Johnnie’s hard work and popularity led to his rise in salary and ____ in position. A. PrivilegeB. promotionC. complimentsD. advantage

Johnnie’s hard work and popularity led to his rise in salary and ____ in position.

A. Privilege

B. promotion

C. compliments

D. advantage


Sadedislikedtheintense___andenjoyedherobscurity. A.opennessB.publicityC.publicD.popularity

Peter's jacket looked just the same as Jack’S,but it much twice asB.twice as much asC.much as twice twice much as

如果对关系S(number,name,score)成功执行下列SQL语句: CREATE CLUSTER INDEX name_index ON S(score) 对此结果的正确描述是( )。A.在S表上按salary升序创建了一个唯一索引B.在S表上按salary降序创建了一个唯一索引C.在S表上按salary升序创建了一个聚簇索引D.在S表上按salary降序创建了一个聚簇索引

如果对关系S(number, name, score)成功执行下列SQL语句:CREATE CLUSTER INDEX name_ index ON S(score)对此结果的描述中,正确的是( )。A.在S表上按salary升序创建了一个唯一索引B.在S表上按salary降序创建了一个唯一索引C.在S表上按salary升序创建了一个聚簇索引D.在S表上按salary降序创建了一个聚簇索引

Advertising has long been viewed as a method of mass ______ in that a single message can reach a large number of people.A.promotionB.permissionC.fantasyD.popularity


执行下列SAS程序中,将数据集work.test按变量fname 和 salary排序,哪个选项表明了变量的正确排序。 proc sort data=work.test; by fname descending salary; run;A.两个变量fname 和 salary均将按升序B.两个变量fname 和 salary均将按降序C.变量fname按降序 和 salary按升序D.变量fname按升序 和 salary按降序

【判断题】英音里字母r在元音后时念为卷舌音, 如shared, hard, work。A.Y.是B.N.否

关于如下语句,说法正确的是: void main() { while(1) { LED1 = S1; LED2 = S2; } }A.没看电路图,单从程序看不出LED1是亮还是灭B.S1闭合,LED1肯定亮C.S1闭合,LED1肯定灭D.LED1亮灭取决于LED2的状态