











单选题----The baby is hungry. ----But there's()milk in the bottle.AlittleBa littleCfewDa few

单选题It is very important that enough money ()to fund the project.Abe collectedBmust be collectedCis collectedDcan be collected

单选题Are you feeling all right today? Not really.()AOh, I seeBIt doesn't matterCYou'd better be happyDI am sorry to hear that

单选题Why the author prefers the aid of the farmer and the physician rather than the professor of metaphysics?AThe abstract rights to those of food and medicine are more important.BThe abstract rights are hard to procure and administer.CThe abstract rights are to be pursued by the mechanism of civil institutions.DBecause they are regarded as the real consideration of convenience.

单选题As a result of sophisticated technologies, this device has several advantages over like products.AtraditionalBintelligentCindustriousDadvanced

单选题I never()to bed so late.Agot used to goingBused to goingCgot usedto goDused going

单选题Heat causes the()of gas.AgrowthBincreaseCexpansionDextension

单选题It()exactly thirty years since I graduated from college.AwasBhas beenCwas beDhad been

单选题What do Americans think the relationship between their children and the future of the America is?ATheir future rests on how their children become.BTheir children can’t shape their future because they can’t affect their children’s development through education.CIf the children turn out to be useless, they won’t have any better future than the Soviet Union.DThe changes in education aim to make the American children better prepared for the new world order.

单选题There()a book and some magazines on the desk.AisBareChaveDhas

单选题He advised her()long hours.Anot to workBto not workCnot workingDnot to working

单选题— Has Mr. Smith had an accident? —()AI don’t hope so.BI hope not so.CI hope not.DI hope to be not


单选题The boy()to school already.Ahas takenBhas been takingCis takenDhas been taken

单选题I failed the maths exam again.()AWell done.BWhat a pity!CThat's rightDI'm glad.


单选题People should take holidays, otherwise they will get()and leave the companyAexhaustBexhaustingCexhaustedDexhaustion

单选题Neither John()his father was able to wake up early enough to catch the morning train.AnorBorCbutDand

单选题Would you mind if I use your car? Of course not.()AI'm sorry I can'tBI'm afraid notCIt's over thereDI have no car


单选题When I got home, my little brother was()AsleptBsleepCasleepDto sleep

单选题We have done all we could and now our cherished project is at the mercy of our new CEO.Aunder the guidance ofBin the power ofCwith the guidance ofDon the agenda of

单选题He ran()the direction of the school.AatBforCinDon


单选题Despite their spartan, isolated lifestyle, there are no stories of women being raped or wanton violence against civilians in the region.AintriguingBexasperatingCdemonstrativeDunprovoked

单选题Hello, may I speak to Mike?()AYou are wanted on the telephone.BWho are youCJust a second, please.DCan I take a message for him

