- A、0.1~0.4
- B、1.5~10
- C、10~15
- D、0.4~1.5
II型呼吸衰竭合并代谢性酸中毒()。 A、Pa0/sub2/supsubno60mHl.PaCO/sub2/supsubno50mmlgB、Pa0/sub2/supsubno60mHgPaCO/sub2/supsubno45mmgC、Pa0/sub2/supsubno60mmHgPaCO/sub2/supsubno50mmHD、Pa0/sub2/supsubno60mHg、PaCO/sub2/supsubno45mmHgE、Pa0/sub2/supsubno60mHg、PaC0/sub2supsubno45mmHg
有如下程序: Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim a As Single Dim b As Single a=5:b=4 Call Sub1(a,b) End Sub Sub Sub1(x As Single,y As Single) t=X X=t\Y Y=t Mod y End Sub 在调用运行上述程序后,a和b的值分别为A.0 0B. 1 1C.2 2D.1 2
下列Sub 过程中描述错误的是______。A.Sub 过程只能在窗体模块中定义B.Goto 语句不能用于Sub 过程C.Sub 过程只能在窗体模块中定义D.Sub 过程中不能嵌套定义Sub 过程
以下程序的输出结果是( )。 include main()fint x=0; sub(x,16,2); printf("%d\n", 以下程序的输出结果是( )。include<stdio.h>main()fint x=0;sub(x,16,2);printf("%d\n",x);}sub(int*a,int n,int k){if(k<=n) sub(a,n/2,2*k);*a+=k;}
设在工程中定义了如下类型: Type stutype ino As Integer strname As String*20 strsex As String* 1 smark As Single End Type在窗体上正确使用这个类型的是下列哪个操作( )。A.Sub Commandl_Click0 Dim student As Stutype With student .ino = 12 . strname = smith .strsex = .smark = 89 End With End SubB.Sub Commandl_Click0 Dim student As Stutype With student .ino = 12 .strname = "smith" .strscx = "男" .smark = 89 End With End SubC.Sub Commandl_Click0 Dim student As Stutype With Stutype ino = 12 .strname = "smith" .strsex = "男" .smark = 89 End With End SubD.Sub Command1 _Click() Dim student As Stutype With student .ino = 12 .strname = "smith" .strsex = "男" .smark = 89 End student End Sub
class Super { public int i = 0; public Super(String text) { i = 1; } } public class Sub extends Super { public Sub(String text) { i = 2; } public static void main(String args[]) { Sub sub = new Sub(“Hello”); System.out.println(sub.i); } } What is the result?() A、 0B、 1C、 2D、 Compilation fails.
单选题class Super { public int i = 0; public Super(String text) { i = 1; } } public class Sub extends Super { public Sub(String text) { i = 2; } public static void main(String args[]) { Sub sub = new Sub(“Hello”); System.out.println(sub.i); } } What is the result?()A 0B 1C 2D Compilation fails.
单选题class super ( public int I = 0; public super (string text) ( I = 1 ) ) public class sub extends super ( public sub (string text) ( i= 2 ) public static void main (straing args) ( sub sub = new sub (“Hello”); system.out. PrintIn(sub.i); ) ) What is the result?()A Compilation will fail.B Compilation will succeed and the program will print “0”C Compilation will succeed and the program will print “1”D Compilation will succeed and the program will print “2”
多选题标准砝码的质量为m,测量得到的最佳估计值为100.02147g,合成标准不确定uc(ms) 为0.35mg,取包含因子k=2,以下表示的测量结果中 ( ) 是正确的。Apmsubs/sub=100.02147g;U=0.70mg,k=2/pBpmsubs/sub=(100.02147±0.00070)g;k=2/pCpmsubs/sub=100.02147g;usubc/sub(msubs/sub)=0.35mg,k=1/pDpmsubs/sub=100.02147g;usubc/sub(msubs/sub)=0.35mg/p
多选题下列表示中____的表示形式是正确的。ApUsub95/sub= 1%,vsubeff/sub =9 /pBpUsubr/sub= 1%,k=2 /pCpusubC/sub=0. 5% /pDpusubC/sub=±0 5%.k=1 /p
多选题设up为标准正态分布的p分位数,则有( )。Ausub0.49/sub>0 Busub0.3/sub<usub0.4 /subCusub0.5/sub=0 Dusub0.23/sub=-usub0.77 /subEusub0.5/sub=-usub0.5/sub
单选题在我国货币供应量层次划分中,一般所说的货币供应量是指( ),通常反映社会总需求变化和未来通货膨胀的压力状况。ApMsub0/sub/pBpMsub1/sub/pCpMsub2/sub/pDpMsub3/sub/p
单选题已知某线声源长度为l0,在线声源垂直平分线上距线声源r0和r的分别为Lp(r0)和Lp(r),根据《环境影响评价技术导则声环境》,按公式Lp(r)=Lp(r0)-15lg(r/r0)近似计算该线声源的噪声影响时,应满足的条件是()。AprIsub0/sub且rsub0/subIsub0/sub /pBprIsub0/sub/3且rsub0/subIsub0/sub/3 /pCpIsub0/sub/3rspanI/spansub0/sub且Isub0/sub/3rsub0/subr0Isub0/sub /r0/pDp无条件限制 /p