Given the command line java Pass2 and: public class Pass2{ public void main(String[]args){ int x=6; Pass2 p=new Pass2(); p.doStuff(x); System.out.print("mainx="+x); } void doStuff(intx){ System.out.print("doStuffx="+x++); } } What is the result?()A、Compilation fails.B、An exception is thrown at runtime.C、doStuffx=6 main x=6D、doStuffx=6 mainx =7E、doStuffx=7 mainx =6F、doStuffx=7 mainx =7

Given the command line java Pass2 and: public class Pass2{ public void main(String[]args){ int x=6; Pass2 p=new Pass2(); p.doStuff(x); System.out.print("mainx="+x); } void doStuff(intx){ System.out.print("doStuffx="+x++); } } What is the result?()

  • A、Compilation fails.
  • B、An exception is thrown at runtime.
  • C、doStuffx=6 main x=6
  • D、doStuffx=6 mainx =7
  • E、doStuffx=7 mainx =6
  • F、doStuffx=7 mainx =7


public class Yippee2{stati cpublic void main(String[]yahoo){for(intx=1;xSystem.out.print(yahoo[x]+);}}}and the command line invocation:java Yippee2 a b cWhat is the result?() A.abB.bcC.abcD.Compilation fails.E.An exception is thrown at runtime.

package com.sun.sjcp;public class Commander{public static void main(String[]args){//more code here}}Assume that the class fileis located in /foo/com/sun/sjcp/,the current directory is/foo/,and that the classpath contains.(current directory).Which command line correctly runs Commander?() com/sun/sjcp/ Commander

Given:Which command-line invocations will compile?() A.javac Mule.javaB.javac -source 1.3 Mule.javaC.javac -source 1.4 Mule.javaD.javac -source 1.5

Given:What is the result when the programmer attempts to compile the code and run it with the command java Converter 12?() A. It is true that j==i.B. It is false that j==i.C. An exception is thrown at runtime.D. Compilation fails because of an error in line 13.

Given:Which code, inserted at line 16, will cause a java.lang.ClassCastException?() A.Alpha a = x;B.Foo f = (Delta)x;C.Foo f = (Alpha)x;D.Beta b = (Beta)(Alpha)x;

Given:Which exception or error will be thrown when a programmer attempts to run this code?()

Given:and the command line: java -Dprop.custom=gobstopper Commander Which two, placed on line 13, will produce the output gobstopper?() A.System.load(prop.custom);B.System.getenv(prop.custom);;D.System.getProperty(prop.custom);E.System.getProperties().getProperty(prop.custom);

Given:And MainClass exists in the /apps/com/company/application directory. Assume the CLASSPATHenvironment variable is set to . (current directory). Which two java commands entered at the command line will run MainClass?() MainClass if run from the /apps if run from the /apps -classpath /apps if run from any -classpath . MainClass if run from the /apps/com/company/application -classpath /apps/com/company/application:. MainClass if run from the /apps if run from the /apps/com/company/application directory

Given two files, and both classes are in the correct directories for their packages, and the Mammal class correctly defines the findSalmon() method, which change allows this code to compile?()A.add import animals.mammals.*; at line 2 in Salmon.javaB.add import*; at line 2 in GrizzlyBear.javaC.add import*; at line 2 in GrizzlyBear.javaD.add import animals.mammals.GrizzlyBear.*; at line 2 in

Given:WhichlineofcodemarkstheearliestpointthatanobjectreferencedbyintObjbecomesacandidatefor garbagecollection?() A.Line16B.Line17C.Line18D.Line19

Given:WhichchangecanyoumaketoTargetwithoutaffectingClient?() A.Line4ofclassTargetcanbechangedtoreturni++;B.Line2ofclassTargetcanbechangedtoprivateinti=1;C.Line3ofclassTargetcanbechangedtoprivateintaddOne(){D.Line2ofclassTargetcanbechangedtoprivateIntegeri=0;

Given this fragment in a servlet: 23.if(req.isUserInRole("Admin")) { 24.// do stuff 25.} And the following fragment from the related Java EE deployment descriptor: 812. 813.Admin 814.Administrator 815. 900. 901.Admin 902.Administrator 903. What is the result?()A、Line 24 can never be reached.B、The deployment descriptor is NOT valid.C、If line 24 executes, the user’s role will be Admin.D、If line 24 executes, the user’s role will be Administrator.E、If line 24 executes the user’s role will NOT be predictable.

package com.sun.sjcp; public class Commander{ public static void main(String[]args){ //more code here } } Assume that the class fileis located in /foo/com/sun/sjcp/,the current directory is/foo/,and that the classpath contains“.“(current directory). Which command line correctly runs Commander?()A、java CommanderB、java com.sim.sjcp.CommanderC、java com/sun/sjcp/CommanderD、java-cpcom.sun.sjcp CommanderE、java-cpcom/sun/sjcp Commander

