Which of the following is not true regarding IOS default settings for administrative distance?()A、EIGRPinternal:90B、OSPFexternal:110C、EIGRPexternal:90D、RIP:120E、OSPFinternal:110

Which of the following is not true regarding IOS default settings for administrative distance?()

  • A、EIGRPinternal:90
  • B、OSPFexternal:110
  • C、EIGRPexternal:90
  • D、RIP:120
  • E、OSPFinternal:110


Which of the following is not an AVL tree?A.B.C.D.

We have accepted your Order No.TR22.Please open the relative L/C,()here four weeks before the date of shipment. A、that should reachB、which should reachC、when it reachesD、which should arrive at

Which of the following sounds is a voiced bilabial stop?

Which of the following phonetic symbol is not right?

Which of the following commands will change all CR-LF pairs in an imported text file, userlist.txt, to Linux standard LF characters and store it as newlist.txt?()A、 tr ’/r/n’ "  userlist.txt  newlist.txtB、 tr -c ’/n/r’ "  newlist.txt  userlist.txtC、 tr -d /r¯  userlist.txt  newlist.txtD、 tr /r¯/n¯ userlist.txt newlist.txtE、 tr -s ®^M’¡®^J’ userlist.txt newlist.tx

Which of the following is a performance optimization technology?()A、QoSB、TrunkingC、SpanningD、VoIP

Which of the following utilities are used to choose which programs run at startup? ()A、SFCB、SETDEBUGC、MSCONFIGD、REGEDIT

Which of the following commands will be run at a command prompt to determine which WindowsOS is running on the computer?()A、VERB、Device ManagerC、VERIFYD、SET

Which of the following interfaces is appropriate for an Ethernet adapter that is configured with an IEEE 802.3 frame type?()A、at0B、en0C、et0D、tr0

User A executes the following command to drop a large table in your database:SQL DROP TABLE trans; While the drop table operation is in progress, user B executes the following command on the same table:SQL DELETE FROM trans WHERE tr_type=’SL’; Which statement is true regarding the DELETE command()A、It fails to delete the records because the records are locked in SHARE mode.B、It deletes the rows successfully because the table is locked in SHARE modeC、It fails to delete the records because the table is locked in EXCLUSIVE mode.D、It deletes the rows successfully because the table is locked in SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE mode.

单选题Which of the following technologies can improve convergence time following a link failure in a serviceprovider network?()AMPLS TE FRBMPLS VPNCBFDDRSVPEVPLSFSNMP

单选题Which of the following is not a wind().AGrowlerBNortherCLevanterDMistral

单选题Which of the following commands will change all CR-LF pairs in an imported text file, userlist.txt, to Linux standard LF characters and store it as newlist.txt?()A tr ’/r/n’   userlist.txt  newlist.txtB tr -c ’/n/r’   newlist.txt  userlist.txtC tr -d /r¯  userlist.txt  newlist.txtD tr /r¯/n¯ userlist.txt newlist.txtE tr -s ®^M’¡®^J’ userlist.txt newlist.tx

单选题User A executes the following command to drop a large table in your database:SQL DROP TABLE trans; While the drop table operation is in progress, user B executes the following command on the same table:SQL DELETE FROM trans WHERE tr_type=’SL’; Which statement is true regarding the DELETE command()AIt fails to delete the records because the records are locked in SHARE mode.BIt deletes the rows successfully because the table is locked in SHARE modeCIt fails to delete the records because the table is locked in EXCLUSIVE mode.DIt deletes the rows successfully because the table is locked in SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE mode.

单选题User A executes the following command to update the TRANS table)  SQL UPDATE B.trans SET tr_amt=tr_amt+500 WHERE c_code=’C005’;  Before user A issues a COMMIT or ROLLBACK command, user B executes the following command on the TRANS table:   SQl ALTER TABLE trans MODIFY (tr_type VARCHAR2 (3));  What would happen in this scenario?()AThe transaction for user A is rolled back.BThe ALTER TABLE command modifies the column successfully.CThe ALTER TABLE command fails due to the resource being busy.DThe ALTER TABLE command waits until user A ends the transaction.