单选题A breeches buoy is being rigged from the shore to a stranded vessel. The initial shot line passed to the vessel is normally made fast to a().Ahawser which is used to pass a tail-block and whip to the vesselBhawser with breeches buoy and harness attachedChawser which should be made fast to the vessel below the intended location of the tail-blockDtail-block and whip which may be used to pass a hawser to the vessel

A breeches buoy is being rigged from the shore to a stranded vessel. The initial shot line passed to the vessel is normally made fast to a().

hawser which is used to pass a tail-block and whip to the vessel


hawser with breeches buoy and harness attached


hawser which should be made fast to the vessel below the intended location of the tail-block


tail-block and whip which may be used to pass a hawser to the vessel


解析: 暂无解析


Roundline is a ______.A.four-stranded, left- or right-handed lineB.three-stranded, right-handed lineC.three-stranded, left-handed lineD.small tarred hempline of three strands laid left-handed


Gangway ______ with pilot ladder on my starboard side.A.being rigged combinedB.is rigged combiningC.rigs combiningD.is rigged combined

Steam smoke will occur when ______.A.extremely cold air from shore passes over warmer waterB.warm dry air from shore passes over cooler waterC.cold ocean water evaporates into warm airD.cool rain passes through a warm air mass

The preventer guy,as used on a conventional yard and stay rig,______.A.Is rigged at an angle of 70° to 90° from the guy it assistsB.Takes the strain imposed on the schooner guy when burtoning cargoC.Is rigged when lifting cargo that exceeds the SWL of a single whipD.Should take the strain if the regular guy parts

The locker will ______ as long as your ship is here.A.Be kept sealedB.Be released from being sealedC.Be kept signedD.Be released from being signed

The international shore connection ______.A.Allows hook up of fire fighting water from shore facilitiesB.Satisfies pollution prevention requirementsC.Allows emergency use of the fire main for deballastingD.Permits discharge of waste oil to shore facilities

A green pillar lightbuoy,Fl(2) 5s,is to be substituted for the red conical lightbuoy Close S.W.of the stranded wreck.The above sentence mainly refers to______.A.a red buoy is to be replaced by a green buoyB.a green buoy is to be replaced by a red buoyC.either a red buoy or a green buoy is to be replacedD.neither a red buy nor a green buoy is to be replaced

A ()leads forward from the forecastle to the shore.A、head lineB、breast lineC、spring lineD、stern line

()leads forward from the port or starboard quarter to the shore.A、An aft springB、An aft breast lineC、A fore breast lineD、A stern line

The line leading at right angles to the ()(中线) from the forecastle to the shore is called the forward breast line.A、draftB、waterlineC、centerlineD、abeam

单选题Your vessel is taking on bunkers from a shore side facility, if oil begins flowing from one tank vent, which of the following actions should be taken FIRST?()AOpen the intake valve to an adjacent tankBSet out drip pans and sawdust and begin to mop up the spillCSignal the shore control point to shutdownDClose the valve on the tank vent line

单选题A nun buoy will().Abe green in colorBhave an even numberCbe left to port when entering from seawardDbe cylindrical in shape

单选题Gangway ()with pilot ladder on my starboard side.Abeing rigged combinedBis rigged combiningCrigs combiningDis rigged combined

单选题A buoy,being a shape of cylinder and with red group flashing,shows that it is().Aleft-side buoyBright-side buoyCa buoy of safetyDa buoy of danger

单选题A white buoy with an open-faced orange diamond on it indicates().AdangerBvessels are excluded from the areaCthe buoy is a mooring buoyDoperating restrictions are in effect

单选题A ()leads aft from the forecastle to the shore.Ahead lineBfore breast lineCfore springDstern line

单选题Marline is().Afour-stranded sisal lineBthree-stranded cotton lineCsail twineDtwo-stranded hemp cord

单选题As the air passes through the charge air cooler, its temperature may be reduced and moisture condensed, with the condensate in danger of being carried into the engineSo a water separator should be mounted beneath the bottom part of the engine inlet manifoldA water separator is used in order to ().Akeep the air from being carried into the engineBkeep the moisture from being condensedCkeep the danger from being carded into the engineDtake away the condensate from the air

单选题A head line leads forward from()to shore.AforeBbowCforecastleDfore end

单选题The boom stops are installed on an offshore crane to().Aprevent the boom from being raised too highBprevent the boom from swingingCsupport the boom when not in useDprevent the boom from being lowered

单选题After deploying the anchor,a permanent chain chaser is().Aremoved from the anchor chainBconnected to a buoy at the anchorCstripped back to the rig and securedDconnected to a buoy halfway down the chain

单选题The movement of water away from the shore or downstream is called a(n)().Areversing currentBebb currentCflood currentDslack current

单选题The preventer guy,as used on a conventional yard and stay rig,().Ais rigged at an angle of 70°to 90°from the guy it assistsBtakes the strain imposed on the schooner guy when burtoning cargoCis rigged when lifting cargo that exceeds the SWL of a single whipDshould take the strain if the regular guy parts

单选题Steam smoke will occur when().Aextremely cold air from shore passes over warmer waterBwarm dry air from shore passes over cooler waterCcold ocean water evaporates into warm airDcool rain passes through a warm air mass

单选题You are mooring to a buoy.You should approach the buoy with the current from().AaheadBbroad on the bowCabeamDastern

单选题A breeches buoy is being rigged from the shore to a stranded vessel. The initial shot line passed to the vessel is normally made fast to a().Ahawser which is used to pass a tail-block and whip to the vesselBhawser with breeches buoy and harness attachedChawser which should be made fast to the vessel below the intended location of the tail-blockDtail-block and whip which may be used to pass a hawser to the vessel