Given a correctly compiled class whose source code is:  package com.sun.sjcp;  public class Commander {  public static void main(String[] args) {  // more code here  }  }  Assume that the class file is located in /foo/com/sun/sjcp/, the current directory is /foo/, and that the classpath contains “.“ (current directory). Which command line correctly runs Commander?() A、 java CommanderB、 java com. sim. sjcp.CommanderC、 java com/sun/sjcp/CommanderD、 java -cp com.sun.sjcp CommanderE、 java -cp com/sun/sjcp Commander

Given the following directory structure: bigProject |--source ||| |--classes |-- And the following command line invocation: javac -d classes source/ Assume the current directory is bigProject,what is the result?()A、If the compile is successful, Utils.class is added to the source directory.B、The compiler returns an invalid flag error.C、If the compile is successful, Utils.class is added to the classes directory.D、If the compile is successful, Utils.class is added to the bigProject directory.

Given the following directory structure: bigProject |--source | | | |--classes |-- And the following command line invocation: javac -d classes source/ Assume the current directory is bigProject,what is the result? ()A、If the compile is successful, Utils.class is added to the source directory.B、The compiler returns an invalid flag error.C、If the compile is successful, Utils.class is added to the classes directory.D、If the compile is successful, Utils.class is added to the bigProject directory.

单选题Given the command line java Pass2 and: What is the result? ()A  doStuff x = 6 main x = 6B  Compilation fails.C  doStuff x = 6 main x = 7D  An exception is thrown at runtime.E  doStuff x = 7 main x = 6F  doStuff x = 7 main x = 7

单选题public class Test {   public static void main (Stringargs) {   String foo = args[1];   String bar = args;   String baz = args;   System.out.printIn(“baz = ” + baz);  }   }   And the output:  Baz = 2   Which command line invocation will produce the output?()A Java Test 2222B Java Test 1 2 3 4C Java Test 4 2 4 2D Java Test 4 3 2 1

单选题Given the following script, why does the output come out as an empty line instead of "dog"?()A The $VAR variable was not exportedB The $VAR should have been set as VARC dog needs double quotes around it when setting $VARD The { } should not be around VAR in the echo command

单选题Given the following directory structure: bigProject |--source ||| |--classes |-- And the following command line invocation: javac -d classes source/ Assume the current directory is bigProject,what is the result?()AIf the compile is successful, Utils.class is added to the source directory.BThe compiler returns an invalid flag error.CIf the compile is successful, Utils.class is added to the classes directory.DIf the compile is successful, Utils.class is added to the bigProject directory.

单选题11.public class Counter{ 12.public static void main(String[]args){ numArgs=/*insert code here*/; 14.} 15.} and the command line:java Counter one fred 42 Which code,inserted at line 13,captures the number of arguments passed into the program?()Aargs.countBargs.lengthCargs.count()Dargs.length()Eargs.getLength()

单选题Which command line invocation will produce the output?()A  java Test 2222B  java Test 1234C  java Test 4242D  java Test 4321

单选题Given the following directory structure: bigProject |--source ||| |--classes |-- And the following command line invocation: javac -d classes source/ Assume the current directory is bigProject,what is the result?()AIf the compile is successful, Utils.class is added to the source directory.BThe compiler returns an invalid flag error.CIf the compile is successful, Utils.class is added to the classes directory.DIf the compile is successful, Utils.class is added to the bigProject directory.

单选题Given: Which line of code marks the earliest point that an object referenced by intObj becomes a candidate for garbage collection?()A Line 16B Line 17C Line 18D Line 19

单选题Given a correctly compiled class whose source code is:  package com.sun.sjcp;  public class Commander {  public static void main(String[] args) {  // more code here  }  }  Assume that the class file is located in /foo/com/sun/sjcp/, the current directory is /foo/, and that the classpath contains “.“ (current directory). Which command line correctly runs Commander?()A java CommanderB java com. sim. sjcp.CommanderC java com/sun/sjcp/CommanderD java -cp com.sun.sjcp CommanderE java -cp com/sun/sjcp Commander

单选题public class Test {  public static void main (String[]args) {  String foo = args[1];  String bar = args[2];  String baz = args[3];  System.out.printIn(“baz = ” + baz);  }  }  And the output:  Baz = 2  Which command line invocation will produce the output?()A Java Test 2222B Java Test 1 2 3 4C Java Test 4 2 4 2D Java Test 4 3 2 1

单选题Given: Which command-line invocations will compile?()A javac Mule.javaB javac -source 1.3 Mule.javaC javac -source 1.4 Mule.javaD javac -source 1.5

单选题Given: Which code, inserted at line 16, will cause a java.lang.ClassCastException?()A Alpha a = x;B Foo f = (Delta)x;C Foo f = (Alpha)x;D Beta b = (Beta)(Alpha)x;