bacteria can cause sore throats(喉痛)and ear infections.How can you stop these tiny invaders from making you sick?Your skin is the first defense against germs.You can prevent some illnesses simply by washing,with soap and water. But germs can still enter the body through small cuts in the skin or through the mouth,eyes,and nose.Once germs are inside your body, your immune(免疫的)system tries to protect you. It looks for and destroys germs.How does it do that?Special cells patrol your body.Some of these cells actually eat germs! Other cells make antibodies.An antibody sticks to a germ.There is a different antibody for each kind of germ. Some antibodies keep germs from making you sick.Others help your body find and kill germs.After a germ is destroyed,the antibodies stay in your body.They protect you if the same kind of germ comes back. That way you will not get the same illness twice.You can keep your body healthy by eating a nutritious(有营养的)diet to make your immune system strong. You can also help your immune system fight germs by getting vaccinated(接种).Vaccines are medicines.They contain germs that have been killed or weakened.The dead germs can't make you sick. Instead,they cause your body to make antibodies.If the same germ ever shows up again,then your antibodies attack it.After they kill germs,antibodies stay in the body.A:RightB: WrongC:Not mentioned

共用题干Tiny InvadersThe human body is truly amazing. It allows us to sense the world around us,to do work and have fun, and to move from place to place.In fact,the human body does its work so well that most people don't think about it very much一until they get sick.The germs(致病菌)that make people sick are everywhere. You can ' t see them , but they ' re there. They're sitting on your desk.They're hiding on your computer's keyboard.They're even in the air that you are breathing. There are two types of germs : viruses and bacteria(细菌).Viruses are germs that can only live inside animals or plants. Viruses cause illnesses such as flu and measles(麻疹).Bacteria are tiny creatures.Some bacteria are good.They can help your stomach break down food.Other bacteria aren't so good. They can make you sick. Bacteria can cause sore throats(喉痛)and ear infections.How can you stop these tiny invaders from making you sick?Your skin is the first defense against germs.You can prevent some illnesses simply by washing,with soap and water. But germs can still enter the body through small cuts in the skin or through the mouth,eyes,and nose.Once germs are inside your body, your immune(免疫的)system tries to protect you. It looks for and destroys germs.How does it do that?Special cells patrol your body.Some of these cells actually eat germs! Other cells make antibodies.An antibody sticks to a germ.There is a different antibody for each kind of germ. Some antibodies keep germs from making you sick.Others help your body find and kill germs.After a germ is destroyed,the antibodies stay in your body.They protect you if the same kind of germ comes back. That way you will not get the same illness twice.You can keep your body healthy by eating a nutritious(有营养的)diet to make your immune system strong. You can also help your immune system fight germs by getting vaccinated(接种).Vaccines are medicines.They contain germs that have been killed or weakened.The dead germs can't make you sick. Instead,they cause your body to make antibodies.If the same germ ever shows up again,then your antibodies attack it.Viruses can only live inside people or animals.A:RightB:WrongC:Not mentioned

共用题干第三篇Almost Human?Scientists are racing to build the world's first thinking robot.This is not science fiction: some say they will have made it by the year 2020.Carol Packer reports.Machines that walk,speak and feel are no longer science fiction.Kismet is the nameof an android(机器人)which scientists have built at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT).Kismet is different from the traditional robot because it can show human emotions.Its eyes,ears and lips move to show when it feels happy,sad or bored. Kismet is one of the first of a new generation of androids一robots that look like human beings一which can imitate human feelings.Cog,another android invented by the MIT, imitates the action of a mother. However,scientists admit that so far Cog has the mental ability of a two-year-old.The optimists(乐观主义者)say that by the year 2020 we will have created humanoids (机器人)with brains similar to those of an adult human being. These robots will be designed to look like people to make them more attractive and easier to sell to the public. What kind of jobs will they do?In the future,robots like Robonaut,a humanoid invented by NASA,will be doing dangerous jobs,like repairing space stations.They wi}{also be doing more and more of the household work for us.In Japan,scientists are designing androids that will entertain us by dancing and playing the piano.Some people worry about what the future holds:will robots become monsters(怪物)? Will people themselves become increasingly like robots?Experts predict that more and more people will be wearing micro-computers,connected to the Internet,in the future.People will have micro-chips in various parts of their body,which will connect them to a wide variety of gadgets(小装置).Perhaps we should not exaggerate(夸大)the importance of technology,but one wonders whether,in years to come,we will still be falling in love, and whether we will still feel pain.Who knows?In the future robots will alsoA:explore space. B:entertain people.C:move much faster. D:do all of the housework.

单选题The author of Passage 1 states that the human body is more like a garbage dump than a watch (lines 8-9) to emphasize that ______.Athe parts of the human body don't always work together seamlessly to keep us alive and functioningBthe human body cannot be counted on to work flawlessly, while watches rarely failCscientists can never tell ahead of time which experiments will work and which will notDthe human body exists in its present state due to a long evolutionary process that began more than 500 million years agoEthe human body contains many useless renmants left over from the evolutionary process

问答题TechnologyWhen faced with some new and possibly confusing technological change, most people react in one of two ways. They (1)____refuse to accept anything new, claiming that it is unnecessary or too complicated or that it somehow makes life less than human. Or they learn to (2) ada____ to the new invention, and eventually wonder how they could possibly have existed without it. (3)____computers as an example. For many of us, they still represent a (4) thr____ to our freedom, and give us a frightening sense of a future in which all (5)____(decide) will be taken by machines. This may be because they seem mysterious, and difficult to (6) und____. Ask most people what you use a home computer for, and you can usually get vague answers about how “they give you information”. In fact, even those of us who are familiar with computers, and use them in our daily work, have very little idea of how they (7)____. But it does not take long to learn how to operate a business programme, even if things occasionally go (8)____for no apparent reason. Presumably much the same happened when the telephone and the television became widespread. What seems to alarm most people is the speed of (9)____(technology) change, rather than change itself. And the objections that are made to new technology may well have a point to them, (10) si____ change is not always an improvement. As we discover during power cuts, there is a lot to be said for the oil lamp, the coal fire, and forms of entertainment, such as books or board games, that don’t have to be plugged into work.