We()your letter of Nov. 3 asking us to make a quotation.A、gooverB、havereadC、refertoD、checkup

We()your letter of Nov. 3 asking us to make a quotation.

  • A、goover
  • B、haveread
  • C、referto
  • D、checkup


( )your letter of March 5,we are pleased to inform. you that the L/C has been received. A.Replying toB.Replying forC.Replied toD.Replied for

We note from your letter of November that the price offered by us ( ) the subject article is found to be high. A.onB.atC.toD.for

Part A51. DirectionsYou want to contribute to Project Hope by offering financial aid to a child in a remote area. Write a letter to the department concerned, asking them to help find a candidate. You should specify what kind of child you want to help and how you will carry out your plan.Write your letter with no less than 100 words. Write it on ANSWER SHEET 2.Do not sign your name at the end of the letter; use “Li Ming” instead.You do not need to write the address. (10 points)

The terms of payment are important for both the seller and the buyer. For the seller, the best terms would be full payment ________. We’re flexible, adaptable and innovative. Everything we do is about your bu cash at the time of sale. But the buyer would prefer to have the goods before making payment. Importers and exporters are separated from each other by ________. We’re flexible, adaptable and innovative. Everything we do is about your bu?of miles. This adds to the difficulties of ________. We’re flexible, adaptable and innovative. Everything we do is about your bu an agreement of payment. However, exporters and importers usually meet each other half-way and agree to payment by a Letter of Credit. A letter of credit (L/C) is a banker’s guarantee that payment will be made, if all the required shipping documents are presented. * In this way, exporters receive a guarantee not only from importers, but also from a bank. * On ________. We’re flexible, adaptable and innovative. Everything we do is about your buhand, importers are given the guarantee that the bank will not make payment unless all the shipping documents are presented. Nevertheless, the exporter can further require an ________letter of credit. That means the guarantee of payment cannot be cancelled either by the opening bank or the importer.

We confirm that we agree()your suggestions made in our last letter .A. withB. onC. toD. that

As instructed in your letter of Sept.5, we have opened a letter of credit for your account valid () February 9, 1993.A、duringB、onC、fromD、 until

() our repeated requests, still we have not received your letter of credit up to now.A、In terms ofB、In case ofC、In condition ofD、In spite of

We acknowledge with thanks()your letter dated December 14. A、receiptB、receiveC、receipt ofD、receiving

We are()receipt()your letter of March 18 offering us the goods()US$ 80 per dozen on the usual terms. A、of⋯of⋯onB、in⋯of⋯atC、in⋯of⋯forD、of⋯of⋯at

In reply to your letter dated March 28, we enclose our latest illustrated catalogue for your reference.(英译中)

In the event of our acceptance of your offer we shall open an irrevocable letter of credit in your favour, payable in China against shipping documents.(英译中)

Part B52. Directions:Suppose your name is Wudong, write a letter to your local English-language newspaper giving your views on a discussion inspired by an article they published entitled "Why do We Need English?"Your letter must be written in at least 200 words, excluding the addresses, etc. You should write dearly on ANSWER SHEET Ⅱ.

Directions:You want to contribute to Project Hope by offering financial aid to a child in a remote area. Write a letter to the department concerned, asking them to help find a candidate. You should specify what kind of child you want to help and how you will carry out your plan.Write your letter with no less than 100 words. Write it on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your name at the end of the letter; use Li Ming instead. You do not need to write the address. (10 points)

We have established an irrevocable letter of credit()your favour with the Bank of China,Guandong.

We()your letter of Nov.3 asking us to make a quotation.A、go overB、have readC、refer toD、check up

Not until this morning()your delayed letter of credit.A、we receivedB、did we receiveC、we have receivedD、had we received

We have received your letter of September 12,()we are glad to know that you are interested in our electric heaters.A、whichB、at whichC、from whichD、in which

We have received your letter of September 12,()we are glad to know that you are interested in our electric heaters.A、whichB、atwhichC、fromwhichD、inwhich

We thank you for your letter of May 17 and the()catalogue.A、sentB、enclosedC、givenD、presented

问答题Practice 3  ● Read this part of a letter below from Tim McDonald, the Marketing Manager of one of your business partners.  You showed interest in our latest products. We would be pleased to offer demonstration on these products either at our factory or in you own workplace.  ● Write a letter to Mr. McDonaid:  ● Asking him to deliver a presentation at your workplace;  ● Explaining why their products interest you;  ● Suggesting a possible date.  ● Write 60—80 words.

单选题We()your letter of Nov. 3 asking us to make a quotation.AgooverBhavereadCrefertoDcheckup

问答题You and your classmates are going to have a party to celebrate the end of your course and you have offered to book a room for this event. You have seen the advertisement below, but you need to know more. Using the notes you have made, write to the Brideswell Inn giving relevant details and asking for further information.  Write a letter of no fewer than 80 words in an appropriate style. Don’t write any addresses. Now write the letter on the answer sheet.

单选题Not until this morning()your delayed letter of credit.Awe receivedBdid we receiveCwe have receivedDhad we received

问答题Practice 2  We are writing this letter to tell you that up to now no news has come from you about the goods we ordered on May 25th. As you have been informed in our letters, our customers are in urgent need of those machine. They are asking repeatedly for an early delivery(交货). We hope that you will try your best to arrange all this without further delay.

问答题Practice 6Your cousin, Xiaoming, is asking you about the admission to your university, and you’re required to write in reply to his letter. Your letter should cover these points given below:(1)the major you advise him to apply for and the reason for your advice;(2)the basic requirements to apply for this major;(3) how to do relevant preparation workWrite at least 150 words.You do NOT need to write any addresses.

单选题We have received your letter of September 12,()we are glad to know that you are interested in our electric heaters.AwhichBat whichCfrom whichDin which

单选题We are in receipt of your letter dated Jan 8, ____ we are pleased to learn that you want to order 100 tons of the subject goods.Ain whichBfrom whichCto whichDat which

问答题You wish to enroll in a PhD course (of your choice) at a UK university. You have already written a letter to the university asking for information but have received no reply.  Write a letter to the university explaining your concern, because the course starts in less than two months. You need to know if you can still enroll, and you also require further information about the course, including the cost.  Write a letter of about 100 words in an appropriate style on the answer sheet. Do not write any postal addresses. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter.