单选题He’ll ()for chief officer to meet you in a while.AarrangedBarrangeCarrangingDarranges

He’ll ()for chief officer to meet you in a while.









解析: 暂无解析


He said he’ll () for a car to come and pick you up. A、rageB、arrangeC、planD、intend

Mr. Cody: I was very sorry to hear about your father's illness, please give my regards to him.Ms. Cobb: Thank you. __________A. He would be happy to meet you.B. He had a very bad cold.C. I'll talk to him.D. I appreciate your concern.

If you say to an American that you are a stranger there, most probably he will______.A. offer his helpB. stop smiling at youC. help you find the wayD. reply that he is pleased to meet you

- When will you meet the general manager of Nile Co., Mr. Smith -() A、I’ll meet the president of Bestway Co.B、I’ll leave for Shanghai.C、At 10:00 tomorrow morning.

Jimmy, We’ll be there for you; whatever you need. () A. It was awful.B. Is he alright?C. Thanks a lot. You guys are the greatest.D. I don’t think he’ll make it.

If you don’t hear anything ____ the contrary I’ll meet you at 7 o’clock tonight. A、onB、inC、toD、about

Is your chief officer on board?

At an unsheltered(开放的) anchorage the chief engineer officer shall consult with ______whether or not to maintain an underway watch.A.the engineer officer in charge of watchB.the deck officer in charge of watchC.the masterD.the chief mate

A seaman leaves a vessel before it sails from a foreign port. He informs the Chief Officer that he won't return. After the vessel sails,the Chief Officer finds the seaman's work clothes in his locker. How should the Master handle this matter?A.Log the seaman as a deserterB.Log the seaman as a fail to joinC.Log the seaman for misconductD.Take no action

Chief officer,I have ______ things to tell you.A.a littleB.a fewC.littleD.much

Do you know ______ ?A.where is the chief officerB.where the chief officer isC.is where the chief officerD.the chief officer is where

He is ______ a carpenter as a chief officer.A.moreB.not so muchC.ratherD.not such

--Good morning, sirs. What can I do for you? --We are the (). We would like to see your captain. A、PSC inspectorsB、chief officerC、second officerD、third officer

驾驶员()A、captainB、chief officerC、chief engineerD、deck officer

-How do you do, Chief Officer! -() A、How are you?B、Fine, thank you.C、How do you do?D、Not at all.

单选题A seaman leaves a vessel before it sails from a foreign port. He informs the Chief Officer that he won’t return. After the vessel sails,the Chief Officer finds the seaman’s work clothes in his locker. How should the Master handle this matter?()ALog the seaman as a deserterBLog the seaman as a fail to joinCLog the seaman for misconductDTake no action

单选题Will you ()me to see your chief officer?AtakeBtookCtakingDtakes

单选题Do you know().AWhere is the chief officerBWhere the chief officer isCIs where the chief officerDThe chief officer is where

单选题He’ll ()for chief officer to meet you in a while.AarrangedBarrangeCarrangingDarranges

单选题-How do you do, Chief Officer! -()AHow are you?BFine, thank you.CHow do you do?DNot at all.

单选题Do you know()?Awhere is the chief officerBwhere the chief officer isCis where the chief officerDwhere the chief officer

单选题At an unsheltered anchorage the chief engineer officer shall consult with () whether or not to maintain an underway watch.Athe engineer officer in charge of watchBthe deck officer in charge of watchCthe masterDthe chief mate

单选题-Will you take me to see your chief officer? -Sorry, he has gone (). Would you like to leave a message for him?AshoreBlandCashoreDport

单选题He is()a carpenter as a chief officer.AmoreBnot so muchCratherDnot shch

单选题He is()a carpenter as a chief officer.AmoreBnot so muchCratherDnot such

单选题During tours of inspection in the machinery space, you found a fire on a running generator, what should you do first?()Ainform chief engineer officer immediatelyBstop the generatorClet the duty officer in bridge determine how to doDwait for help

单选题The man()you saw yesterday is my Chief Officer.AwhoBwhomCwhatDwhose

单选题—If you go to Chile for six months, you’ll miss your family and friends.  —Yes, but ______ .AI’ll easily find another oneBshe loves camping in the countryCI’m a very good riderDI’ll meet a lot of new people