名词解释题双列杂交(diallel cross method)

双列杂交(diallel cross method)


解析: 暂无解析


给出下面的接口: interface A{ int method1(int i); int method2(int j); } 下面那个类实现了这个接口,并且不是抽象的?() A.class B implements A{ int method1(){} int method2(){} }B.class B { int method1(int i){} int method2(int j){} }C.class B implements A{ int method1(int i){} int method2(int j){} }D.class B extends A{ int method1(int i){} int method2(int j){} }

method condensed preparation method

We may draw a conclusion that_______during a war.A.the Red Cross only protects the woundedB.the Red Cross only helps prisoners of warC.the Red Cross only helps citizensD.the Red Cross helps all the people in need no matter which side they are fighting for

跨境电子商务的英文名称是()。A、Cross-border CommerceB、Cross-border Electronic CommerceC、Cross-border Trade CommerceD、Cross-border Communication

下面哪些关于放样中Contour和Constant Cross Section选项的叙述是正确的?()A、只有当选择Contour时,才能使用Constant Cross Section参数,如果没有选择Contour,则不能使用Constant Cross Section。B、在路径转弯处,Constant Cross Section自动产生光滑的转角。C、只有当选择Banking时,才能使用Constant Cross Section参数,如果没有选择Banking,则不能使用Constant Cross Section。D、当没有复选Contour时,截面图形之间相互平行。

双列杂交(diallel cross method)



单交(single cross)

Cross breeding(杂交育种)

敌对进路 cross route


How do you define the authentication method that will be used with AAA?()A、With the method aaa commandB、With the method commandC、With a method listD、With a method statement

It is desirable that a certain method within a certain class can only be accessed by classes that are defined within the same package as the class of the method. How can such restrictions be enforced?()  A、Mark the method with the keyword public.B、Mark the method with the keyword protected.C、Mark the method with the keyword private.D、Mark the method with the keyword package.E、Do not mark the method with any accessibility modifiers.

Cross Polo采用()座椅,尽显跨界风范。A、黑色织物B、Cross风格织物C、棕色真皮D、黑白镶拼


单选题The resistance of a conductor varies ()Adirectly as its length and inversely as its cross-sectional areaBinversely as its length and directly as its cross-sectional areaCdirectly as its length and directly as its cross-sectional areaDinversely as its length and inversely as its cross-sectional area



多选题Which two CANNOT directly cause a thread to stop executing? ()ACalling the yield method.BCalling the wait method on an object.CCalling the notify method on an object.DCalling the notifyAll method on an object.ECalling the start method on another Thread object.

多选题下面哪些关于放样中Contour和Constant Cross Section选项的叙述是正确的?()A只有当选择Contour时,才能使用Constant Cross Section参数,如果没有选择Contour,则不能使用Constant Cross Section。B在路径转弯处,Constant Cross Section自动产生光滑的转角。C只有当选择Banking时,才能使用Constant Cross Section参数,如果没有选择Banking,则不能使用Constant Cross Section。D当没有复选Contour时,截面图形之间相互平行。

单选题It is desirable that a certain method within a certain class can only be accessed by classes that are defined within the same package as the class of the method. How can such restrictions be enforced?()AMark the method with the keyword public.BMark the method with the keyword protected.CMark the method with the keyword private.DMark the method with the keyword package.EDo not mark the method with any accessibility modifiers.

单选题M类中有一个没有形式参数,且没有返回值的方法method,若要使得用M.method()就可以调用该方法,则method方法的方法头的正确形式应该是()。Astatic void method()Bpublic method()Cfinal void method()Dstatic method()

单选题The exhaust ports of a diesel engine using the cross-flow scavenging method are opened and closed by the ()Areciprocating motion of exhaust valvesBrotary motion of the camshaftCreciprocating motion of the pistonDdeveloped differential

单选题How do you define the authentication method that will be used with AAA?()AWith the method aaa commandBWith the method commandCWith a method listDWith a method statement

单选题The ship()the Atlantic to America next week.Ashall crossBshall cross toCcrossDsail cross
