单选题Julie didn’t leave her office ______ the police arrived.AhoweverBwheneverCwhileDuntil

Julie didn’t leave her office ______ the police arrived.











The teachers??____________ the office for a few minutes when we arrived. We didn’t meet them.A. had been away from B. had leftC. have been away from D. have left

Her daughter had the carpets and curtains cleaned, ()? A.had sheB.hadn’t sheC.didn’t sheD.didn’t her daughter

_________ because I was tired of learning. A. Due to my leaving collegeB. To leave collegeC. No matter how I left collegeD. I didn?t leave college

Somebody asked her, ()? A、did heB、didn't theyC、did they

None of us called the police when the two cars collided, ____?A didn’t we B don’t we C did we D do we

Mr. Green asked to be taken to the police station because he ______.A. didn't like to give his name and address to the policemanB. wanted to get help and tell the truth thereC. didn't like to talk too much with the policemanD. wanted to leave the man in his car and let him go

I would have invited her to the party but I ___ her well.A、don’t knowB、didn’t knowC、doesn’t knowD、hadn’t known

The police saw him _________ on the ground when they arrived. A、to lieB、layC、lying

The police got to know about the murder because _____.( Who Saw Murder Didn’t Call the Police) A. the man called the policeB. the man’s friend called the policeC. the police discovered the body of Miss Genovese on the streetD. two women who were at the scene reported the murder

The teacher didn't leave the shaking building ( ) all his students had. A、afterB、untilC、sinceD、till

_________ she practice her violin yesterday? No, she _________.A、Was, wasn’tB、Did, didn’tC、Was, didn’tD、Did, wasn’t

He saw that her coat was wrongly____ up, but he didnˊt tell her. A、chestB、sheetC、buttonedD、duty

-- Ann is in hospital.-- Oh, really? I __ know. I __ go and visit her.A. didn’t; am going to B. don’t; wouldC. don’t; will D. didn't; will

Why was Mrs. Green surprised? __________ .A. Because her husband didn’t arrived the airport on timeB. Because her husband was still at the airport at 5 o’clockC. Because her husband didn’t want to go to London

29. Ann didn't go back home because__________A. she didn't want toB. she was too busy to go homeC. she didn’t miss her fatherD. she had to look for a job

He didn't ignore her intentionally-just didn't recognize her.A: absolutelyB: deliberatelyC: noticeablyD: sufficiently

He was set free because the police didn't get () evidence to convict him.A.suitableB.sufficientC.suspiciousD.superstitious

Laura was married for 6 months.Her husband was using drugs.She didn't want her son or her unborn baby to live that way,but she was afraid to ask her husband to leave.She left him a note instead.After reading the note,Laura's husband waited for her to come home and then beat her and her son.Laura had little education and she never had a good paying job.She was ashamed to ask for help from the police,courts or women's shelters.Sometimes her husband was very nice to her.She decided to try harder so her children could have a home and a father.Laura joined a church and told a priest about her problem.But her husband kept using drugs and hurting the family.Finally,she told her husband she loved him,but they should live apart for a while.He beat her again.The priest came over to talk to her.He asked the husband to go out for a while.Laura packed up her things and left home with her son.The next day she lost the baby.Her husband went to jail.Laura got a lot of help from groups that help women who have been beaten.Now she is in college,has her own apartment and works on special projects at a women's shelter."We got out,and it changed life for me and my child.You can do it.You can break the cycle,"Laura said.Laura didn't go to the police or courts because__.A.she was afraid of being laughed atB.the priest asked her not to do soC.her husband was a nice guyD.she was not well-educated

She didn’t leave for the airport () you came.A、unlessB、untilC、if

Somebody asked her,()A、did heB、didn‘t theyC、didn‘t heD、did they

问答题Section C (10 marks)  Lisa Tyler was weary after a long, hard day at the pottery factory where she works, but as she approached her home in the English city of Stoke-on-Trent, her heart lightened; soon she would be having a nice cup of tea, putting her feet up and watching Friends, her favourite TV series, But first, she needed to change out of her work clothes and pick up her three-year-old son from his grandmother’s house nearby.  As Lisa walked up her garden path, she noticed a light flashing on and off in an upstairs bedroom. A shiver went down her back. . What if it was a burglar? Quietly, she crept round to the back of the house to see if there was any sign of a break-in. Sure enough, a window was open and someone’s coat was hanging on the gatepost!  Well, 26-year-old Lisa didn’t fancy coming face to face with a burglar, so she ran to a neighbour’s house and rang the police. As she sat waiting for the police to arrive, Lisa’s curiosity got the better of her and she decided to go back and see what was going on. That’s when she saw a leg coming out of the downstairs front window. It was a man climbing out. Lisa gasped in shock. The burglar war carrying her portable television!  At this point, Lisa saw red. She didn’t have many possessions and she’d saved long and hard to buy that set. Besides, nobody was going to stop her watching Friends.“Oh no, you don’t.” she muttered under her breath, as fury swelled inside her. Without even stopping to think, she across the garden and started shouting at the burglar, “Give me my TV—drop it now!”  Ignoring her, the man fled across the garden, so Lisa threw herself at him and successfully rugby-tackled him to the ground. The burglar struggled to escape, but Lisa hung on like the best kind of guard dog, despite being punched and kicked. As she looked up, she realized that she recognized the burglar’s face. She was so surprised that she lost her grip and the burglar got away, leaving the TV behind in the garden.  By the time the police and her father arrived, Lisa was in tears. “I can’t believe you were so foolish, Lisa,” scolded her father. “You could have been killed.”  “I know, but at least he didn’t get my TV.” she replied.  Lisa later remembered the name of the burglar, who had been in the same year as her at school. He was later caught and jailed for 15 months after committing a burglary and assault. In May last year, Lisa was given a Certificate of Appreciation by Staffordshire police for her “outstanding courage and public action”. In the future, however, she intends to leave household security to a new member of her family, Chan, who is a real guard dog.  Answer the questions in no more than 10 words.  1.What first led Lisa to think there was a burglar in her house?  2.Why didn’t Lisa wait in her neighbour’s house until the police arrived?  3.What does “Lisa saw red (in the 4th paragraph)” most probably mean?  4.What did the burglar do when Lisa shouted at him?  5.How did Lisa help to catch the burglar later?

单选题The little girl was crying because her mother didn’t allow her ______ the ice cream.AeatBeatsCto eatDate

单选题The weather was _____ cold that I didn’t like to leave my room.AreallyBsuchCtooDso

单选题He seemed in such an inconsolable state that I didn’t know whether to leave or stay.AdistractedBenragedCoverjoyedDbrokenhearted

单选题AShe’d be able to leave quickly.BShe’d be less nervous.CShe’d be able to locate where the man was seated.DShe’d know when her professor arrived.

单选题I ought have invited her to the party but I didn't know her well.Aought have invitedBtoCbutDknow her well

单选题Even though she didn't want her son to leave home, since he was 21, there was nothing she could do to _____ itAhinderBpreventCceaseDresist