AJuan Gomez wakes up at six o'clock every morning. He gets up, takes a 21 , gets dressed, and eats breakfast. After breakfast he 22 the newspaper until 7:15, then he leaves for work. He gets on the bus at the bus stop, rides it to University Avenue, 23 , and walks to his office. He works 24 five o'clock. He usually goes and plays basketball with friends after work. Then he goes home. Juan 25 a very boring life.21. A. lesson B. breath C. shower D. break
Juan Gomez wakes up at six o'clock every morning. He gets up, takes a 21 , gets dressed, and eats breakfast. After breakfast he 22 the newspaper until 7:15, then he leaves for work. He gets on the bus at the bus stop, rides it to University Avenue, 23 , and walks to his office. He works 24 five o'clock. He usually goes and plays basketball with friends after work. Then he goes home. Juan 25 a very boring life.
21. A. lesson B. breath C. shower D. break
以下选项中错误的是( )A.char *sp; gets(sp);B.char sp[5] gets(sp);C.char *sp="12345"; gets(sp);D.charsp[5]="\0" gets(sp)
有以下定义:includechara[10],*b=a;不能给数组a输入字符串的语句是A.gets(a)B.gets(a[ 有以下定义: #include <stdio.h> char a[10],*b=a; 不能给数组a输入字符串的语句是A.gets(a)B.gets(a[0])C.gets(a[0]);D.gets(b);
有以下定义 include char a[10],*b=a; 不能给a数组输入字符串的语句是A.gets(A)B.gets 有以下定义#include <stdio.h>char a[10],*b=a;不能给a数组输入字符串的语句是A.gets(A)B.gets(a[0]);C.gets(a[0]);D.gets(B) ;
4、有以下定义: char a[10],*b=a;不能给a数组输入字符串的语句是________。A.gets(a);B.gets(a[0]);C.gets(a[0]);D.gets(b);
有以下定义char a[10],*b=a;,不能给数组a输入字符串的语句是()。A.gets(a);B.gets(a[0]);C.gets(a[0]);D.gets(b);