单选题After months of fighting the rebels were subdued in that country.Asurrendered Battacked Cconquered Delevated

After months of fighting the rebels were subdued in that country.









解析: 句意:经过几个月的战斗,那个国家的反叛被镇压了。subdue镇压,征服。conquer征服,战胜。surrender投降,放弃。attack进攻。elevate举起,使上升。


After two months ’ training, the worker now _______ the machine with ease. A. handlesB. treatC. dealD. dispose

He wanted to help all the wounded people no matter which side they were fighting for.翻译

After months of voyage, Columbus arrived in ____ later proved a new continent. A、 whereB、 whichC、whatD、that

After the meeting, the speakers were given ( ). A、glass of beersB、glasses of beersC、glasses of beerD、glass of beer

After () round the factory, they were taken to see a kindergarten. A、being shownB、shownC、have showedD、to be showed

After two months, he had ______ news of what she was doing in Tokyo.A、fewB、littleC、severalD、a

After the terrible earthquake, hundreds of people were _________ (home).

Each life jacket light that has a non-replaceable power source must be replaced ______.A.every 6 months after initial installationB.every 12 months after initial installationC.every 24 months after initial installationD.on or before the expiration date of the power source

After discharging,the above valves were inspected again and found them in ______ condition.A.detactB.contactC.intactD.contract

After a day's fierce fighting,the enemy finally had to remove their troops from the occupied area.A:retreat B:returnC:dismiss D:withdraw

His kingdom was still ___ ;the Danes far from subdued.A.precariousB.preferentialC.primalD.prodigal

The passengers in missing airplane were( )dead after several months of search. A.rectified B.testified C.certified D.verified

Mooring lines() were let go.A、for and aftB、from and aftC、fore and aftD、for and after

Most of the poems written by Emily Dickinson were().A、lostB、published during her lifetimeC、buried with herD、published after her death

单选题When will Premier make their first payment?AUpon delivery of the computers.BThirty days after delivery.CTwo months after delivery.

单选题Regulations require certain records to be retained on board for at least 3 months after a ship is involved in a casualty or until advised that they are no longer needed on board by the ().AownerBMasterCperson in chargeDOfficer in Charge,Marine Inspection

单选题The Garbage Record Book, as a part of the ship’s official logbook, shall be kept on board and preserved for a period of ()A3 years after making the first entryB2 years after the last entryC3 months after last entryD3 years after the last entry

单选题Other non-dominant males were hyperactive; they were much more active than is normal, chasing others and fighting each other.Ahardly activeBrelatively activeCextremely inactiveDpathologically active

单选题What happened to the two seamen in the end? ______.AThey were killed in the explosion.BThey survived but were badly burned.CThey died shortly after reaching the beach.DThey were blown off the ship and swam ashore.

单选题After months of fighting the rebels were subdued in that country.Asurrendered Battacked Cconquered Delevated

单选题Lance returned to cycling and training only five months after he was ______ diagnosed with cancer.AaggressivelyBdrasticallyCexactlyDinitially

单选题Shortly after the accident, two ______ police were sent to the spot to keep order.Adozen ofBdozensCdozenDdozens of

单选题Exhausted from a day of hiking across steep, rain-soaked paths, the group of campers were relieved upon the final reaching of the car.Agroup of campers were relieved upon the final reaching of the carBcamping group became relieved after they got to the carCgroup of campers was relieved to finally reach the carDcampers were relieved after the car was finally reachedEgroup was relieved after the campers finally reached the car

单选题After we had been in the village for a few months, we so liked it that we decided to settle there().Ain turnBfor goodCas usualDat most

单选题Each life jacket light that has a non-replaceable power source must be replaced().Aevery 6 months after initial installationBevery 12 months after initial installationCevery 24 months after initial installationDon or before the expiration date of the power source

单选题Since William had been seriously ill for several months, his parents were worried about()to return to school full-time.Ahe wantedBhe wantingChim to wantDhis wanting

单选题The number of visits after 4 months is closest to ______% of the number of visits after 1 month.A40B45C90D105E110

单选题After two months, he had()news of what she was doing in Tokyo.AfewBlittleCseveralDa