Children and adolescents experienced significant daytime sleepiness ( ) inadequate or disturbed sleep. A、as a result ofB、because ofC、due toD、thus

Children and adolescents experienced significant daytime sleepiness ( ) inadequate or disturbed sleep.

A、as a result of

B、because of

C、due to



What a () smell! Open the window and air out the room. A、disgustingB、pleasingC、wonderfulD、disturbed

The food is insufficient for three people.A.instantB.infiniteC.inexpensiveD.inadequate

The American consumer often feels constantly _____ by insurance agents.A: welcomedB: pleasedC: troubledD: disturbed

I'm sorry ______ you with this question.A: to disturbB: to disturbingC: disturbingD: disturbed

Make ______ use of your time in class.A、goodB、badC、carelessD、inadequate

[A] disguised[B] disturbed[C] disputed[D] distinguished

The food is insufficient for three people.A:scarce B:short C:marginal D:inadequate

The meaning is still obscure.A: transparentB: vagueC: alienD: significant

When did you first encounter these difficulties?A: createB: presentC: experienceD: resolve

He suffered from severe depression after divorcing with Anne.A:shiver B:spillC:serious D:significant