单选题The exhaust ports of a diesel engine using the cross-flow scavenging method are opened and closed by the ()Areciprocating motion of exhaust valvesBrotary motion of the camshaftCreciprocating motion of the pistonDdeveloped differential

The exhaust ports of a diesel engine using the cross-flow scavenging method are opened and closed by the ()

reciprocating motion of exhaust valves


rotary motion of the camshaft


reciprocating motion of the piston


developed differential


解析: 暂无解析


A two stroke diesel engine exhaust temperature will be lower than a four stroke diesel engine of the same displacement because the _____. ① MEP is lower and the scavenging air is cooling the exhaust gases ② valve overlap in a four strokeA.①B.②C.① and ②D.Neither ① nor ② is correct

A bypass line provided around a waste heat auxiliary boiler in a diesel engine exhaust system, may be used to avoid boiler ______.A.corrosion at low engine loadsB.erosion at high engine loadsC.overload at high engine loadsD.scaling at all exhaust temperatures

单选题A water jacket is placed around the exhaust manifolds of propulsion diesel engines to()Areduce heat radiation to the engine roomBaid in preventing turbocharger overheatingCcondense and drain moisture from exhaust gasesDdampen exhaust gas pulsations in the manifold

单选题In a diesel engine, exhaust valves open before the intake ports are uncovered to () Ⅰ.reduce pumping losses Ⅱ.reduce back pressureAⅠonlyBⅡonlyCbothⅠand ⅡDneitherⅠnor Ⅱ

单选题White smoke issuing from the exhaust of an auxiliary diesel engine valve opening ()Athe engine is overloadedBthe engine is coldCthere is too much lube oil in the cylindersDthe turbocharger is fouled

单选题Diesel engine mufflers or silencers reduce the engine exhaust noise by ()Apassing the exhaust through long head pipesBdiffusing exhaust vibrations through activated carbon bafflesCincreasing the exhaust gas velocityDreducing the exhaust gas velocity

单选题Clogged or partially obstructed exhaust ports on a diesel engine can cause()Aover-speeding of the engineBfailure of the engine to shut downCno effect of engine mounting boltsDhigh exhaust temperatures

单选题Excessive diesel engine back pressure may be an indication of ()Acarbon buildup in the exhaust manifoldBovercooling of the exhaust manifoldCeroded muffler baffle platesDhigh injection pressure

单选题A two-stroke diesel engine exhaust temperature will be lower than a four-stroke diesel engine of the same displacement because the () (1) MEP is lower and the scavenging air is cooling the exhaust gases (2) valve overlap in a four-strokeA(1) only is correctB(2) only is correctCboth (1) and (2) are correctDNeither (1) or (2) are correct

单选题Diesel engine exhaust noise can be reduced in an exhaust muffler by ()Achanging the direction of exhaust gas flowBincreasing the exhaust gas velocityCchanging the exhaust gas weightDincreasing the exhaust gas static pressure

单选题The exhaust system of a diesel engine is usually designed to remove exhaust gases and to ()Aprovide exhaust back pressureBprevent exhaust smoke emissionsCpower a reciprocating superchargerDmuffle exhaust gas noise

单选题The size of the exhaust valve opening is ()Amost critical in a four-stroke cycle diesel engineBmost critical in a two-stroke/cycle diesel engineCmost critical in a four-stroke/cycle diesel engine if it is turbochargedDof equal importance in a two-stroke/cycle diesel engine as in a four-stroke/cycle diesel engine

单选题The relative air pressure in the inlet manifold of a turbocharged diesel engine is usually()Agreater than the average exhaust manifold pressureBless than the average exhaust manifold pressureCgreater at the turbine wheel than at the impellerDgreater at reduced engine speed

单选题Icreasing the exhaust valve tappet clearance of a diesel engine will result in the exhaust valve opening ()Alater and closing earlierBlater and closing laterCearlier and closing earlierDearlier and closing later

单选题In a diesel engine, late fuel injection is indicated by black or gray exhaust smoke with()Alow firing pressureBlow exhaust temperatureCmechanical knock in each cylinderDfuel knock in each cylinder

单选题In a diesel engine exhaust system, the cooling of the exhaust gases below their dew point, will result in ()Aincreased engine back pressureBsulfuric acid corrosionCsurface pitting of the turbochargerDmoisture impingement on the turbocharger compressor blade

单选题A dry-type spark arrestor removes sparks from a diesel engine exhaust by()Aincreasing the linear velocity of the exhaust gasesBchanging directions of exhaust gas flowCdecreasing the temperature of the exhaust gasesDaccelerating the exhaust gas through a reduced size orifice

单选题A diesel engine could fail to start because of ()Aincorrect injection timingBlow exhaust back pressureCfloating exhaust valvesDexcessive cranking speed

单选题Any increase in the exhaust back pressure of a four-stroke/cycle diesel engine will ().Areduce engine horsepower outputBaid in silencing the exhaust noiseCincrease the mean effective pressureDcontribute to effective cylinder scavenging

单选题The most common instrument used to measure diesel engine exhaust pressure is the ()ApyrometerBbourdon gaugeCpneumercatorDmanometer

单选题Late fuel injection in a diesel engine is indicated by low firing pressure with ()Alow exhaust temperatureBlow exhaust pressureCmechanical knock in each cylinderDblack or gray exhaust smoke

单选题An indication of a diesel engine air intake being partially clogged, is ().Alow firing pressure and low exhaust temperaturesBlow firing pressure and normal exhaust temperaturesChigh firing pressure and low exhaust temperaturesDhigh firing pressure and high exhaust temperatures

单选题If you observe smoke coming from the turbocharger of an auxiliary diesel engine, you should()Acheck the air filter for obstructionBcheck for an exhaust leakCcheck the exhaust temperatureDsecure the engine

单选题“This increase in charge air density is accomplished on most modern diesel engine types by use of exhaust gas turbo-charging, in which a turbine wheel driven by exhaust from the engine is rigidly coupled to a centrifugal type air compressor” According to this sentence, we can know that increases density(), drives the compressor directly()Aa modern diesel engine;a turbine wheelBa modem diesel engine;exhaust gasesCa compressor;an exhaust gas turbochargerDa compressor;a turbine wheel

单选题A two-stroke diesel engine exhaust temperature will be lower than a four-stroke diesel engine of the same displacement because the () (1) scavenging air is cooling the exhaust gases (2) exhaust cycle time is longerA(1) onlyB(2) onlyCboth (1) and (2)Dneither (1) nor (2)