中文“很抱歉通知您,由于客流较大车站将采取限流措施,请耐心等待”翻译成英文语句最合适的为( )。 A.For your safety,please hold the handrail.B.We are sorry to inform. that the limit measures will be taken because of the crowd,please wait patiently.C.Please stand in line to get on the train.D.Go through the gate one by one,please

中文“很抱歉通知您,由于客流较大车站将采取限流措施,请耐心等待”翻译成英文语句最合适的为( )。

A.For your safety,please hold the handrail.

B.We are sorry to inform. that the limit measures will be taken because of the crowd,please wait patiently.

C.Please stand in line to get on the train.

D.Go through the gate one by one,please


当车站发生长时间无车时,应宣传解释( ),必要时做好封闭车站的准备。 A.地铁故障,请耐心等待B.地铁运力不足,请耐心等待C.某方向暂时无车,请您耐心等待D.某方向暂时无车,请您选择其他交通工具出行

中文语句“请注意,因车站进站闸机故障,请听从工作人员指引,从临时通道进站,不便之处敬请谅解。”翻译成英文语句为:( )。 A.Your attention please! Please add-value at the Custermer Sercice Center as the Value Machines are not working. We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause.B.Your attention please! Please buy ticket at the Custermer Sercice Center as the ticket machines are not working. We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause.C.Your attention please! Please follow staff directions to enter as the entry gates are not working. We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause.D.Your attention please! Station lighting is under emergency repair but trains are still running. Please contact staff if you need any assistance. We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause.

在网点,由于上一位客户办理的业务很复杂,客户已经等了40分钟,这时,柜员如果面对客户的表达,你认为最恰当的说法是( )。A、对不起,耽误您时间了B、不怨我,哪位客户填单太慢了C、您好,感谢您40分钟的耐心等待D、实在抱歉,都怨我,我给您鞠个躬吧

在网点,由于上一位客户办理的业务很复杂,某客户已经等了40分钟,面对该客户,你认为最恰当的说法是( )。A.对不起,耽误您时间了B.不怨我,刚才那位客户填单太慢了C.您好,感谢您40分钟的耐心等待D.实在抱歉,都怨我,我给您鞠个躬吧

Iamsorrytotellyouthatyourflighthasbeendelayedowingtomechanicaldifficutlies.() A.非常抱歉的告诉您,您的航班由于天气原因被延误了。B.非常抱歉的告诉您,您的航班由于机械故障被延误了。C.非常抱歉的告诉您,您的航班由于机组原因被延误了。D.非常抱歉的告诉您,您的航班由于航空公司被延误了。



