填空题The boss gave him a raise in salary because of his excellent (perform) ____ at work.

The boss gave him a raise in salary because of his excellent (perform) ____ at work.




Ezra Pound gave Robert Frost a very good opinion about his poems and helped him to find British publishers.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

He had more dictionaries than_________ for his work.() A.they are neededB.were necessaryC.it was neededD.necessary were they to him

Why did the writer give his flowers to the elderly lady?A. She told him a nice story. B. She allowed him to pay first.C. She gave him encouragement. D. She liked flowers very much.

His efforts to raise money for his program were because no one showed any intention to take a cent out of their pockets.A. in place B. in sight C. in effect D. in vain

He did () his boss told him to do. A、everythingB、everything whichC、whichD、to which

He will be punished ( ) he does his work. A.unlessB.ifC.forD.because

His overseas experiences gave him the idea for his novel.(英译汉)

Dear Vicky,I live in Aberdeen, in the north of Scotland. My family live in Cornwall, at the other end of the country. My parents are getting old now, and I really want to go and see them this Christmas. The problem is my boss. He only gives us 2 days holiday at Christmas. Its 500 miles to go from Aberdeen to Cornwall and then 500 miles back again, and Ill be exhausted(筋疲力尽)when I get back. I want to ask for more time off, but I dont get on very well with my boss. A few months ago, he walked into the room and heard some of us saying rude things about him. Since then the atmosphere(气氛)has been very difficult.Anxious in AberdeenDear Anxious in Aberdeen,Its obvious to me that you need to rebuild your relationship with your boss. You have hurt his feelings, and now that you need something from him. You have realized what you have done. There is only one thing to doits time you apologized. Im sure your boss will be relieved(宽慰的). If you explain why you need the time off, he will probably be more than happy to let you go. Good luck!Vicky21. The letter-writer wants to()at Christmas.A. have a long holiday abroadB. visit his parents who live quite far awayC. change his job22. The letter-writer will travel()miles to go to and come back from Com wall.A. 500B. 1500C. 100023. The letter-writer doesnt get on well with his boss because().A. his boss is a very rude personB. his boss heard the letter-writer and others say very bad things about himC. the letter-writer doesnt like the atmosphere at work24. Vicky advises the letter-writer to().A. make his boss apologize to himB. give some gifts to his bossC. apologize to his boss for what he has done25. Vicky thinks the letter-writers boss will()after he hears the explanation.A. be very happy to give the letter-writer a longer holidayB. not be happy to let the letter-writer goC. probably give the letter-writer a raise

The medicine the doctor gave him ___ his headache. A、freedB、refreshedC、releasedD、relieved

His overseas experiences gave him the ideafor his novel.(翻译)

The man was very surprised because________。A. he thought the child's father was deadB. the child didn't ask him to sit downC. the child gave him a cup of teaD. he couldn't find that piece of paper

Just because I’m________ to him, my boss thinks he can order me around without showing me any respect.A.redundantB.trivialC.versatileD.subordinate

He looked like a foreigner, but his accent gave him___________.A.inB.awayC.upD.over

What did Ms. Ward do for Mr. Takagi?A. She gave him a presentationB. She combined her lecture with his.C. She helped him plan his lecture.D. She gave input during his presentation.

Just because I’m( )to him,my boss thinks he can order me around without showing me any respect.A.redundantB.versatileC.trivialD.subordinate

The user SCOTT executes the following command successfully to increase the salary values in one of his sessions:  SQL UPDATE emp SET sal=sal*1.15 WHERE deptno=20;  Before SCOTT ends the transaction, user HR who has the privileges on EMP table executes a query to fetch the salary details but finds the old salary values instead of the increased values. Why does HR still see the old data?()A、because of redo data from redo log fileB、because of data from database buffer cacheC、because of data from a temporary tablespaceD、because of undo data from the undo tablespace

单选题Peter _____ his job from a computer corporation because his salary was too low.AimposedBquitCinclinedDhealed

单选题Although his friends insisted that his black garb was simply depressing, Peter felt just the opposite—that it gave him an air of upbeat, ______ maturity.AmelancholicBwearisomeCsalaciousDaghastEurbane

单选题He pretended to be an Englishman, but his foreign accent gave him ______ .AawayBoffCoutDup

单选题The one pleasure that Einstein()his great fame was the ability it gave him to help others.Aresulted fromBstirred upCturned outDderived from

单选题To get a pay raise, a person should _____.Aadvertise himself on the job marketBpersuade his boss to sign a long-term contractCtry to get inside information about the organizationDdo something to impress his boss just before merit pay decisions

单选题According to the passage, before taking a job, a person should _____.Ademonstrate his capabilityBgive his boss a good impressionCask for as much money as he canDask for the salary he hopes to get

单选题You know the narrator understood his aunt’s feelings because .Ahe had invited her to accompany him to see his fatherBhe could see she was getting oldCbe had once loved herDhe knew she quarreled with him to cover her feelings

填空题The boss gave him a raise in salary because of his excellent (perform) ____ at work.

单选题It is no _____ talking to him, because he will never change his mind.AhelpBuseCtimeDway

单选题His efforts to raise money for his programme were ______ because no one showed any intention to take a cent out of their pockets.Ain placeBin sightCin effectDin vain

单选题Peter misunderstood the instructions his boss gave him and mailed the wrong documents to the supplier.A彼得按照老板给他的指示把单据误寄给了供货商。B彼得误解了老板对他的指示,向供货商发错了单据。C彼得对老板的指示还没理解就把错误的单据交给供货商。

单选题Each time Einstein gave the lecture, his driver ______ sat in the front row and listened to him very carefully.AalwaysBneverCsometimesDhardly