Teachers teach them on the Internet.

Teachers teach them on the Internet.



a language lesson plan usually has the following components: background information, teaching aims, language contents and skills, stages and procedures, teaching aids, assignments and _________.:A. teachers’ after-lesson reflectionB. students’ after-lesson reflectionC. teachers’ after-lesson feedbackD. students’ after-lesson feedback

There are a lot of students in the reading room, most of with their eyes __ on and their heads bent over their books.A、whom; fixingB、them; fixedC、whom; fixedD、them; fixing

Children can________a lot from television. A.lookB.learnC.catchD.teach

Internet.的前身是( )。A.ArpanetB.EthernetC.CernetD.Intranet

【单选题】 以下哪个统一资源定位器的写法是完全正确的A.http//www.teach.comqueque.htmlB.http://www.teach.comqueque.htmlC.http://www.teach.com/que/que.htmlD.http//www.teach.com/que/que.html

修改数据库Teach,将数据文件Teach_Data.mdf的逻辑名Teach_Data改为Teaching_Data,Filegrowth改为2; 添加一个次要数据文件,将其存放在E盘,逻辑名称为Teach_Data2,文件名称请自己命名。

7、“教师休息室”的正确译法? A. Teachers’ Rest Room B. Teachers’ lounge (填A或B即可

3、“教师休息室”的正确译法? A. Teachers’ Rest Room B. Teachers’ lounge (填A或B即可)

定义结构体类型变量teach1,不正确的是()。A.struct teacher {int num; int age; }; struct teacher teach1;B.struct teacher {int num; int age; }teach1;C.struct {int num; int age; }teach1;D.struct {int num; int age; }teacher; struct teacher teach1;