安全功能 safety function
安全功能 safety function
你们怎样确保食品安全?A.How about the food safety?B.How do you ensure the food safety?C.What about the food insurance?D.Can you ensure the food safety?
____does not belong to the mooring trial item.A.Generator sets running testB.Shafting intensity testC.The function test for pumps that serving for M.ED.M.E safety devices test
记住,安全第一。()A、Remember: safety first.B、Mind. Safe the first.C、Think of it. Safety is one.D、Think of it. Safety first.
单选题From IMO’S point of view, INMARSAT’s most important function is the provision of().Ageneral radio communicationBMSICimproved distress and safety communicationDbridge-to-bridge communication
单选题()is not the main function of CCS.Aship products surveyBnotarization surveyCship safety inspectionDcounseling service and publishing ship name list
单选题Electrically operated safety devices on auxiliary diesel engines function to stop the engine by ().Aincreasing the volume of intake airBshutting off the fuel supplyCincreasing the engine back pressureDover-speeding the engine
单选题A safety management system that satisfies the requirements of the ISM Code is a system of prevention designed to prevent pollution and improve safety. The safety management system shall include the following functional requirements, please find out the non applicable function().AA safety and environmental protection policy;BInstructions and procedures to ensure safety operation of ships and protection of the environment in compliance with relevant international and flag state legislationCProvide a guarantee that there will never be another accident or technical defectDDefined levels of authority and lines of communication between and amongst, shore and shipboard personnel
单选题safety net()A安全措施B安全网C安全帽D安全防护