




单选题Responding to voters’ concern over crime, Congress passed a $30.2 billion anticrime bill, and _____ $6.9 billion for programs aimed at crime prevention.AabolishedBaccountedCaccumulatedDallotted

单选题The act of speaking will also help to improve listening comprehension()Ato some wayBin the wayCto some extentDin the extent


单选题—Hello. This is Pat Wilson here. May I have a word with Grace? —()AHang on a moment, pleaseBNo, you can’t.CSurely you can.DWith pleasure

单选题The lady was experienced enough to maintain her _____ despite her blunders.ApostureBpastureCpoiseDpoint

单选题Could you finish the task in two days? 一()I have something else to do these days.AI could notBYes.I think soCI'm afraid soDI'm afraid not

单选题The boy is eager to () knowledge in different fields.AaccomplishBabsorbCarrangeDapproach

单选题Would you like some more coffee?()AYes. I wouldBNo, I wouldn'tCNo, thank youDI've had enough

单选题Would you like to go to the party with me?()AI'm afraid soBNo, I'm sorry notCI'm afraid notDIt's my pleasure


问答题请用所报考语种就所给题目写出一篇400~600字的导游解说词。要求语言规范,表达得体,内容切题,条理清楚,有一定的思想深度,符合导游语言要求,能反映中国乒乓球队伍在世界的地位以及乒乓球在中国百姓生活中的重要性。  题目:中国乒乓球运动

问答题It is quite typical of him to be late.


单选题Excuse me, how far is the airport from here? ()AYou can take a taxi.BIt‘s about thirty miles.CI‘ll fly to Sidney.DIt‘s only six hundred dollars.

单选题These classical works have been simplified on behalf of beginners of English.Aas the representative ofBin the interest ofCin the name ofDin the process of

单选题How can he()if he is not()?Alisten; hearingBhear; listeningCbe listening; heardDbe hearing; listened to

单选题Could you speak more loudly?()AIt's a good lineBThe line is badCI can hear youDYou can't hear me

单选题At first George didn’t want to give way in the argument, but finally he _____ to his opponent.AconsoledBconcededCconsultedDconfused

问答题Practice 2  Globalization is a fact of life. But we have underestimated its fragility. The problem is this. The spread of markets grows faster than the ability of societies and their political systems to adjust to them, let alone to guide the course they take. History teaches US that such an imbalance between the economic, social and political realms can never be sustained for very long.  The industrialized countries learned that lesson in their bitter and costly encounter with the Great Depression. In order to restore social harmony and political stability they adopted social safety nets and other measures. That made possible successive moves towards liberalization, which brought about the long post-war period of expansion.

单选题_____ the 2008 Olympic Games, the air quality in Beijing would not be so good these days.AExcept forBBut forCAs forDFor all

单选题What can I do for you, madam?()AThank you.BYou can't help me.CI want to buy a camera.DI'm glad to hear that

单选题I'd been expecting()letters the whole day, but there aren't()for meAsome;anyBmany;afewCsome;one

单选题A pair of spectacles()what I need at the moment.AisBareChasDhave

单选题A final _____ was the faulty analysis of the vote in the primary election.AblunderBblendCboltDblock


单选题Some countries urgently need competent people to _____ a concept of development based on modernization.AmanipulateBimplementCoscillateDisolate

单选题I hope you have a most happy and prosperous new year!()AYou are welcome!BHow smart you are!CThe same to you!DNice going!
