Detection limit
Detection limit
A ______ system placed between the company network and the outs2012q2/cte world may limit outs2012q2/cte access to the internal network.A.firewallB.modemC.gatewayD.KeyA.B.C.D.
The word "off-limit" in the passage may limitsD.beyond the limit
The load sharing characteristics of two diesel generators operating in parallel are mostly dependent on their governor ______.A.load limit settingsB.idle speed settingsC.speed limit settingsD.speed droop settings
MSG9000MRB能实现的功能包括(). A.Tone/VoiceB.DTMF Detection/GenerationC.MFC Detection/GenerationD.ConferenceCall
Passage 1A concept car developed by Japanese company Nissan has a breathalyzer-like detection system and other instruments that could help keep drunk or over tired drivers off the road.The car's sensors check odors inside the car and monitor a driver's sweat for traces of alcohol. An in-car computer system can issue an alert or even lock up the ignition system if the driver seems over-the-limit. The air odor sensors are fixed' firmly and deeply in the driver and passenger seats, while a detector in the gear-shift knob measures perspiration from the driver's palm.Other carmakers have developed similar detection systems. For example, Sweden's Volvo has developed a breathalyzer attached to a car's seat belt that drivers must blow into before the engine will start.Nissan's new concept vehicle also includes a dashboard-mounted camera that tracks a driver's alertness by monitoring their eyes. It will sound an alarm and issue a spoken warning in Japanese or English if it judges that the driver needs to pull over and rest.The car technology is still in development, but general manager Kazuhiro Doi says the combination of different detection systems should improve the overall effectiveness of the technology."For example, if the gear-shift sensor was bypassed by a passenger using it instead of the driver, the facial recognition system would still be used," Doi says. Nissan has no specific timetable for marketing the system, but aims to use technology to cut the number of fatalities involving its vehicles to half 1995 levels by 2015.The car's seat belt can also tighten if drowsiness is detected, while an external camera checks that the car is keeping to its lane properly. However, Doi admits that some of the technology, such as the alcohol odor sensor, should be improved. "If you drink one beer, it's going to register, so we need to study what's the appropriate level for the system to activate," he says.According to Doi,__________.查看材料A.the overall effectiveness of the detection technology has improvedB.Nissan is making a timetable to market the detection is impossible to improve the'overall effectiveness of the detection systemD.Nissan aims to improve the detection technology to reduce the fatality rate
On switch R1 you issue the "udld enable" global command. What does this command accomplish? ()A、 Enables all fiber-optic LAN ports for Unidirectional LINK Detection (UDLD)B、 Enables all copper media LAN ports Unidirectional Link Detection (UDLD)C、 Overrides the default UDLS setting for all portsD、 Globally enables all ports on the device for Unidirectional Link Detection (UDLS)E、 None of the other alternatives apply
public class CreditCard { private String cardlD; private Integer limit; public String ownerName; public void setCardlnformation(String cardlD, String ownerName, 28. Integer limit) { this.cardlD = cardlD; this.ownerName = ownerName; this.limit = limit; } } Which is true?() A、 The class is fully encapsulated.B、 The code demonstrates polymorphism.C、 The ownerName variable breaks encapsulation.D、 The cardlD and limit variables break polymorphism.E、 The setCardlnformation method breaks encapsulation.
下列对材质的Refraction Limit属性描述正确的是()。A、Refraction Limit控制的是材质的反射次数,需要配合渲染器的光线追踪设置使用B、Refraction Limit控制的是材质的折射次数,需要配合渲染器的光线追踪设置使用C、Refraction Limit控制的是材质的反射次数,所以没有反射的材质是没有此属性的,如LambertD、Refraction Limit控制的是材质的折射次数,只需勾选材质的Refractions属性,Refraction Limit即可生效
下面哪些参数与DR有关()。A、drInUseB、max Time Limit Directed RetryC、min Time Limit Directed RetryD、dr MethodE、dr ThresholdF、trho TargetLevel
假如某小区的参数设置为:LIMIT1=4,LIMIT2=8,LIMIT3=15,LIMIT4=25;若该小区某时刻上行干扰信号到达基站CDU端的噪声电平为-104dBm,则该时刻的干扰带为() A、BAND1B、BAND2C、BAND3D、BAND4E、BAND5
MSG9000MRB能实现的功能包括().A、Tone/VoiceB、DTMF Detection/GenerationC、MFC Detection/GenerationD、ConferenceCall
What are two ways with which a small business can keep a wireless business separate and secure from a wireless guest access network? () A、 auto-channel selectionB、 WMM QoSC、 802.11F roamingD、 multiple BSSIDsE、 802.1Q VLANsF、 AP detection
用INMS系统处理电报时,当提示信息框出现Upper flight level limit replaced by default value时,系统会()。A、将G)项设置为UNLB、将航行通告限定行(Q-Line)中的上限设置为999C、将G)项设置为FL999
单选题On switch R1 you issue the "udld enable" global command. What does this command accomplish? ()A Enables all fiber-optic LAN ports for Unidirectional LINK Detection (UDLD)B Enables all copper media LAN ports Unidirectional Link Detection (UDLD)C Overrides the default UDLS setting for all portsD Globally enables all ports on the device for Unidirectional Link Detection (UDLS)E None of the other alternatives apply
单选题A combustible gas indicator meter is calibrated to read the percentage of().Avapor to oxygenBthe flammable limit concentrationCthe autoignition concentrationDthe lower explosive limit concentretion
多选题下面哪些参数与DR有关()。AdrInUseBmax Time Limit Directed RetryCmin Time Limit Directed RetryDdr MethodEdr ThresholdFtrho TargetLevel
单选题public class CreditCard { private String cardlD; private Integer limit; public String ownerName; public void setCardlnformation(String cardlD, String ownerName, 28. Integer limit) { this.cardlD = cardlD; this.ownerName = ownerName; this.limit = limit; } } Which is true?()A The class is fully encapsulated.B The code demonstrates polymorphism.C The ownerName variable breaks encapsulation.D The cardlD and limit variables break polymorphism.E The setCardlnformation method breaks encapsulation.
单选题Which fire detection system is actuated by sensing a heat rise in a compartment?()AManual fire detection systemBAutomatic fire detection systemCSmoke detection systemDWatchman's supervisory system
多选题You need to generate a list of all customer last names with their credit limits from the CUSTOMERS table. Those customers who do not have a credit limit should appear last in the list. Which two queries would achieve the required result?()ASELECT cust_last_name, cust_credit_limit FROM customers ORDER BY cust_credit_limit DESCBSELECT cust_last_name, cust_credit_limit FROM customers ORDER BY cust_credit_limitCSELECT cust_last_name, cust_credit_limit FROM customers ORDER BY cust_credit_limit NULLS LASTDSELECT cust_last_name, cust_credit_limit FROM customers ORDER BY cust_last_name, cust_credit_limit NULLSLAST
单选题The second paragraph is focused on _____.Athe principles of past lie-detection machinesBwhy past lie-detection machines did not workCwhy it is necessary to develop new lie-detection machinesDthe difference between past and present lie-detection machines
单选题The minimum concentration of a vapor in air which can form an explosive mixture is called the().Aauto-ignition pointBflash pointClower explosive limit (LEL)Dthreshold limit value (TLV)