The importance of the distinction between a charter by demise and a charter party proper ______ that under the former the master is the agent of the Charterer,not of the Shipowner.A.hasB.haveC.isD.are

The importance of the distinction between a charter by demise and a charter party proper ______ that under the former the master is the agent of the Charterer,not of the Shipowner.





A charter party is an agreement between________.A.the Shipowner and his agentB.the Charterer and his agentC.the Shipowner and the ChartererD.the merchant and the Charterer

On a voyage charter party when the vessel is in port the charter will specify a definite period of time for loading or discharging of cargo by the Charterer.This time is called ________ .A.DemurrageB.DispatchC.Days of readinessD.Laydays

The S.S. Hollowpoint has a charter party in which the charterer assumes no responsibility for the operation of the vessel but pays stevedoring expenses. What is the name of the charter party? ______.A.BareboatB.DispatchC.VoyageD.Demise

______ is a charter form,in which the bare ship is chartered without crew and Charterer takes over the vessel with a minimum of restrictions.A.Time CharterB.Trip CharterC.Demise CharterD.Voyage Charter

______ is not a type of charter-party.A.A voyage charter-partyB.A time charter-partyC.A charter-party by demiseD.The charter of the United Nations

A Contract of Affreightment covering the movement of a particular cargo from one designated port to another at a specified rate for each ton of goods loaded is called a ______.A.bareboat charter partyB.demise charter partyC.time charter charter party

A vessel has a charter party for one voyage to carry a full load of manganese from Durban,South Africa,to Baltimore,Maryland,at a stipulated rate per ton. Which type of contract is involved? ______.A.Bareboat charter partyB.Voyage charter partyC.Demise charter partyD.Time charter party

The owners of the S.S. Short Haul agree to a charter with the Longsplice Steamship Company. The owners stipulate in the charter party that the regular Master must be employed as the vessel's Master for the entire life of the contract. Which charter has beA.BareboatB.LeaseC.TimeD.Voyage

The S.S. Microwave has been chartered to the Longline Steamship Company. The Longline Steamship Company agrees to pay all expenses and employ and pay the crew. Which type of contract is involved? ______.A.Bareboat Charter PartyB.Lease Charter PartyC.Time Charter PartyD.Voyage Charter Party

翻译:bareboat charter or demise charter party

地区条款(trade limits in a time charter party)

翻译:all bills of lading issued under this charter party shall be endorsed“the printed clauses of the bill of lading shall stand null and void of they are not in conformity with the charter party.”

翻译:charter party

单选题A Contract of Affreightment covering the movement of a particular cargo from one designated port to another at a specified rate for each ton of goods loaded is called a().Abareboat charter partyBdemise charter partyCtime charter partyDvoyage charter party

单选题It is an()condition precedent in every voyage charter-party that the ship shall proceed on the voyage without departure from her proper course.AimplementedBimpliedCimpossibleDimproper

单选题If the Shipowner has failed to carry out a term of a time charter-party whereby he undertakes to maintain the vessel in a seaworthy state,this only()the Charterer to sue him for damages,and not to repudiate the charter-party.AcompliesBentitlesCsuppliesDprovides

单选题The importance of the distinction between a charter by demise and a charter party proper ()that under the former the master is the agent of the Charterer,not of the Shipowner.AhasBhaveCisDare

单选题A vessel has a charter party for one voyage to carry a full load of manganese from Durban,South Africa,to Baltimore,Maryland,at a stipulated rate per ton. Which type of contract is involved? ()ABareboat charter partyBVoyage charter partyCDemise charter partyDTime charter party

单选题The S.S. Microwave has been chartered to the Longline Steamship Company. The Longline Steamship Company agrees to pay all expenses and employ and pay the crew. Which type of contract is involved? ().ABareboat Charter PartyBLease Charter PartyCTime Charter PartyDVoyage Charter Party

单选题Where a time charter-party is wrongfully(),the Charterer is entitled to claim damages amounting the difference between the contract rate for the balance of the period of the charter-party and the market rate for the chartering a substitute vessel.AreproducedBrepatriatedCrepudiatedDrecovered

单选题The S.S. Hollowpoint has a charter party in which the charterer assumes no responsibility for the operation of the vessel but pays stevedoring expenses. What is the name of the charter party? ().ABareboatBDispatchCVoyageDDemise

单选题The owners of the S.S. Short Haul agree to a charter with the Longsplice Steamship Company. The owners stipulate in the charter party that the regular Master must be employed as the vessel’s Master for the entire life of the contract. Which charter has be ().ABareboatBLeaseCTimeDVoyage

问答题翻译:bareboat charter or demise charter party

单选题()is not a type of charter-party.AA voyage charter-partyBA time charter-partyCA charter-party by demiseDThe charter of the United Nations

单选题C/P means:Charter--Party that is made between().Athe Charterer and the PartyBthe Charterer and the ShipownerCthe Charterer and the CargoownerDthe Charterer and the Shipper

单选题()is not a standard form of charter-party.AGenconBRusswoodCNypeDMERSAR

问答题翻译:charter party