使用Inner Outer Key特效时,最多可以设定()Cleanup Foreground和Cleanup Background。

使用Inner Outer Key特效时,最多可以设定()Cleanup Foreground和Cleanup Background。


以下程序的调试结果为?public class Outer{public String name = "Outer";public static void main(String argv[]){Inner i = new Inner();i.showName();}private class Inner{String name =new String("Inner");void showName(){System.out.println(name);}}}A.输出结果 OuterB.输出结果 InnerC.编译错误,因Inner类定义为私有访问D.在创建Inner类实例的行出现编译错误


对于背景比较复杂的图像,下列哪种键控方式效果较好?()A、Color Difference KeyB、Difference MatteC、Inner Outer KeyD、Linear Color Key

The Outer.1Q tag represents customer VLAN ID and inner.1Q tag represents Provider VLAN?()A、The Outer.1Q tag represents customer VLAN ID and inner.1Q tag represents Provider VLAN (PVLAN )B、It is an effective way to achieve VLAN transparency between Provider and enterprise customer bytunneling one ser of VLAN tags inside a second VLAN tagC、The Outer.1Q tag represents Service VLAN (PVLAN) and inner.1Q tag represents customer VLAND、QinQ is a way to hide native VLAN which can conflict with Provider native VLAN

1. public class Outer{  2. public void someOuterMethod() {  3. // Line 3  4. }  5. public class Inner{}  6. public static void main( String[]argv ) {  7. Outer o = new Outer();  8. // Line 8  9. }  10. }  Which instantiates an instance of Inner?()  A、 new Inner(); // At line 3B、 new Inner(); // At line 8C、 new o.Inner(); // At line 8D、 new Outer.Inner(); // At line 8

Which statement about static inner classes is true?()A、 An anonymous class can be declared as static.B、 A static inner class cannot be a static member of the outer class.C、 A static inner class does not require an instance of the enclosing class.D、 Instance members of a static inner class can be referenced using the class name of the static inner class.

What is true regarding subqueries?()A、The inner query always sorts the results of the outer queryB、The outer query always sorts the results of the inner queryC、The outer query must return a value to the outer queryD、The inner query returns a value to the outer queryE、The inner query must always return a value or the outer query will give an error

使用下列哪个命令可以使结果表中除了匹配行外,还包括右表有的但左表中不匹配的行?()A、LEFT OUTER JOINB、RIGHT OUTER JOINC、NATURAL JOIND、INNER JOIN


After Effects Inner/Outer Key至少必须要有几个Mask才能使用()A、1B、2C、3D、4

package foo; public class Outer (  public static class Inner (  )  )   Which statement is true? () A、 An instance of the Inner class can be constructed with “new Outer.Inner ()”B、 An instance of the inner class cannot be constructed outside of package foo.C、 An instance of the inner class can only be constructed from within the outer class.D、 From within the package bar, an instance of the inner class can be constructed with “new inner()”

Which statements about static inner classes are true?()A、 A static inner class requires a static initializer.B、 A static inner class requires an instance of the enclosing class.C、 A static inner class has no reference to an instance of the enclosing class.D、 A static inner class has access to the non-static members of the outer class.E、 Static members of a static inner class can be referenced using the class name of the static inner  class.

class Birds {  public static void main(String [] args) {  try {  throw new Exception();  } catch (Exception e) { try {  throw new Exception();  } catch (Exception e2) { System.out.print("inner "); }  System.out.print("middle "); }  System.out.print("outer ");  }  }  结果为:()  A、innerB、inner outerC、middle outerD、inner middle outer

What is true regarding subqueries?()A、The inner query always sorts the results of the outer query.B、The outer query always sorts the results of the inner query.C、The outer query must return a value to the inner query.D、The inner query returns a value to the outer query.E、The inner query must always return a value or the outer query will give an error.

以下哪种键控类型需要建立内外两个遮罩:()A、Color keyB、Color RangeC、Inner Outer KeyD、Linear Color Key

多选题Which two statements are true regarding the execution of the correlated subqueries?()AThe nested query executes after the outer query returns the row.BThe nested query executes first and then the outer query executes.CThe outer query executes only once for the result returned by the inner query.DEach row returned by the outer query is evaluated for the results returned by the inner query.

单选题While a ship with twin screw is making a turn, in order to prevent overload, the duty engineer should ()Areduce the fuel feeding of main engine of inner propellerBreduce the fuel feeding of main engine of outer propellerCfirstly reduce the fuel of main engine of inner propeller, then reduce the fuel feeding of engine of outer propellerDreduce fuel feeding of two engines at the same time

单选题After Effects Inner/Outer Key至少必须要有几个Mask才能使用()A1B2C3D4

单选题What is true regarding subqueries?()AThe inner query always sorts the results of the outer queryBThe outer query always sorts the results of the inner queryCThe outer query must return a value to the outer queryDThe inner query returns a value to the outer queryEThe inner query must always return a value or the outer query will give an error

单选题1. public class Outer{  2. public void someOuterMethod() {  3. // Line 3  4. }  5. public class Inner{}  6. public static void main( String[]argv ) {  7. Outer o = new Outer();  8. // Line 8  9. }  10. }  Which instantiates an instance of Inner?()A new Inner(); // At line 3B new Inner(); // At line 8C new o.Inner(); // At line 8D new Outer.Inner(); // At line 8

单选题package foo; public class Outer (  public static class Inner (  )  )   Which statement is true? ()A An instance of the Inner class can be constructed with “new Outer.Inner ()”B An instance of the inner class cannot be constructed outside of package foo.C An instance of the inner class can only be constructed from within the outer class.D From within the package bar, an instance of the inner class can be constructed with “new inner()”

填空题使用Inner Outer Key特效时,最多可以设定()Cleanup Foreground和Cleanup Background。

单选题package foo;  public class Outer {  public static class Inner {  }  }   Which statement is true?()A Compilation fails.B An instance of the Inner class can be constructed with “new Outer.Inner()”.C An instance of the Inner class cannot be constructed outside of package foo.D An instance of the Inner class can be constructed only from within the Outer class.E From within the package foo, and instance of the Inner class can be constructed with “new Inner()”.

多选题Which statements concerning the correlation between the inner and outer instances of non-static inner classes are true?()AMember variables of the outer instance are always accessible to inner instances, regardless of their accessibility modifiers.BMember variables of the outer instance can never be referred to using only the variable name within  the inner instance.CMore than one inner instance can be associated with the same outer instance.DAll variables from the outer instance that should be accessible in the inner instance must be declared  final.EA class that is declared final cannot have any inner classes.

单选题What is true regarding subqueries?()AThe inner query always sorts the results of the outer query.BThe outer query always sorts the results of the inner query.CThe outer query must return a value to the inner query.DThe inner query returns a value to the outer query.EThe inner query must always return a value or the outer query will give an error.

单选题Which statement about static inner classes is true? ()A An anonymous class can be declared as static.B A static inner class cannot be a static member of the outer class.C A static inner class does not require an instance of the enclosing class.D Instance members of a static inner class can be referenced using the class name of the static inner class.

单选题The double bottom in a vessel is a space comprised of ()Aplating forming the engine room tank topBdoubler plating installed over the flat keel plateCa watertight boundary formed by the inner bottomDcompartments between the inner and outer bottoms