“Brittle fracture”和“Ductile Fracture”的含义分别是()A、脆性断裂和延性断裂;B、延性断裂和脆性断裂;C、脆性断裂和永久变形;D、塑性变形和永久变形

“Brittle fracture”和“Ductile Fracture”的含义分别是()

  • A、脆性断裂和延性断裂;
  • B、延性断裂和脆性断裂;
  • C、脆性断裂和永久变形;
  • D、塑性变形和永久变形


共用题干New Understanding of Natural Silk's MysteriesNatural silk,as we all know,has a strength that man-made materials have long struggled to match.In a discovery that sounds more like an ancient Chinese proverb than a materials science breakthrough,MIT re- searchers have discovered that silk gets its strength from its weakness.Or,more specifically,its many weak- nesses. Silk gets its extraordinary durability and ductility(柔韧性)from an unusual arrangement of hydrogen bonds that are intrinsically very weak but that work together to create a strong,flexible structure.Most materials一especially the ones we engineer for strength一get their toughness from brittleness.As such,natural silks like those produced by spiders have long fascinated both biologists and engineers because of their light weight,ductility and high strength(pound for pound,silk is stronger than steel and far less brittle). But on its face,it doesn't seem that silks should be as strong as they are;molecularly,they are held together by hydrogen bonds , which are far weaker than the covalent(共价的)bonds found in other molecules.To get a better understanding of how silk manages to produce such strength through such weak bonds, the MIT team created a set of computer models that allowed them to observe the way silk behaves at the atomic level. They found that the arrangement of the tiny silk nanocrystals(纳米晶体)is such that the hydro- gen bonds are able to work cooperatively,reinforcing one another against external forces and failing slowlywhen they do fail,so as not to allow a sudden fracture to spread across a silk structure.The result is natural silks that can stretch and bend while retaining a high degree of strength.But while that's all well and good for spiders,bees and the like,this understanding of silk geometry could lead to new materials that are stronger and more ductile than those we can currently manufacture.Our best and strongest materials are generally expensive and difficult to produce(requiring high temperature treatments or energy-intensive processes).By looking to silk as a model,researchers could potentially devise new manufacturing methods that rely on inexpensive materials and weak bonds to create less rigid,more forgiving materials that are nonetheless stronger than anything currently on offer. And if you thought you were going to get out of this materials science story without hearing about carbon nanotubes(纳米碳管), think again. The MIT team is already in the lab looking into ways of synthesizing silk-like structures out of materials that are stronger than natural silk-like carbon nanotubes. Super-silks are on the horizon.Biologists and engineers are interested in understanding natural silks because they are very light and brittle.A:RightB:WrongC:Not mentioned

总体分布正态,总体方差已知,从总体中随即抽取容量为25的小样本。用样本平均数估计总体平均数的置信区间为(  )A.{img src="/main/97/u/2011040805490056962}frac{sigma}{sqrt{n-1}}" align='absmiddle'/}B.{img src="/main/97/u/2011040805490056972}frac{sigma}{sqrt{n-1}}" align='absmiddle'/}C.{img src="/main/97/u/2011040805490056982}frac{sigma}{sqrt{n}}" align='absmiddle'/}D.{img src="/main/97/u/2011040805490056992}frac{sigma}{sqrt{n}}" align='absmiddle'/}

总体分布正态,总体方差未知,从总体中随即抽取容量为25的小样本,此样本的标准差为S。用样本平均数估计总体平均数的置信区间为(  )A.{img src="/main/97/u/2011040805485456772^sigma overline{x}}" align='absmiddle'/}B.{img src="/main/97/u/2011040805485456782^sigma overline{x}}" align='absmiddle'/}C.{img src="/main/97/u/2011040805485456792}frac{S}{sqrt{n-1}}" align='absmiddle'/}D.{img src="/main/97/u/2011040805485456802}frac{S}{sqrt{n-1}}" align='absmiddle'/}



