49 The net present value of $110 one year from now at 10% is:A. $100B. $120C. $121D. $100 less taxesE. $100 less taxes and interest

49 The net present value of $110 one year from now at 10% is:

A. $100

B. $120

C. $121

D. $100 less taxes

E. $100 less taxes and interest


The net present value of $110 one year from now at 10% is:A . ¥100B . ¥120C . ¥121D . $100 less taxesE . $100 less taxes and interest

131 The net present value of $110 one year from now at 10% is:A. $100B. $120C. $121D. $100 less taxesE. $100 less taxes and interest

能正确表示“当x的取值在[1,10]和[100,110]范围内为真,否则为假”的表达式是 ( )A.(x>=1)(x<=l0)(x>=100)(x<=110)B.(x>=0‖(x<=10)‖(x>=100)‖x<=110)C.(x>)(x<=10)‖(x>=100)(x<=110)D.(x>=)‖x<=10)(x>=100)‖x<=110)

进行储存式自体输血的患者,一般要求采血前Hb浓度( )。A、男性≥120g/L,女性≥110g/LB、男性≥100g/L,女性≥100g/LC、男性≥110g/L,女性≥110g/LD、男性≥110g/L,女性≥100g/LE、男性≥120g/L,女性≥120g/L

诊断新生儿轻度贫血的标准是( )A、144~120g/LB、121~100g/LC、10~90g/LD、100~90g/LE、140-110g/L


单采血小板对献血员血红蛋白的要求是(  )。A.男>110g/L 女>100g/LB.男>120g/L 女>110g/LC.男>100g/L 女>110g/LD.男>120g/L 女>120g/LE.男>130g/L 女>110g/L

2、在 VB.NET 窗体中获取当前年份使用()表达式。A.YEAR(GETDATE())B.Now.YearC.DATE.YearD.YEAR(Now)

2、在下面几种物价水平的先后顺序中,其中哪一种准确地代表了10%的通货膨胀率? ()A.l00,100,100,100;B.l00,110,110,110;C.l00,110,120,130;D.100,110,121,133.1。