单选题(),where the ship is docked for hull coating renewal, and for any other required underwater work to be carried out, when the opportunity is taken to make other repairs.AVoyage repairsBRoutine dockingCDamage repairsDConversion

(),where the ship is docked for hull coating renewal, and for any other required underwater work to be carried out, when the opportunity is taken to make other repairs.

Voyage repairs


Routine docking


Damage repairs




解析: 暂无解析


We have stayed at Shanghai port for a long timeThe fouling on the ship’s hull greatly increases her _____.A.powerB.speedC.resistanceD.thrust force

______, where the ship is docked for hull coating renewal, and for any other required underwater work to be carried out, when the opportunity is taken to make other repairs.A.Voyage repairsB.Routine dockingC.Damage repairsD.Conversion

If there are any Certificates expired or nearing expiry the master of a ship must shall apply for their ______ at any port.A.inspection or issuanceB.requirements or renewalC.renewal or extensionD.extension or expiring

Which statement about damage control is TRUE ________.A.A hole in the hull at the waterline is more dangerous than a hole below the inner bottomB.The amount of water entering a ship through a hole varies inversely to the area of the holeC.Water flowing into a lower compartment on a ship is more dangerous than water on deck or flowing into an upper compartmentD.Water flowing over the forecastle bulwark is more dangerous than a hole in the hull at the waterline

When taking soundings on a ship,coating the tape with chalk helps to ______.A.Better identify the correct readingB.Show the depth of any water in an oil tankC.Make the tape roll easierD.Reduce possibility of sparks

To prevent a wooden hull from leaking you caulk it ______.A.after drydocking,while the hull is moistB.after drydocking,and the hull has driedC.afloat,where it is leakingD.afloat,in all accessible areas

材料:A Passenger Ship Safety Certificate shall be issued for a period not exceeding 12 months.A Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate,Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate and Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate shall be issued for a period specified by the Administration which shall not exceed five years.An Exemption Certificate shall not be valid for longer than the period of the certificate to which it refers.(i)When the renewal survey is completed within three months before the expiry date of the existing certificate,the new certificate shall be valid from the date of completion of the renewal survey to:(1)for a passenger ship,a date not exceeding 12 months from the date of expiry of the existing certificate;(2)for a cargo ship,a date not exceeding five years from the date of expiry of the existing certificate;(ii)When the renewal survey is completed after the expiry date of the existing certificate,the new certificate shall be valid from the date of completion of the renewal survey to:(1)for a passenger ship,a date not exceeding 12 months from the date of expiry of the existing certificate;(2)for a cargo ship,a date not exceeding five years from the date of expiry of the existing certificate;(iii)when the renewal survey is completed more than three months before the expiry date of the existing certificate,the new certificate shall be valid from the date of completion of the renewal survey to:(1)for a passenger ship,a date not exceeding 12 months from the date of completion of the renewal survey;(2)for a cargo ship,a date not exceeding five years from the date of completion of the renewal survey.问题:The valid period of an Exemption Certificate for Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate shall be ________.A.longer than five yearsB.shorter than five yearsC.longer than 12 monthsD.shorter than 12 monthsWhen the renewal survey is completed within one month before the expiry date of the existing Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate,the new certificate shall be valid ________.A.from the date of completion of the renewal survey to a date not exceeding 12 months from the date of expiry of the existing certificateB.from the date of completion of the renewal survey to a date not exceeding five years from the date of expiry of the existing certificateC.from the date of expiry of the existing certificate to a date not exceeding 12 months from the dateD.from the date of expiry of the existing certificate to a date not exceeding five years from the dateIt can be concluded that the actual period of validity of a new Passenger Ship Safety Certificate is less than 12 months if the renewal survey is completed ________.A.4 months before its expiry dateB.3 months before its expiry dateC.2 months before its expiry dateD.after its expiry dateWhen the renewal survey is completed on a date which is 99 days before the expiry date of the existing Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate,the new certificate shall be valid ________.A.from the date of completion of the renewal survey to a date not exceeding 12 months from the date of expiry of the existing certificateB.from the date of completion of the renewal survey to a date not exceeding five years from the date of expiry of the existing certificateC.from the date of expiry of the existing certificate to a date not exceeding 12 months from the dateD.from the date of completion of the renewal survey to a date not exceeding five years from that date请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

A ship’s bottom is given a coating of ()which contains poison.A、varnishB、anti-fouling paintC、boottopping paintD、primer

We’ve just () our ship with one new coating.A、washedB、paintedC、cleanedD、repaired

单选题A ship’s bottom is given a coating of ()which contains poison.AvarnishBanti-fouling paintCboottopping paintDprimer

单选题If the buoyant force on a ship’s hull is equal to the displacement tonnage,the ship will().Arequire ballastBbe down by the headCsinkDfloat

单选题The thrust from the propeller to the hull of the ship is transferred by()Atie rodBthrust blockCbedplate of main engineDframe of main engine

单选题The distance from the still water level (corrected for tides and storm surge) to the bottom of the hull of a ship is the().Aair gapBfreeboardCpenetrationDwater depth

单选题Our ship has not been to shipyard for a long time, the fouling on the ship’s hull greatly decreases her().AresistanceBweightCspeedDdisplacement

单选题()is applied to the area of the ship’s hull which is out of water when the ship is loaded.ABoottopping paintBTopside paintCBottom paintDPrimer

单选题To prevent a wooden hull from leaking you caulk it().Aafter drydocking,while the hull is moistBafter drydocking,and the hull has driedCafloat,where it is leakingDafloat,in all accessible areas

单选题The accident has caused damage()the ship’s hull.AonBinCatDto

单选题If the buoyant force on a ship’s hull is equal to the displacement tonnage, the ship cause().Arequire ballastBbe down by the headCsinkDfloat

单选题The central longitudinal structural hull strength member of the lower hulls of semisubmersible ship’s is called the().Astress plateBkeelCrider plateDmain beam

单选题I hereby request permission to()the ship hull for routine maintenance.AoperateBrepairCoilDpaint

单选题A circuit that has one wire in contact with the hull of the ship is a()Aseries circuitBgrounded circuitCshort circuitDclosed circuit

单选题(),where the ship is docked for hull coating renewal, and for any other required underwater work to be carried out, when the opportunity is taken to make other repairs.AVoyage repairsBRoutine dockingCDamage repairsDConversion

单选题I hereby request permission to()the ship hull for routine maintenance.Aput paint onBapply paint ontoCoilDpaint

单选题During jacking operations and transit,empty void spaces in the hull of a jack up ship provide().AbuoyancyBextra storage spaceCadditional tank capacityDreduced stability

单选题The depth of the ship below waterline measured vertically to the lowest part of the hull is called ().AtrimBleanCdraftDtonnage

单选题Port of Registry refers to the port where().Athe ship has been namedBthe ship has been builtCthe ship has been signedDthe ship has been registered

单选题If the buoyant force on a ships hull is equal to or greater than the displacement tonnage, the ship will ().Arequire ballast added to only the port side tanksBbe down by the headCsinkDfloat

单选题The athwartship hull structural members of a ship are().AstringersBgirdersCbreasthooksDdeck beams