There is implied term ______ the Charterer must act with reasonable dispatch and in accordance with the ordinary practice of the port in doing those acts which he must do to enable the vessel to become an arrived ship.A.whereB.whichC.thatD.whether

There is implied term ______ the Charterer must act with reasonable dispatch and in accordance with the ordinary practice of the port in doing those acts which he must do to enable the vessel to become an arrived ship.






In relation to the law of contract, distinguish between and explain the effect of:(a) a term and a mere representation; (3 marks)(b) express and implied terms, paying particular regard to the circumstances under which terms may be implied in contracts. (7 marks)

Betty’s suggestion that you () once more sounds reasonable. A、tryB、triesC、must tryD、can try

Whoever you are,you must comply with the law.A.adhere withB.confirm toC.accord toD.abide by

Notice of Readiness to Load must be served ______ the Charterer or his agent.A.toB.forC.atD.on

A charterer is unable to complete the loading of a vessel during the lay days specified in the charter party. Under these circumstances,the ______.A.vessel operator can collect demurrageB.ship is authorized extra time to discharge the cargoC.charterer must pay dispatch moneyD.effective period of the charter is extended

A sum of money paid by the Shipowner to Charterer for completing loading or discharging a cargo in less time than that stipulated in Charter Party as laydays.It is ______.A.extra expensesB.dispatch moneyC.demurrageD.remuneration

The cargo must be loaded within the time stipulated by the charter-party,otherwise the Charterer will have to pay ______.A.despatchB.demurrageC.detentionD.damage

If the Shipowner agrees to the voyage originally ordered by the Charterer,he is entitled to be paid hire ______ for the excess a higher rate decided by the a lower rate decided by the a reasonable the current market rate

The Shipowner must not stow goods on deck ______ there is a trade usage to that effect or the Charterer has given his express or implied consent.A.whetherB.ifC.unlessD.that

As in the case of a voyage charter-party,it is implied in the bill of lading that the voyage must be prosecuted with ______.A.operational customB.rational practiceC.due diligenceD.reasonable despatch

The master can refuse to ______ in the bill of lading the statements required by the Act if either he has reasonable grounds for suspecting that the information given by the shipper is inaccurate,or he has no reasonable means of checking it.A.inoculateB.innovateC.inordinateD.incorporate

A breach of the ______ undertaking of seaworthiness at the port of loading entitles the Charterer to refuse to load.A.suppliedB.compliedC.providedD.implied

The charterer has completed loading the vessel in 3 days instead of the 5 days agreed to in the charter party.As a result of this,the ______.A.Shipowner may charge for two laydaysB.Charterer may receive dispatch moneyC.Stevedore may collect demurrageD.Consignee may be required to pay a ceaser fee

I must have been insane to agree to his idea.A:reasonable B:crazy C:sensible D:unbelievable

翻译:Under a voyage charterthe time for loading and discharge and the way of calculationthereofas well as the rate of the demurrage that would incur after the expiration of thelaytime and the rate of dispatch money to be paid as a result of the compeltion of loading ordischarge ahead of schedule,shall be fixed by the shipowner and the charterer upon mutualagreement

单选题The cargo must be loaded within the time stipulated by the charter-party,otherwise the Charterer will have to pay().AdespatchBdemurrageCdetentionDdamage

单选题If the vessel does not arrive by the canceling date,and the Charterer()expenses,these expenses can be claimed by him from the Shipowner where they are in the reasonable contemplation of the parties.AoccursBincursCdiscusDrecurs

单选题It is implied in the last paragraph that _____.Amedicine should be taken timely before it is too lateBit is reasonable to question the effectiveness of medicineCpoor health conditions leave little room for medicine to workDgreat efforts should be made to develop new types of medicine

单选题If the Shipowner agrees to the voyage originally ordered by the Charterer,he is entitled to be paid hire()for the excess period.Aat a higher rate decided by the ownerBat a lower rate decided by the chartererCat a reasonable rateDat the current market rate

问答题翻译:Under a voyage charterthe time for loading and discharge and the way of calculationthereofas well as the rate of the demurrage that would incur after the expiration of thelaytime and the rate of dispatch money to be paid as a result of the compeltion of loading ordischarge ahead of schedule,shall be fixed by the shipowner and the charterer upon mutualagreement

单选题We must take the Charterer’s benefit()full consideration.AinBintoCforDwith

单选题It is not the Charterer’s duty that().Ahe must procure a cargo and bring it alongside the vesselBhe must load a full and complete cargoChe must load in the time stipulatedDhe must have the vessel tightly secured to the quay where the loading is to take place

单选题The consignee’s refusal to take delivery,or failure to do so within a reasonable time,also puts an end to()liability as a carrier.Athe Shipowner'sBthe Charterer'sCthe cargo owner's

单选题There is implied term()the Charterer must act with reasonable dispatch and in accordance with the ordinary practice of the port in doing those acts which he must do to enable the vessel to become an arrived ship.AwhereBwhichCthatDwhether

单选题The Shipowner must not stow goods on deck()there is a trade usage to that effect or the Charterer has given his express or implied consent.AwhetherBifCunlessDthat

单选题A charterer is unable to complete the loading of a vessel during the lay days specified in the charter party. Under these circumstances,the().Avessel operator can collect demurrageBship is authorized extra time to discharge the cargoCcharterer must pay dispatch moneyDeffective period of the charter is extended

单选题As in the case of a voyage charter-party,it is implied in the bill of lading that the voyage must be prosecuted with().Aoperational customBrational practiceCdue diligenceDreasonable despatch

单选题The implied condition(s) with respect to the doctrine of deviation in a marine insurance policy is(are)().Athat the cargo be discharged from the vessel with customary dispatchBthat the voyage be commenced in a reasonable timeCthat the voyage be pursued over the usual and direct routeDAll of the above