单选题Piterniek A B. Functions and capabilities of online searching systems: a checklist[J].Online Review,1989,13(6):466-469. 是哪种信息类型的著录格式()。A期刊B图书C会议文献D学位论文

Piterniek A B. Functions and capabilities of online searching systems: a checklist[J].Online Review,1989,13(6):466-469. 是哪种信息类型的著录格式()。









解析: 暂无解析


下列E-mail地址合法的是( )。A.shjkbk@online.sh.cnB.shjkbk.online.sh.cnC.online.sh.cn@shjkbkD.cn.sh.online.shjkbk

合法E-mail地址是()。> A.cne@online.sh.cnB.cne.online.sh.cnC.online.sh.cn@cneD.cn.sh.online.shj

某用户所用的计算机主机域online.sh.cn,用户名为user1,那么他的E-mail地址为___。( )A.user1@online.sh.cnB.B. @user1.online.sh.cnC.online.sh.cn@user1D.user1.online.sh.cn

A SELECT statement can be used to perform these three functions:1. Choose rows from a table.2. Choose columns from a table3. Bring together data that is stored in different tables by creating a link between them. Which set of keywords describes these capabilities? ()A. difference, projection, joinB. selection, projection, joinC. selection, intersection, joinD. intersection, projection, joinE. difference, projection, product

Object-oriented DBMS integrated a variety of(81)data types-such as business procedures, graphics, pictures, voice and annotated text.Object orientation also makes a(82)to application development efficiency. It makes the data, functions, attributes, and relationships an integral part of the(83). In this way, objects can be reused and replicated.Some leading RDBMS vendors support the concept of integrating object management capabilities with their current line of relational products. That capability enable users to the development cycle, since integrity logic and business roles no longer need to be programmed(84)each application.A.toolB.inC.ideaD.contributionE.real-world

Most smart phones have( )service capabilities, which means that apps that combine the phone users location with the availability of retail stores and services can be interwoven into creative mobile business opportunities.A. short messaging service B. global positioning satellite(GPS)C. online banking D. EDI

参与诺鑫银行移动金融营销的电商中有十多家团购网站,其采用电商模式 O2O。那么,O2O是指( )。A. Online To Offline B. Offline To OfflineC. Offline To Online D. Online To Online

Most smart phones have ()service capabilities, which means that apps that combine the phone user's location with the availability of retail stores and services can be interwoven into creative mobile business opportunities.A.short messaging serviceB.global positioning satellite(GPS)C.online bankingD.EDI


O2O是()的缩写A、online to onlineB、online to offlineC、offline to offlineD、offline to online

Browser Capabilities 组件注册名:MSWC.BrowserType。

A SELECT statement can be used to perform these three functions: 1. Choose rows from a table. 2. Choose columns from a table 3. Bring together data that is stored in different tables by creating a link between them. Which set of keywords describes these capabilities?()A、difference, projection, joinB、selection, projection, joinC、selection, intersection, joinD、intersection, projection, joinE、difference, projection, product


Piterniek A B. Functions and capabilities of online searching systems: a checklist[J].Online Review,1989,13(6):466-469. 是哪种信息类型的著录格式()。 A、期刊B、图书C、会议文献D、学位论文

Which service component if detailed design development includes completing the Cisco Unified Communications station review template and ensuring that user groups have the right set of features, functions, dialing capabilities, and applications()A、Device-Level DesignB、System Design WorkshopC、Feature and Functionality Design WorkshopD、Physical Design Workshop

You add an Online Responder to an Online Responder Array.   You need to ensure that the new Online Responder resolves synchronization conflicts for all members of  the Array.   What should you do()A、From Network Load Balancing Manager, set the priority ID of the new Online Responder to 1.B、From Network Load Balancing Manager, set the priority ID of the new Online Responder to 32.C、From the Online Responder Management Console, select the new Online Responder, and then select  Set as Array Controller.D、From the Online Responder Management Console, select the new Online Responder, and then select  Synchronize Members with Array Controller.


单选题Which statement is true regarding the Junos OS?()AAll platforms running the Junos OS separate the functions of learning and flooding.BAll platforms running the Junos OS separate the functions of control and forwarding.CAll platforms running the Junos OS separate the functions of routing and bridging.DAll platforms running the Junos OS separate the functions of management and routing.

单选题下列E-mail地址合法的是()。A shjkbk.online.sh.cnB shjkbk@online.sh.cnC online.sh.cn@shjkbkD cn.sh.online.shjkbk

单选题Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?AThe models of the online fashion stores were not suitable.BSome online fashion stores still make profits.CThere are online stores in Italy that make money.DSweden’s online stores are doing well by discount.

多选题Which two are true about aggregate functions?()AYou can use aggregate functions in any clause of a SELECT statement.BYou can use aggregate functions only in the column list of the select clause and in the WHERE clause of a SELECT statement.CYou can mix single row columns with aggregate functions in the column list of a SELECT statement by grouping on the single row columns.DYou can pass column names, expressions, constants, or functions as parameter to an aggregate function.EYou can use aggregate functions on a table, only by grouping the whole table as one single group.FYou cannot group the rows of a table by more than one column while using aggregate functions.

单选题A SELECT statement can be used to perform these three functions: 1.Choose rows from a table. 2.Choose columns from a table. 3.Bring together data that is stored in different tables by creating a link between them. Which set of keywords describes these capabilities?()Adifference, projection, joinBselection, projection, joinCselection, intersection, joinDintersection, projection, joinEdifference, projection, product

单选题What is the best title for the passage?AUps and Downs of Online BusinessBOnline Business vs Traditional BusinessCApparel Online StoresDThe Future of Online Stores

单选题What is true of using group functions on columns that contain NULL values?()AGroup functions on columns ignore NULL values.BGroup functions on columns returning dates include NULL values.CGroup functions on columns returning numbers include NULL values.DGroup functions on columns cannot be accurately used on columns that contain NULL values.EGroup functions on columns include NULL values in calculations if you use the keyword INC_NULLS.

单选题You add an Online Responder to an Online Responder Array. You need to ensure that the new  Online Responder resolves synchronization conflicts for all members of the Array.     What should you do()AFrom Network Load Balancing Manager, set the priority ID of the new Online Responder to 1.BFrom Network Load Balancing Manager, set the priority ID of the new Online Responder to 32.CFrom the Online Responder Management Console, select the new Online Responder, and then select Set as ArrayDFrom the Online Responder Management Console, select the new Online Responder, and then select Synchronize

单选题Which of following functions is not one of the functions of air conditioner?()Arefreshing the airBmaking person upsetCadjusting the air humidityDadjusting the air temperature