后备反应性 built-in reactivity
后备反应性 built-in reactivity
330~500kV线路后备保护下列配置要求中’正确的是( )。A.采用近后备方式;B.后备保护只反应线路的接地故障,C.为快速切除中长线路出口故障,在保护配置中宜有专门反今近端故障的快速辅助保护; D.当330~500kV配里的双重化主保护都具有完善的后备保护功能时,可不再设后备保护,只要其中一套主保护无后备,则应再设一套完整的独立的后备保护。
Which three statements describe the functionality of the DO_KEY built-in?()A、It accepts both a built-in and a key name as argument. B、If no key trigger is defined, the specified built-in executes. C、Its parameter must be specified in upper case, enclosed in single quotation marks. D、It performs the same task as if you pressed the function key associated with the specified argument. E、It executes the key trigger that corresponds to the built-in specified as its parameter.
多选题Which three statements describe the functionality of the DO_KEY built-in?()AIt accepts both a built-in and a key name as argument.BIf no key trigger is defined, the specified built-in executes.CIts parameter must be specified in upper case, enclosed in single quotation marks.DIt performs the same task as if you pressed the function key associated with the specified argument.EIt executes the key trigger that corresponds to the built-in specified as its parameter.
名词解释题有机物反应活性(organic reactivity)