自由浮动时间是一项活动可被延迟但却不会影响的一种时间量( )A.后续活动的及早开始时间B.后续活动的最晚开始时间C.项目完工D.以上都不是
自由浮动时间是一项活动可被延迟但却不会影响的一种时间量( )
The most common types of schedules are Gantt charts, milestone charts, line of balance, and:A.Networks.B.Time phased events.C.Calendar integrated activities.D.A and C only.E.B and C only.
As project manager, you wish to impose a standard method by which subordinates calculate project costs. Which level of communication should be required for this effort?A Face-to-faceB TelephoneC WrittenD Non-verbalE All of the above should be required.
156 During project execution, the customer authorizes and funds a scope change which requires a major change in the schedule. The baseline schedule:A. Now becomes the new schedule, including the changes, and the original baseline is disregarded. B. Is still the original baseline but annotated to reflect that a change has taken place.C. Is amended to reflect the scope change, but the original baseline is still maintained for post-project review.D. Is meaningless since every schedule update changes the baseline (i.e., a rubber baseline.)E. Is the same since baseline schedules cannot change once the development phase is completed
某个项目第一年的预算是150万美元,第二年的预算是300万美元,第三年的预算是300万美元,第四年的预算是80万美元。在哪个阶段项目的预算成本最高?( )A.项目计划编制阶B.项目计划实施阶段C.全面变更控制阶段D.项目启动阶段
项目经理关键职能是( )A.系统设计B.客户介面管理C.质量保证D.整合