You have the binary number 10011101. Convert it to its decimal and hexadecimal equivalents.()A、158B、0x9DC、156D、157E、0x19F、0x9F

You have the binary number 10011101. Convert it to its decimal and hexadecimal equivalents.()

  • A、158
  • B、0x9D
  • C、156
  • D、157
  • E、0x19
  • F、0x9F


If you want to telephone him, you will have to _____ the number in this book. A.look upB.look throughC.look intoD.look at

对不起,您打错电话了.用英语表述是( )。A.Sorry, wrong number.B.I’m afraid of you have a problem.C.I’m afraid of you have the wrong number.D.It’s wrong number.

You are using replication and the binary log files on your master server consume a lot of disk space. Which two steps should you perform to safely remove some of the older binary log files?() A.Use the command PURGE BINARY LOGS and specify a binary log file name or a date and time to remove unused filesB.Execute the PURGE BINARY LOGE NOT USED commandC.Remove all of the binary log files that have a modification date earlier than todayD.Edit the .index file to remove the files you want to deleteE.Ensure that none of the attached slaves are using any of the binary logs you want to delete

How would you express the binary number: 10101010 in its decimal and hexadecimal forms?() A. Decimal=160, hexadecimal=00B. Decimal=170, hexadecimal=AAC. Decimal=180, hexadecimal=BBD. Decimal=190, hexadecimal=CC

How do you express the binary number 10110011 in decimal form?() A.91B.155C.179D.180E.201F.227

The subnet mask on the serial interface of a router is expressed in binary as 11111000 for the last octet. How do you express the binary number 11111000 in decimal?() A. 210B. 224C. 240D. 248E. 252

You have the binary number 10011101. Convert it to its decimal and hexadecimal equivalents.() A. 158B. 0x9DC. 156D. 157E. 0x19F. 0x9F

If you want to telephone him,you'11 have to__________up the number in the

Do you have an account with us? Yes,()Aplease.Bthe account is wrongCwhat do you mean?Dthe account number is .

“请问您的住址和电话”的英文为()A、Can I have you address and telephone number?B、CanI have you ticket and telephone number?C、Can I have you address and baggage tag?D、Can I have you address and number?

Do you have an account with us? Yes,()A、please.B、the account is wrongC、what do you mean?D、the account number is .

How do you express the binary number 10110011 in decimal form?()A、91B、155C、179D、180E、201F、227

In which three cases would you use the USING clause?()A、You want to create a nonequijoin.B、The tables to be joined have multiple NULL columns.C、The tables to be joined have columns of the same name and different data types.D、The tables to be joined have columns with the same name and compatible data types.E、You want to use a NATURAL join, but you want to restrict the number of columns in the join condition.

You added a PHONE_NUMBER column of NUMBER data type to an existing EMPLOYEES table. The EMPLOYEES table already contains records of 100 employees. Now, you want to enter the phone numbers of each of the 100 employees into the table. Some of the employees may not have a phone number available. Which data manipulation operation do you perform?()A、MERGEB、INSERTC、UPDATED、ADDE、ENTERF、You cannot enter the phone numbers for the existing employee records.

How would you express the binary number: 10101010 in its decimal and hexadecimal forms?()A、Decimal=160, hexadecimal=00B、Decimal=170, hexadecimal=AAC、Decimal=180, hexadecimal=BBD、Decimal=190, hexadecimal=CC

The subnet mask on the serial interface of a router is expressed in binary as 11111000 for the last octet. How do you express the binary number 11111000 in decimal?()A、210B、224C、240D、248E、252

You have forgotten the name of binary PL/SQL library saved to the operating system. This file contains the PL/SQL constricts you created for the inventory report. For which file extension should you reach?()A、 .SQL B、 .PLL C、 .PLDD、 .PRT

You have an Exchange Server 2003 organization. All servers have 32-bit hardware. You plan to transition to Exchange Server 2010 and deploy new Mailbox servers.  You need to evaluate the current servers to provide recommendations for the deployment of the newMailbox servers.  What should you include in the evaluation?()A、.number of concurrent connections to Outlook Web App .number of mailbox databases.memory utilizationB、.number of concurrent connections to Outlook Web App .RPC latency.disk I/O latencyC、.number of concurrent MAPI connections.size of mailbox databases.number of mailboxesD、.number of mailboxes.disk I/O latency.RPC latency

You are creating a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service. You have the following requirements: Messages must be sent over TCP The service must support transactions. Messages must be encoded using a binary encoding Messages must be secured using Windows stream-based security.You need to implement a custom binding for the service. In which order should the binding stack be configured?()A、tcp Transport, windows Stream Security, transaction Flow, binary Message EncodingB、transaction Flow, binary Message Encoding, windows Stream Security, tcp TransportC、windows Stream Security, tcp Transport, binary Message Encoding, transaction FlowD、binary Message Encoding, transaction Flow, tcp Transport, windows Stream Security

多选题You have the binary number 10011101. Convert it to its decimal and hexadecimal equivalents.()A158B0x9DC156D157E0x19F0x9F

多选题You are using replication and the binary log files on your master server consume a lot of disk space. Which two steps should you perform to safely remove some of the older binary log files?()AUse the command PURGE BINARY LOGS and specify a binary log file name or a date and time to remove unused filesBExecute the PURGE BINARY LOGE NOT USED commandCRemove all of the binary log files that have a modification date earlier than todayDEdit the .index file to remove the files you want to deleteEEnsure that none of the attached slaves are using any of the binary logs you want to delete

单选题“You ______ have a wrong number,” she said. “There’s no one of that name here.”AneedBcanCmustDwould

单选题How do you express the binary number 10110011 in decimal form?()A91B155C179D180E201F227

单选题You have an Exchange Server 2003 organization. All servers have 32-bit hardware. You plan to transition to Exchange Server 2010 and deploy new Mailbox servers.  You need to evaluate the current servers to provide recommendations for the deployment of the new Mailbox servers.  What should you include in the evaluation?()A.number of concurrent connections to Outlook Web App .number of mailbox databases.memory utilizationB.number of concurrent connections to Outlook Web App .RPC latency.disk I/O latencyC.number of concurrent MAPI connections.size of mailbox databases.number of mailboxesD.number of mailboxes.disk I/O latency.RPC latency

单选题You are creating a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service. You have the following requirements: Messages must be sent over TCP The service must support transactions. Messages must be encoded using a binary encoding Messages must be secured using Windows stream-based security.You need to implement a custom binding for the service. In which order should the binding stack be configured?()Atcp Transport, windows Stream Security, transaction Flow, binary Message EncodingBtransaction Flow, binary Message Encoding, windows Stream Security, tcp TransportCwindows Stream Security, tcp Transport, binary Message Encoding, transaction FlowDbinary Message Encoding, transaction Flow, tcp Transport, windows Stream Security

单选题You have forgotten the name of binary PL/SQL library saved to the operating system. This file contains the PL/SQL constricts you created for the inventory report. For which file extension should you reach?()A .SQL B .PLL C .PLDD .PRT

单选题I could have called you yesterday, but I ______ your telephone number.Adidn’t haveBwon’t haveChadn’t hadDwouldn’t have