In very high latitudes,the most practical chart projection is the ______.A.MercatorB.GnomonicC.AzimuthalD.Lambert conformal

In very high latitudes,the most practical chart projection is the ______.




D.Lambert conformal


To determine what causes the majority of quality problems in a process, a very useful tool is the:A . cause and effect diagrams.B . flow chart.C . control chart.D . pareto chart.E . trend chart.

153 To determine what causes the majority of quality problems in a process, a very useful tool is the: A. cause and effect diagrams.B. flow chart.C. control chart.D. pareto chart.E. trend chart

To agree with larger scale chart,latitudes taken from this chart should be increased ______ about 8

All straight lines represent great circle tracks on a chart based on a(n) ______.A.Mercator projectionB.polyconic projectionC.orthographic projectionD.gnomonic projection

A Mercator chart is a ______.A.cylindrical projectionB.simple conic projectionC.polyconic projectionD.rectangular projection

The only cylindrical chart projection widely used for navigation is the ______.A.Lambert conformalB.MercatorC.azimuthalD.gnomonic

What is the major advantage of a rhumb line track?A.The vessel can steam on a constant heading (disregarding wind,current,etc)B.The rhumb line is the shortest distance between the arrival and departure pointsC.It is easily plotted on a gnomonic chart for comparison with a great circle courseD.It approximates a great circle on east-west courses in high latitudes

When navigating in high latitudes and using a chart based on a Lambert conformal projection,______.A.a straight line drawn on the chart approximates a great circleB.the chart should not be used outside of the standard parallelsC.the course angle is measured at the mid-longitude of the track lineD.distance cannot be measured directly from the chart

When using a Lambert conformal chart in high latitudes,angles such as bearings are measured in reference to ______.A.the meridian through the object of the bearingB.the meridian through the ship's positionC.the meridian midway between the ship and the objectD.any meridian

In which source could you find the number of a chart for a certain geographic area? ______.A.Chart No. 1B.Catalog of ChartsC.IMO Practical NavigatorD.IMO Light List

To ______ Admiralty Charts 438,latitudes taken from this chart should be increased by about 5 seconds.A.convert toB.come toC.look atD.agree with

A chart projection depicting the poles and a small area on either side of a connecting meridian, that is sometimes used for star charts, is the ______.A.azimuthal gnomonic projectionB.Lambert conformal projectionC.transverse Mercator projectionD.polyconic projection

甚高频的英文全称()A、Very high fantasyB、Very high frequencyC、Very high feasible

单选题An amplitude of the Sun in high latitudes().Ais most accurate before sunriseBis most accurate after sunsetCshould only be observed when the Sun's lower limb is above the horizonDis most accurate when the Sun's center is observed on the visible horizon

单选题To () Admiralty Charts 438,latitudes taken from this chart should be increased by about 5 seconds.Aconvert toBcome toClook atDagree with

单选题A chart projection depicting the poles and a small area on either side of a connecting meridian,that is sometimes used for star charts,is the().AAzimuthal gnomonic projectionBLambert conformal projectionCTransverse Mercator projectionDPolyconic projection

单选题“You are very selfish. It’s high time you will realize that you are not the most important person in the world.” Edgar said to his boss angrily.Arealized Bhave realizedCrealize Dshould realized

单选题In very high latitudes,the most practical chart projection is the().AMercatorBGnomonicCAzimuthalDLambert conformal

单选题A great circle track provides the maximum saving in distance on().Aeasterly courses in high latitudesBsoutherly courses in high latitudesCwesterly courses in low latitudesDeasterly courses in low latitudes that cross the equator

单选题When using a Lambert conformal chart in high latitudes,angles such as bearings are measured in reference to ().Athe meridian through the object of the bearingBthe meridian through the ship's positionCthe meridian midway between the ship and the objectDany meridian

单选题The only cylindrical chart projection widely used for navigation is the ().ALambert conformalBMercatorCazimuthalDgnomonic

单选题When a hurricane passes into high latitudes over colder water and the source of heat is disrupted,the storm assumes the characteristics of().Aa high pressure areaBan extratropical cycloneCa tropical stormDan easterly wave

单选题All straight lines represent great circle tracks on a chart based on a(n) ().AMercator projectionBpolyconic projectionCorthographic projectionDgnomonic projection

单选题To agree with larger scale chart,latitudes taken from this chart should be increased () about 8 seconds.AwithBinCbyDto

单选题In which voyage, between two points, is the rhumb line distance not approximately the same as the great circle distance?().AThe two points are in low latitudes in the same hemisphereBThe two points are in high latitudes in the same hemisphereCThe two points are near the equator, but in different hemispheresDOne point is near the equator, one point is in a high latitude, and both are near the 180th meridian

单选题A Mercator chart is a ().Acylindrical projectionBsimple conic projectionCpolyconic projectionDrectangular projection

单选题In which source could you find the number of a chart for a certain geographic area?()AChart No.1BCatalog of ChartsCIMO Practical NavigatorDIMO Light List