Xiao Luo and his girlfriend are very busy these days .They doing a lot of shopping and yesterday they went to have their picture taken .I think they are preparing to their wedding.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

Xiao Luo and his girlfriend are very busy these days .They doing a lot of shopping and yesterday they went to have their picture taken .I think they are preparing to their wedding.()



Don’t think I’m joking. I ____________ business. (A) think(B) am(C) mean(D) talk

1.I ______they ______tomorrow.A. think; won’ t comeB. don- t think ; comeC. don't think; will comeD. think; come

If only we______(have)a phone! I'm tired of waiting outside the public phone box.

While I_____ to the supermarket by bus, I_____ an old friend.A. was going, metB. went, met .C. was going, was meeting.

A: Hi! Jack, Where were you these days?B: I_____ to Japan last month and came back only yesterday.A. goB. beenC. went

—I'd met Smith several times before.—So (have) ( ) I.

I ____ my homework at 19:00 yesterday. A finishedB would finishC was finishingD finish

I’d rather you________with me nowA. goB. to goC. will goD. went

If it were fine tomorrow, I ____ shopping. A. were to goB.am goingC.would goD.will go

If the bill of lading contains the words weight and quantity unknown,the shipper must ______ that the goods were in fact shipped to succeed in an action for non-deli-very.A.showB.makeC.getD.have