● (73) is one of the techniques used for estimating activity durations.(73)A.Analogous EstimatingB.Precedence Diagramming Method (PDM)C.Dependency DeterminationD.Schedule network Templates

● (73) is one of the techniques used for estimating activity durations.


A.Analogous Estimating

B.Precedence Diagramming Method (PDM)

C.Dependency Determination

D.Schedule network Templates


●Communication networks can be classified in terms of their physical arrangement or (73) Three common (73) are the star,bus,and ring.(73) A.structuresB.topologiesC.protocolsD.frames

试题(73)Tool for defining activities is(73).(73)A.Dependency DeterminationB.Precedence Diagramming methodC.Rolling Wave PlanningD.Schedule network Templates





CompanycomisimplementingapairofVirtualIOServerstoservicefourLPARs.Ifeachoperatingsystemimagerequires15GBofdiskspace,whatistheminimumamountofSCSIresourcenecessary?() A.TwoSCSIpathsandtwo73GBSCSIdisksB.TwoSCSIpathsandtwo36GBSCSIdisksC.FourSCSIpathsandfour73GBSCSIdisksD.TwodualportSCSIRAIDadapterswithtwo73GBSCSIdisks


A variety of tools is available to help the analyst to discover the users' true needs.These tools are grouped into three broad techniques that are based on the degree of change anticipated in the to-be system . Business process(71) is used when the basic business Requirements outlined in the system request focus on employing computer technology in some aspect of the business process. Two popular activities used in the technique are(72). Business process(73)means that the basic business requirements target moderate changes to the organization' s operations.(74)are three popular activities in the technique. Business process (75)means changing the current way of doing business and making major changes to take advantage of new ideas and new technology.A.duration analysis anD.outcome analysisB.problem analysis anD.root cause analysisC.technology analysis anD.activity eliminationD.activity-baseD.costing anD.informal bench marking

月末结转已销A产品成本73,500元,企业应作如下账务处理:A.借:主营业务成本 73,500 贷:库存商品——A产品 73,500B.借:主营业务成本 73,500 贷:原材料——A产品 73,500C.借:库存商品——A产品 73,500 贷:生产成本——A产品 73,500D.借:生产成本--A产品 73,500 贷:库存商品--A产品 73,500E.借:其他业务成本 73,500 贷:原材料——A产品 73,500F.借:主营业务成本 73,500 贷:本年利润 73,500G.借:生产成本--A产品 73,500 贷:制造费用 73,500