This argument sounds reasonable, but () it’s incorrect.A、fortunatelyB、actuallyC、naturallyD、obviously

This argument sounds reasonable, but () it’s incorrect.

  • A、fortunately
  • B、actually
  • C、naturally
  • D、obviously


The music (). A、is sounded wonderfulB、sounds wonderfulC、is sounded wonderfullyD、sounds wonderfully

Betty’s suggestion that you () once more sounds reasonable. A、tryB、triesC、must tryD、can try

The lecture was really interesting._________________________________. A. I couldn’t agree with you more.B. It sounds reasonable.C. It didn’ t last too long.D. I’m going to listen to it

函数参数有两种类型:位置参数(position argument)关键词参数(keyword argument)。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

In some cases, when a predator approaches, fishes escape on hearing ______.A. the sounds of other speciesB. the sounds of their preyC. the sounds of the approaching enemyD. the sounds of their fellows

The master can refuse to ______ in the bill of lading the statements required by the Act if either he has reasonable grounds for suspecting that the information given by the shipper is inaccurate,or he has no reasonable means of checking it.A.inoculateB.innovateC.inordinateD.incorporate

The whole idea to build a deluxe hotel here sounds insane to me.A:reasonable B:sensible C:crazy D:unbelievable

The whole idea to build a deluxe hotel here sounds insane to me.A:reasonable B:sensibleC:crazy D:unbelievable

When children learn to distinguish between the sounds of their language and the sounds that are not part of the language, they can acquire any sounds in their native language once their parents teach them.A对B错

Consonant sounds can be either ()or(),while all vowel sounds are ().

Will you please turn down the TV?()AI‘ll turn it down next time.BNever mind if you turn it down.CIt sounds reasonable.DSorry. I haven‘t realized you‘re sleeping.

The lecture given by Professor Smith was really interesting.()AI couldn‘t agree with you more.BI‘m going to listen to it.CIt sounds reasonable.DIt didn‘t last too long.


A general difference between phonetics and phonology is that phonetics is focused on the production of speech sounds while phonology is more concerned with how speech sounds distinguish meaning.

When children learn to distinguish between the sounds of their language and the sounds that are not part of the language, they can acquire any sounds in their native language once their parents teach them.

选出不是顾客讨价的句子:( )。A、Could you come down a bit?B、I can give you no more then 30 dollars. Can you sell it for that?C、How much is the large size?D、That sounds reasonable. But could you give me a 10% discount?

Given that t1 is a reference to a live thread, which is true?()A、The Thread.sleep() method can take t1 as an argument.B、The Object.notify() method can take t1 as an argument.C、The Thread.yield() method can take t1 as an argument.D、The Thread.setPriority() method can take t1 as an argument.E、The Object.notify() method arbitrarily chooses which thread to notify.

您要写下面的名为 CustomException的自定义异常类public class CustomException : ApplicationException { public static int COR_E_ARGUMENT = unchecked((int)0x80070057); public CustomException(string msg) : base(msg) { HResult = COR_E_ARGUMENT; }}您需要编写一段代码,这段代码要使用ustomException 类,并且要迅速返回控制权给COM 调用方法。 您应该使用哪个代码?()A、return Marshal.GetExceptionForHR(CustomException.COR_E_ARGUMENT);B、return CustomException.COR_E_ARGUMENT;C、Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(CustomException.COR_E_ARGUMENT);D、throw new CustomException(“Argument is out of bounds”);

填空题Consonant sounds can be either ()or(),while all vowel sounds are ().

单选题()the captain said is reasonable.AThatBItCWhichDWhat

单选题Given that t1 is a reference to a live thread, which is true?()AThe Thread.sleep() method can take t1 as an argument.BThe Object.notify() method can take t1 as an argument.CThe Thread.yield() method can take t1 as an argument.DThe Thread.setPriority() method can take t1 as an argument.EThe Object.notify() method arbitrarily chooses which thread to notify.

填空题When a pub staff takes part in a pub-argument, it suggests that the argument is public.____

单选题Will you please turn down the TV?()AI‘ll turn it down next time.BNever mind if you turn it down.CIt sounds reasonable.DSorry. I haven‘t realized you‘re sleeping.

单选题In the second sentence of the first paragraph, “this” refers to _____.Aall the activities about plagiarismBthe activities of self-plagiarismCthe argument for the impossibility of self-plagiarismDthe argument for the possibility of self-plagiarism

问答题The following is a transcript of a statement made by a recording industry executive at an industry conference:  “The music recording industry is suffering grave economic losses due to the widespread piracy of digital music. This fate was an inevitable result of the industry’s misguided decision to switch from the analogue format of vinyl records to the digital formats used today on compact disks and computer files. Copying a vinyl record requires expensive and bulky machinery, whereas anyone with a computer and an Internet connection can start up a music piracy business. To boost music revenues, the recording industry should switch entirely back to the analogue format of vinyl records. Also, I can state with complete authority that music just sounds better on a vinyl record.”  Discuss how well-reasoned you find this argument. In your discussion, be sure to analyze the line of reasoning and the use of evidence in the argument. For example, you may need to consider what questionable assumptions underlie the thinking and what alternative examples or counterexamples might weaken the conclusion. You can also discuss what sort of evidence would strengthen or refute the argument, what changes in the argument would make it more logically sound, and what, if anything, would help you better evaluate its conclusion.

单选题The lecture given by Professor Smith was really interesting.()AI couldn‘t agree with you more.BI‘m going to listen to it.CIt sounds reasonable.DIt didn‘t last too long.

判断题When children learn to distinguish between the sounds of their language and the sounds that are not part of the language, they can acquire any sounds in their native language once their parents teach them.A对B错