











( 13 )如果派生类以 protected 方式继承基类,则原基类的 protected 成员和 public 成员在派生类中的访问属性分别是A ) public 和 publicB ) public 和 protectedC ) protected 和 publicD ) protected 和 protected


在哪种派生方式中,派生类可以访问基类中的protected成员() A、public和privateB、public和protectedC、protected和privateD、仅protected

Please excuse my()in without(). A、come...permittedB、coming...permittedC、comimg...being permittedD、to come...being permitted

下面叙述错误的是 ______。A.基类的protected成员在派生类中仍然是protectedB.基类的protected成员在private派生类中仍然是protected的C.基类的protected成员在private派生类中是private的D.基类的protected成员不能被派生类的对象访问

访问修饰符作用范围由大到小是( )A)private-default-protected-publicB)public-default-protected-privateC)private-protected-default-publicD)public-protected-default-private

下面叙述错误的是( )。A.基类的protected成员在派生类中仍然是protected的B.基类的protected成员在public派生类中仍然是protected的C.基类的protected成员在private派生类中是privated的D.基类的protected成员不能被派生类的对象访问

The provisional pratique by radio ______ a vessel to proceed directly to berths or working anchorages and begin normal business activities without the inspection of the Port Health Officer.A.permitB.permittingC.is permittedD.permits

Prior to loading barges over the stern of a LASH vessel,the vessel should be trimmed in what manner ________.A.Two to four feet by the bowB.Slightly by the bowC.No trim should be permittedD.Slightly by the stern

Many young people are drawn to big cities by their good opportunities.A:transported B:pushedC:attracted D:immigrated

He was elevated to the post of prime minister.A:pulled B:promoted C:lifted D:treated

Smoking will be banned in all public places here.A:forbidden B:allowed C:permitted D:promoted

A large crowd had assembled outside the American embassy.A:attacked B:pushedC:shouted D:gathered

下面哪个方法不是HttpServlet类:()A、protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest reg,HttpServletResponse res) throws Servlet Exception ,java.io.IOExceptionB、protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest reg,HttpServletResponse res) throws Servlet Exception,java.io.IOExceptionC、protected void doHead(HttpServletRequest reg,HttpServletResponse res) throws Servlet Exception,java.io.IOExceptionD、protected void doReceive(HttpServletRequest reg,HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException,java.io.IOException

canine protected occlusion

Object类的finalize()方法是如何声明的()。A、public void finalize()B、protected int finalize()C、C.protected void finalize(intD、protected void finalize()throws Throwable

Protected mode

What type of protection is implemented when the DBA issues the ALTER DATABASE SET STANDBY DATABASE PROTECTED; command?()A、The standby database is protected against write operations. B、The primary database is protected against write operations. C、The primary database is protected against data loss and data divergence. D、The standby database is protected against data loss and data divergence.

单选题如果派生类以protected方式继承基类,则原基类的protected成员和public成员在派生类中的访问属性分别是(  )。Apublic和publicBpublic和protectedCprotected和publicDprotected和protected

单选题What type of protection is implemented when the DBA issues the ALTER DATABASE SET STANDBY DATABASE PROTECTED; command?()AThe standby database is protected against write operations. BThe primary database is protected against write operations. CThe primary database is protected against data loss and data divergence. DThe standby database is protected against data loss and data divergence.

单选题Electric circuits are protected against overloads and short circuits by means of a/an ().Acircuit breakerBamplifierCdiodeDcapacitor


单选题Electrical circuits are protected against overheating by means of a/an ().Acircuit breakerBamplifierCdiodeDcapacitor


单选题Life preservers should be stowed in().Athe forepeakBmessroomsCconvenient protected topside locationsDlocked watertight containers

单选题Which of the following commands scans and verifies system protected files?()AVERIFYBSFCCCHKDSKDCHKNTFS

单选题Operation of the valve control release on a fixed CO2 system must immediately().Arelease CO2 to the protected spaceBsecure all mechanical ventilation in the protected spaceCsound the rig's general alarm signal for a fireDsound an alarm in the ballast control room

单选题Which of the following best describes the lock protection provided by DB2 for the current row of a cursor?()AThe cursor is only protected from updates and deletes by concurrent applications.BThe row is only protected from positioned updates and deletes that reference another cursor of the same application.CThe cursor is protected from positioned updates and deletes that reference another cursor of a different application.DThe row is protected from updates and deletes by the current application and from positioned updates and deletes that reference another cursor of the same application.