Nothing Succeeds Without a Strong Will
Nothing Succeeds Without a Strong Will
class A{public int getNumber(int a){return a+1;}}class B extends A{public int getNumber(int a, char c){return a+2;}public static void main(String[] args){B b=new B();System.out.println(b.getNumber(0));}}what is the result?()A.compilation succeeds and 1 is printedB.compilation succeeds and 2 is printedC.compilation succeeds and 3 is printedD.An error at this program cause compilation to fail
For miles around us there was nothing but a desert, without a single plant_____. A、on earth.B、at a distance.C、in sight.D、in place.
The difference between “gentlemaninwaiting” and “journeyman” is that .[A] education trained gentlemaninwaiting to climb higher ladders[B] journeyman was ready to take whatever was given to him[C] gentlemaninwaiting belonged to a fixed and high social class[D] journeyman could do practically nothing without education
For miles around me, there was nothing but a desert, without a single plant or tree ( ). A、on earthB、in sightC、in placeD、at a distance
Given:Which is true?() A.If line 10 is removed, the compilation succeeds.B.If line 11 is removed, the compilation succeeds.C.If line 12 is removed, the compilation succeeds.D.If line 13 is removed, the compilation succeeds.E.More than one line must be removed for compilation to succeed.
The difference between “gentleman-in-waiting” and “journeyman” is that _____ .[A] education trained gentleman-in-waiting to climb higher ladders[B] journeyman was ready to take whatever was given to him[C] gentleman-in-waiting belonged to a fixed and high social class[D] journeyman could do practically nothing without education
What could the girl in the ticket office do for the passengers without asking the computer?A. She could sell a ticket.B. She could write out a ticket.C. She could answer the passengers' questions.D. She could do nothing.
What does the underlined sentence "So when it goes down, you go down with it." mean?A. When computer doesn't work, you cannot work too.B. When computer falls down, you fall down with it.C. When computer is working, you can do nothing.D. You can sell ticket without asking the computer.
She can speak French and German,let alone English.A:to say nothing of B:to speak nothing ofC:to talk nothing of D:to tell nothing of
public class Test { public static void main(String [] args) { boolean assert = true; if(assert) { System.out.println(”assert is true”); } } } Given: javac -source 1.3 What is the result?() A、 Compilation fails.B、 Compilation succeeds with errors.C、 Compilation succeeds with warnings.D、 Compilation succeeds without warnings or errors.
While performing the backup of the flash recovery area, you notice that one of the archived redo log files is missing. You have multiple destinations for archived redo log files. What implications does it have on the backup of the flash recovery area?()A、The backup fails because one of the archived redo log files is missing. B、The backup succeeds but it would be without the missing archived log. C、During backup, you are prompted for the alternative destination for the missing archived redo log file. D、The backup succeeds because it fails over to one of the alternative archived redo log destinations.
单选题A: I don’t know what I’d have done without you. B: ______AHow is everything?BI am very grateful to you.CIt was nothing.DI didn’t mean it.
单选题The imitated Official Dinner is different from the real ones in that the former _____.Awas held without the participation of important personsBcould not get the financial support as easily as the real onesCdidn’t have as many guests as the real onesDhad nothing to do with political and international issues
单选题What is the result?()A Compilation succeeds and 1 is printed.B complication succeeds and 2 is printed.C An error at line 8 causes compilation to fail.D An error at line 13 causes complication to fail.E An error at line 14 causes compilation to fail.
单选题We can safely conclude that ______.Apeople in the 19th century were eager to eat sugarBif shipwrecked sailors had drunk fresh water, things would have been even worseCone or more scientists have been hired to cheat in regard to sugarDscientists can do nothing without the money subsidized secretly
单选题When a local loopback is activated on a PPP serial link, what indicates that the local interface is good?()AA ping to the local address succeeds.BA ping to the remote address succeeds.CA ping to the remote address received a 'TTL expired' message.DThe interface shows a flag indicating that a loop is detected.
单选题class A { public String toString () { return “4”; } } class B extends A { 8. public String toString () { return super.toString() + “3”; } } public class Test { public static void main(Stringargs) { System.out.printIn(new B()); } } What is the result?()A Compilation succeeds and 4 is printed.B Compilation succeeds and 43 is printed.C An error on line 9 causes compilation to fail.D An error on line 14 causes compilation to fail.E Compilation succeeds but an exception is thrown at line 9.
单选题public class Test { public static void main(String [] args) { boolean assert = true; if(assert) { System.out.println(”assert is true”); } } } Given: javac -source 1.3 What is the result?()A Compilation fails.B Compilation succeeds with errors.C Compilation succeeds with warnings.D Compilation succeeds without warnings or errors.
单选题The best title for the passage might be _____.ABuy Nothing Day in the U. S.BThe Future of Buy Nothing DayCFree Dinners on Buy Nothing DayDStudents’ Activities on Buy Nothing Day
单选题The best title for the passage might be ______ .ABuy Nothing Day in the U.S.BThe Future of Buy Nothing DayCFree Dinners on Buy Nothing DayDStudents’ Activities on Buy Nothing Day
单选题class A { public byte getNumber () { return 1; } } class B extends A { public short getNumber() { return 2; } public static void main (String args) { B b = new B (); System.out.printIn(b.getNumber()) } } What is the result?()A Compilation succeeds and 1 is printed.B Compilation succeeds and 2 is printed.C An error at line 8 causes compilation to fail.D An error at line 14 causes compilation to fail.E Compilation succeeds but an exception is thrown at line 14.
单选题Given: Which is true?()A If line 10 is removed, the compilation succeeds.B If line 11 is removed, the compilation succeeds.C If line 12 is removed, the compilation succeeds.D If line 13 is removed, the compilation succeeds.E More than one line must be removed for compilation to succeed.
单选题While performing the backup of the flash recovery area, you notice that one of the archived redo log files is missing. You have multiple destinations for archived redo log files. What implications does it have on the backup of the flash recovery area?()A The backup fails because one of the archived redo log files is missing.B The backup succeeds but it would be without the missing archived log.C During backup,you are prompted for the alternative destination for the missing archived redo log file.D The backup succeeds because it fails over to one of the alternative archived redo log destinations.
单选题} What is the result?()A Compilation succeeds and 1 is printed.B Compilation succeeds and 2 is printed.C An error at line 8 causes compilation to fail.D An error at line 14 causes compilation to fail.
单选题The people who were watching from the beach ______.Aoffered to help without knowing what to doBdid not want to put themselves in any dangerCrealized the trouble but could do nothing about itDdid not know there was something wrong with the ship