单选题No one was absent from the meeting, was there?Awas sheBweren’t sheCwere theyDweren’t they

No one was absent from the meeting, was there?

was she


weren’t she


were they


weren’t they


当陈述部分是no one / nobody,everyone / everybody,someone / somebody,none等表示人的不定代词时,反意疑问句部分的主语多用they,也可用he,不用she。


–If you were in my position, what would you do?–() A、Hi! It’s you problem.B、I weren’t you.C、If I were you, I would give up.D、I don’t know.

奉访未晤,甚怅。Much to my regret you weren’t at home when I called.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

Her daughter had the carpets and curtains cleaned, ()? A.had sheB.hadn’t sheC.didn’t sheD.didn’t her daughter

Janet used to take part in labor in that village, ()? A.used sheB.did sheC.didn’t sheD.should she

The movie that we saw last week was quite interesting, ()? A.wasn’t itB.was itC.didn’t weD.weren’t we

We must have been drunk last might, _________? A. weren’t weB.mustn’t weC.hadn’t weD.didn’t we

She can hardly wait to hear the news, ()? A、can't sheB、can sheC、does she

14.A. wasn’tB. weren’tC. didn’t have


2. She hardly ever has time to relax,_______ ?A. does sheB. hasn’t sheC. doesn’t sheD. has she

“Have you seen Ann at the concert?”“No, but she said she would come,?”()A. didn’t sheB. wouldn’t sheC. did sheD. would she

She can' t cook very well,___ ? A.can' t sheB.could sheC.can sheD.isn' t it

( ) name is Jane. ( ) is from the USA.A. Her, SheB. She's, SheC. Her, Her

— Will your parents go to see the Terra Cotta Warriors next Monday? — No, ________ .A、they weren’t.B、they won’t.C、they don’t.D、they shan’t.

27. They knew that things weren't right at home.It means .A. Bob had no food to give themB. Bob couldn't open the doorC. it was very cold outsideD. they were too young to eat anything

妈妈说土豆不够成。Mum said the potatoes weren’t __________ __________

If we__________our test tomorrow, I would have gone to the concert.A.weren't to haveB.hadn't been to haveC.aren't to have D.hadn't had

If we_______our test tomorrow, I would have gone to the concert.A.weren't to haveB.had not been to haveC.aren't to haveD.had not had

_______terrorism, the world would be much more peaceful.A.If there was noB.If there had noC.Weren't thereD.Without

If we__________our test tomorrow, I would have gone to the concert.A. weren't to haveB. hadn't been to haveC. aren't to haveD. hadn't had

When we were young, we ___________ to stay out after 11 o′ clock.A.hadn't allowedB.didn't allowC.weren't allowedD.wouldn't allow

If we____the same things as we did in the past, we weren't going to be successful in hiring the folks we needed.A、were to doB、could doC、had doneD、did

You never told us why you were late for the party, A.weren’t youB.didn’t youC.had youD.did you

Five year old children are too young to go to school,()A、are theyB、aren’t theyC、were theyD、have they

单选题Some students’ faces turned red because ______.Athey found Exercise 8 but didn’t finish itBthey forgot what Mr. Weeks had told themCthey weren’t able to work out Exercise 8Dthey told a lie in class

单选题No one was absent from the meeting, was there?Awas sheBweren’t sheCwere theyDweren’t they

单选题Leslie’s upset. She invited about 20 people to her house for a party and then no one showed up. The least they ______ have done was to call to say they ______ to go.Amight; were going Bcould; weren’t goingCmight; weren’t supposed Dshould; were going

单选题Leslie’s upset. She invited about 20 people to her house for a party and then no one showed up. The least they _____ have done was to call to say they _____ to go.Amight; were goingBcould; weren’t goingCmight; weren’t supposedDshould; were going