击入性骨折(blow-in fracture)是当眼部被钝器击伤时,眼球突然向后移位,眶内压力剧增,致使眶底薄弱处发生骨折,骨折片、眶内软组织、眼肌等随之疝入额窦

击出性骨折(blow-out fracture)系暴力击中眶外侧壁或颧部,使额颧缝发生骨折,延续到眶下壁。冲击力使上颌骨转动,导致部分眶底向下旋转进入眶内。

反拗危象(brittle Crisis)

cutter blade fracture是切断刀刀片断裂报警。

“屈服强度”是下面哪个英文单词。()A、Fracture Strength;B、Yield Strength;C、tensile strength

从“Ductile Fracture”的特征,以下哪一种说法是正确的()A、断裂前无明显的塑性变形(永久变形),吸收的能量很少;B、明显的永久变形,并且经常有缩颈现象C、裂纹的扩展速度往往很快,几近音速。D、脆性断裂无明显的征兆可寻,断裂是突然发生的

从“Brittle fracture”的特征,以下哪一种说法是错误的()A、断裂前无明显的塑性变形(永久变形),吸收的能量很少;B、有一定的永久形变C、裂纹的扩展速度往往很快,几近音速。D、脆性断裂无明显的征兆可寻,断裂是突然发生的

open fracture

“断裂强度”是下面哪个英文单词。()A、Fracture Strength;B、Yield Strength;C、tensile strength

单选题Fracture damage to the end links of the anchor cable,or to the jews’ harp may be eliminated by().Ausing a small diameter connecting shackleBensuring the swivel is well lubricated and free to turnCinstalling the connecting shackle with the bow towards the anchorDsecuring a piece of wood to the jews' harp

单选题The symptoms of a fractured back are().Aleg cramps in the muscles in one or both legsBpain and uncontrolled jerking of the legs and armsCvomiting and involuntary urination or bowel movementDpain at the site of the fracture and possible numbness or paralysis below the injury


单选题With reference to a vessel’s structural integrity, the most significant characteristic of a cryogenic liquid is its ().Acapability of causing brittle fracturesBhighly corrosive action on mild steelCvapor cloud which reacts violently with saltwaterDtoxicity at atmospheric pressure

名词解释题open fracture

单选题A compound fracture is a fracture in which().Amore than one bone is brokenBthe same bone is broken in more than one placeCthere is never any internal bleedingDthe bone may be visible

单选题从“Ductile Fracture”的特征,以下哪一种说法是正确的()A断裂前无明显的塑性变形(永久变形),吸收的能量很少;B明显的永久变形,并且经常有缩颈现象C裂纹的扩展速度往往很快,几近音速。D脆性断裂无明显的征兆可寻,断裂是突然发生的

单选题Which is the most serious type of fracture?()ACompoundBGreenstickCClosedDCrack

单选题“Brittle fracture”和“Ductile Fracture”的含义分别是()A脆性断裂和延性断裂;B延性断裂和脆性断裂;C脆性断裂和永久变形;D塑性变形和永久变形

单选题从“Brittle fracture”的特征,以下哪一种说法是错误的()A断裂前无明显的塑性变形(永久变形),吸收的能量很少;B有一定的永久形变C裂纹的扩展速度往往很快,几近音速。D脆性断裂无明显的征兆可寻,断裂是突然发生的

名词解释题反拗危象(brittle Crisis)

单选题患者男,38岁,因“骑自行车被小轿车撞伤,左胸着地”来诊。查体:意识清楚,R28次/min,HR92次/min,血压平稳,胸痛明显,左胸呼吸音减弱,肺浊音界上移。身体其余部分无损伤。该患者的可能诊断为().A肋骨骨折(Rib FracturE.B血胸(Hemothorax)C气胸(Pneumothorax)D肋骨骨折并血胸(Rib Fracture and Hemothorax)E连枷胸(Flail chest)

名词解释题骨折(fracture of bone)