人口因素在社会发展中的作用表现在( )A.它决定社会制度的性质B.它决定社会形态的更替C.它决定社会进步的程度D.它制约和影响社会发展
人口因素在社会发展中的作用表现在( )
下列关于垄断利润,说法正确的是( )A.是垄断资本家凭借其垄断地位而获得的B.是大大超过平均利润的利润C.是垄断统治在经济上的实现形式D.来源于劳动人民创造的剩余价值E.可以通过垄断价格实现
邓小平提出“把马克思主义的普遍真理同我国的具体实际结合起来,走自己的道路,建设有中国特色的社会主义”是在( )A.中共十一届三中全会B.中共十一届六中全会C.中共十二大D.中共十二届四中全会
Having acknowledged receipt of the interview letter,you must prepare for the interview. Firms usually take a good deal of trouble over interviews,and there may be three or more people present,which can be a little frightening. Very often the personnel officer will begin by some words of welcome and an invitation to you to tell them a little about yourself. This is really inviting you to repeat the information you have already supplied on the application form,and which they have already read,but it does have some point. It will put you at your ease,because at least you know all about your own level of achievement and can speak about it confidently. It helps them assess your ability to communicate and your serf-esteem. Some people have too high an opinion of themselves,some take an unduly pessimistic view of their achievements,while others have a nicely balanced assessment of their own abilities.
某公司在解除与其员工甲的劳动合同时,其下列解除理由中不符合《中华人民共和国劳动法》规定的是( )A.甲因个人住房纠纷被提起民事诉讼B.甲未按公司规定保守新产品开发秘密C.甲的营私舞弊行为导致公司损失重大D.甲尚在试用期,并经证明不符合录用条件
社会主义初级阶段是( )A.任何国家进入社会主义都会经历的起始阶段B.任何国家进入共产主义社会都会经历的起始阶段C.指我国生产力落后,商品经济不发达条件下建设社会主义必然经历的阶段D.新民主主义社会和社会主义社会之间的一个过渡时期
任何一个带权的无向连通图的最小生成树( )A.只有一棵B.有一棵或多棵C.一定有多棵D.可能不存在