closed fracture
closed fracture
We returned school late from a party and found the door of the students' apartment ______.A. had closedB. closeC. to closeD. closed
Some sea water came into the wheel house during the voyage due to __ the window thereof.A.not closeB.not closingC.we didn’t closeD.not to be closed
To ensure proper seating when closing a valve on a tank,the valve should be ______.A.Set up as tight as possible by handB.Set up tight using a valve wrenchC.Closed,opened a half turn,and then closedD.Closed against the stop and the locking pin inserted
The boy lay in the street,his eyes_______and his hands______.A.closing;tremblingB.closed;trembledC.closing;trembledD.closed;trembling
Push the “Oil Jack” position ()until the cover comes to its final closed position.A、liftedB、loweredC、openedD、closed
在display interface命令的显示中,下列哪项的LCP和NCP的状态表示PPP链路已经建立完成?()A、LCP Closed,IPCP OpenedB、LCP Closed,IPCP ClosedC、LCP Opened,IPCP OpenedD、LCP Initial,IPCP Closed
单选题This arrangement is () if the elements are directly connected to one another and the control action takes place without human involvement.Aa manual closed loopBa manual opened loopCan automatic closed loopDan automatic opened loop
单选题The symptoms of a fractured back are().Aleg cramps in the muscles in one or both legsBpain and uncontrolled jerking of the legs and armsCvomiting and involuntary urination or bowel movementDpain at the site of the fracture and possible numbness or paralysis below the injury
单选题A compound fracture is a fracture in which().Amore than one bone is brokenBthe same bone is broken in more than one placeCthere is never any internal bleedingDthe bone may be visible
名词解释题骨折(fracture of bone)