单选题When fuel is injected late into a diesel engine cylinder,().Athe exhaust will be clearBfuel consumption will be lowCall the fuel will be burned at top dead centerDfuel consumption will be high

When fuel is injected late into a diesel engine cylinder,().

the exhaust will be clear


fuel consumption will be low


all the fuel will be burned at top dead center


fuel consumption will be high


解析: 暂无解析


Fuel droplets injected into a diesel engine cylinder must have adequate penetration to ____.A.prolong the ignition delay periodB.ensure the beginning of fuel injectionC.thoroughly utilize the air chargeD.allow controlled fuel combustion

When fuel is injected late into a diesel engine cylinder_______.A.the exhaust will be clearB.fuel consumption will be lowC.all the fuel will be burned at top dead centerD.fuel consumption will be high

One cylinder of a diesel engine is persistently knocking and does not cease(停止) when the fuel supply to that cylinder is secured.Which of the following problems may be the cause?A.Low loading of the cylinderB.Excessive cooling of that pistonC.Sluggish ring action on the pistonD.A mechanical defect in a working part

In a diesel engine, late fuel injection is indicated by black or gray exhaust smoke with ______.A.low firing pressureB.low exhaust temperatureC.mechanical knock in each cylinderD.fuel knock in each cylinder

单选题When the opening pressure of a diesel fuel injector is greater than that specified by the engine manufacturer,the ()Aquantity of fuel injected is decreasedBquantity of fuel injected will always be increasedCstart of injection is advancedDduration of injection will always be greater

单选题Fuel oil discharged to the diesel engine cylinder is atomized at the ()AturbochargerBinjection nozzle tipCcarburetorDfuel oil pump

单选题Generally speaking,the fuel injected into a marine diesel engine combustion chamber is ignited by().Aspark plugsBglow plugsCheat of compressionDa magneto

单选题A practical way of checking for excessive fuel injection in one cylinder of an operating diesel engine is to ()Afeel the high pressure fuel lineBcheck the cylinder exhausts for white smoke frequentlyCcheck the cylinder exhaust temperatureDisolate each cylinder and inspect the injector

单选题If a single cylinder relief valve on a diesel engine lists frequently while the engine is running, the cause may be an ()Aexcessively late injection timing for each cylinderBincorrectly adjusted intake valve timingCincorrectly adjusted fuel injectorDincorrectly adjusted intake valve clearance

单选题When the opening pressure of a diesel engine fuel injector is greater than that specified by the engine manufacturer, which of the following problems can be expected?()AQuantity of fuel injected tends to be decreasedBQuantity of fuel injected will always be increasedCStart of injection tends to be advancedDDuration of injection will always greater

单选题Which of the conditions listed could cause the cylinder relief valves on a large, low-speed, propulsion diesel engine to lift?()APlugged injector nozzlesBExcessive fuel injectionCVery late injection timingDIncorrect crankshaft clearance

单选题When fuel is injected late into a diesel engine cylinder,().Athe exhaust will be clearBfuel consumption will be lowCall the fuel will be burned at top dead centerDfuel consumption will be high

单选题Burning fuel with a high sulfur content in a diesel engine will ()Aincrease thermal efficiencyBcause clogging of the fuel systemCincrease the ability of the engine to start in cold weatherDproduce corrosion in the cylinder and exhaust system at low loads

单选题Fuel is ignited in a diesel engine cylinder by ()Aa spark plugBinjectorsCthe heat of compressionDincreasing jacket water temperatures

单选题In a diesel engine, late fuel injection is indicated by black or gray exhaust smoke with()Alow firing pressureBlow exhaust temperatureCmechanical knock in each cylinderDfuel knock in each cylinder

单选题In a diesel engine, when the fuel is injected into the cylinder,()Athe piston is just coming upward from the bottom dead centerBthe piston has moved about one-fifth of the way upCthe piston has moved most of the way up and almost reached the TDCDthe piston has just past the TDC

单选题A change in the quality of fuel atomization by a diesel engine fuel injector would be caused by a/an ()Aincrease in engine speedBincrease in cylinder turbulenceCleaking needle valveDreduction in cylinder turbulence

单选题Persistent knocking of one cylinder of a diesel engine ceases when the fuel supply to that cylinder is securedThis problem may be a result of ()Alow loading of that cylinderBfaulty combustion in that cylinderCsluggish piston ring actionDexcessive piston cooling

单选题Late fuel injection in a diesel engine is indicated by low firing pressure with()Ahigh exhaust temperatureBlow exhaust temperatureCfuel knock in each cylinderDmechanical knock in each cylinder

单选题Late fuel injection occurring at, or after TDC in a diesel engine is indicated by excessive exhaust smoke and ()Alow exhaust temperatureBlow firing pressureCfuel knock in each cylinderDmechanical knock in each cylinder

单选题Fuel is admitted to a diesel engine cylinder through the ().Aintake valvesBcarburetorCexhaust portsDinjector nozzles

单选题What causes diesel fuel to be ignited in the cylinder of an operating diesel engine?()ASpark plugBHeat of compressionCCarburetorDGlow plug

单选题Heat for igniting the fuel oil in the cylinder of a diesel engine is generated by the ()Aelectronic ignition systemBcompression of air by the pistonCfriction in the fuel injectorDfuel oil bearing system

单选题Fuel droplets injected into a diesel engine cylinder must have adequate penetration to ()Aprolong the ignition delay periodBensure the beginning of fuel injectionCthoroughly utilize the air chargeDallow controlled fuel combustion

单选题Fuel injected into a diesel engines cylinder is ignited by ().Athe heat compressed fuel/air mixture in the cylinderBthe fuel igniterCthe fuel injectorDthe fuel pump

单选题Fuel oil injected into the cylinder of a diesel engine just after the piston passes top dead center, will()Aincrease engine powerBincrease engine loadCdecrease engine powerDimprove fuel economy

单选题When fuel is injected in a diesel engine cylinder too early, ()Aignition may be delayedBfuel economy is not affectedCexhaust gas temperature will be unchangedDthe exhaust will be clear

单选题Turbulence in a diesel engine cylinder is of major importance in providing ().Aproper fuel meteringBcomplete fuel/air mixingCminimal fuel penetrationDproper fuel timing