单选题It was()of you not to play the piano while I was having a sleep.AconsiderateBcarefulCconsideringDconsiderable

It was()of you not to play the piano while I was having a sleep.









解析: 暂无解析


Don’t forget to feed the birds for me while I am away, ____________? (A) can you(B) do you(C) shall you(D) will you

PART CDirections: You will hear three dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. While listening, answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have 10 seconds to check your answer to each question. You will hear each piece ONLY ONCE.听力原文: The piano and violin are girls' instruments. Drums and trumpets are for boys. According to Psychologists Susan O' Neil and Michael Bottome, children have very clear ideas about which musical instruments they should play. They found that despite the best efforts of teachers, these ideas have changed very little over the past decade. They interviewed 153 children, aged between 9 and 11, from schools in northwest England. They asked them to identify four musical instruments and then say which they would like to play most and which they would least like to play. They also asked the children for their views on whether boys or girls should not play any of the four instruments. The piano and violin were both ranked more favorably by girls than by boys, while boys preferred the drums and trumpets. There was a broad agreement between boys and girls on which instruments each sex should play and the reasons varied. And while almost half of all boys said they avoided certain instruments because they were too difficult to play. Only 15 percent of girls gave that as a reason. Earlier studies indicated that very young school children aged between 5 and 7, showed no bias in choosing musical instruments. But their tastes become more clear between the ages of 8 and 10. One survey of 78 teachers suggested that after that age, both boys and girls begin to restrict themselves to the so-called male or female instruments.How many children did Susan and Michael interview?A.150.B.151.C.152.D.153.

Tom: You are playing guitar well. Can you read music? Charles: No, I don't. I just listen to songs on the radio and then play them until they sound right. Tom: ______ Charles: No, really.A.You're lyingB.You're cheatingC.You are boastingD.You're kidding

Edward, you play so well, But I ______ you played the piano.A. didn’t know B. hadn’t knownC. don’t know D. haven’t known

5.—Do you play _________piano in your free time?—No,l like sports.l often play _________soccer with my friends.A./,theB. the,/C. the,theD. a,a

Edward, you play so well. But I _________ you played the piano.A.didn't knowB.hadn't knownC.don't knowD.haven't known

AThe music clubThe music club needs two people. Read about the four people. How many things can each student do?Ma HuiI can’t sing and I can't dance. I can play the violin and the piano.PetrusI can’t dance, but I can sing. I can play the violin.AngelaI can sing, but I can-t dance. I can play the trumpet and the guitar.AlbertI can sing and dance. I can play the trumpet and the guitar.( )21. How many things can Ma Hui do?A. OneB. TwoC. ThreeD. Four

BMy name is Tom Mallory. I'm English and I'm 13. I'm a student in Brookes School. I like music and sports very much. I can play twoinstruments :the violin and the piano. I can play them very well.I have two sisters. They are students, too. Our parents are from Ireland, but they live in London now. My mother is a teacher and my father is the manager of a small en-gineering company.( )26. Tom lives in________A.IrelandB.EnglandC.CanadaD.America

2. —What do you do_________ Friday evening?—I play the piano.A.inB. onC. atD. to

A:Have you ever tried to play snooker?B:_____A. No,I triedB. No,I haven'tC. No,I didn't

-- I wish you wouldn't play the TV so loud.-- _____A. Sorry. Where are you trying to sleep?B. Is it loud?C. I don't think it is loud.D. Why?

If you _______ out to play, I would go along with you. A.had goneB.wentC.goD.gone

If you _______ out to play, I _______ along with you. A.were, will goB.go, have been goneC.go, will goD.are going, am going

— I wish you wouldn’t play the TV so loud. A、No, I wouldn’t.B、Yes, I would.C、Thanks.D、Sorry. Was I disturbing you?

Did you hear that girl to play the piano?()

She likes play ( ) piano; but he likes play ( ) basketball.A.the; aB.the; theC.the; /D./; the

It is still early. Why not ________ for a while? A.to play pianoB.play pianoC.do you play the pianoD.play the piano

Olivia:Do you mind if I play some music?Bill:______. I'm writing my assignment.A、Of course I doB、Not at allC、Of course notD、Certainly

Edward, you play so well. But I you played the piano. A. didn’t know B. hadn’t known C. don’t know D. haven’t known

二、考题解析【教案】Teaching aims:Knowledge aim: Students will master the sentence pattern “can you” and some new words such as sing, play the piano and so on.Ability aim: Students will improve their speaking ability through group work.Emotional aim: Students will take part in the class actively and be fond of learning English.Key and difficult point: Students can master the sentence pattern and words and can take part into the class actively.Teaching procedure:Step 1: Warming-upGreeting: Good morning boys and girls, this is your beloved English teacher, Jessica. How are you today? Fine, I'm too. It is snowing right now right? The weather is getting colder and colder, so put on more clothes and don't catch cold ok? Otherwise you will lag behind for your English studying.Lead-in: 展示有关音乐会的图片:Sydney Opera House/ National opera house in Beijing1)what can you see in the pictures2) Where can we do in it?3) Do you like to enjoy a music show in our school?4) Let’s take a look of today’s class: musicians wanted for school music festival.Step 2: Pre-reading图片讲解单词:sing/ dance/ play the piano/1) What can you see in the pictures: 依次展示TF boys/ ballet/ 朗朗2) What is he/ she doing in the picture? 依次引出: sing/ dance/ play the piano.3) When you sing, you make musical sounds with your voice, usually producing words that fit a tune.4) When you dance, you move your body and feet in a way that follows a rhythm, usually in time to music.5) A piano is a large musical instrument with a row of black and white keys. When you press these keys with your fingers, little hammers hit wire strings inside the piano, which vibrate to produce musical notes.Step 3: While-reading设置阅读问题:1) Which musical instruments are mentioned in the passage:The piano (Y), the trumpet (Y), the drums (Y). violin (X).2) who should you contact if you are interested: zhang heng3) The telephone number? 622-6033.Step4: Post-reading1) Do a survey: which musical instruments can your classmate play?2) Making a conversation by using the result of the survey: Do you want to go to the music festival?

What do you do on Sunday?()A、I 'm a teacherB、I play footballC、You are a studentD、They clean rooms.

Ben, would you like to play football with us?()but I have to wash the dishes first.A、No, I can'tB、I don't want toC、Yes, pleaseD、I'd love to

我希望没有让你久等。()A、I hope I have not kept you waiting for long.B、I hope I have not kept you waiting for a short time.C、I hope I have not kept you waiting for a while.D、I hope I have not kept you waiting for a little time.

单选题What’s the _____ of having a public open space where you can’t eat, drink or even simply hang out for a while?AsenseBmatterCcaseDopinion

单选题—Why don’t you go out to play, Rose?—I’m afraid I can’t. I have much homework ______.AdoBdoesCdoingDto do

单选题I'd play football with you now if l ______ ten years younger.AamBbeChad beenDwere

单选题—______ you come with me to Lang Lang’s piano concert this evening?—I’d love to, but I have to study for my math test.AShouldBMayCMustDCan