问答题Our brains respond to our shadows as if they were another part of the body, according to a scientific study. When we see something about to come into contact with the edge of our shadow, brain activity suggests it is as if they are about to touch us instead. Scientists tested volunteers’ reaction speeds and accuracy while distracting them with flashing lights. They found that similar errors happened when lights flashed either next to a hand’s shadow or the hand itself. The brain develops an internal “map” which helps it define exactly where the body is—which helps it navigate around the world outside.The results, by researchers at Royal Holloway College in London, suggest that the body’s shadow may form part of that map. The tests used shadows cast onto a white table in front of a seated volunteer. The subject was asked to distinguish between touches on the thumb and forefinger of the hand, and the number of errors—and the overall reaction time—were recorded. When flashing lights placed near the hand are activated, the number of errors rises and reaction time slows as the brain is forced to deal with the distraction.

Our brains respond to our shadows as if they were another part of the body, according to a scientific study. When we see something about to come into contact with the edge of our shadow, brain activity suggests it is as if they are about to touch us instead. Scientists tested volunteers’ reaction speeds and accuracy while distracting them with flashing lights. They found that similar errors happened when lights flashed either next to a hand’s shadow or the hand itself. The brain develops an internal “map” which helps it define exactly where the body is—which helps it navigate around the world outside.The results, by researchers at Royal Holloway College in London, suggest that the body’s shadow may form part of that map. The tests used shadows cast onto a white table in front of a seated volunteer. The subject was asked to distinguish between touches on the thumb and forefinger of the hand, and the number of errors—and the overall reaction time—were recorded. When flashing lights placed near the hand are activated, the number of errors rises and reaction time slows as the brain is forced to deal with the distraction.


解析: 暂无解析


单选题This passage suggests that the U.S. parentsAdo not respect orders.Bdo not trust their schools.Cshould pick up their children first in case of evacuation.Dwill protect their children at all cost.

问答题If increased income is spent on more and larger automobiles, larger houses, and increased consumption of other material goods, the results could cause catastrophic resource exhaustion, and pollution. Take the increase of the consumption of oil for instance. The consumption is so huge that the oil reserves might last only a decade or two if not supplemented by imports.Ten years ago it appeared that nuclear power would solve the anticipated energy crisis. Although supplies of uranium fuel were known to be limited and might become exhausted in half a century, the nuclear power plant has for a long time been a favorite project. But work on it has met with grave problems. The fear of possible atomic explosion and the problem of disposing of polluting byproduct waste have slowed down the construction of further nuclear plants. Eventually atomic technology may be able to control these problems, but at present there seems to be little agreement along atomic scientists about when this can be achieved.

单选题The word “segregation” in the second paragraph means______.AseparationBdefinitionCreputationDindication

问答题Directions:  You are preparing to organize a lecture and in need of a prominent professor. Write a letter to invite him. Your letter should cover the following information:  (1) the time and place of the lecture;  (2) the theme of the lecture;  (3) the reasons of bolding such a lecture.  You should write about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use "Li Ming" instead. You don't need to write the address.

单选题It can be inferred from the second paragraph that______.Alow-altitude clouds are the main causes of global warming.Bincrease of cloud cover can slow down the climate change.Cglobal warming will increase cloud cover.Dincrease of cloud cover can speed up the global warming.

问答题1) The hierarchy of needs is an idea associated with one man, Abraham Maslow, the most influential humanist ever to have worked in industry.It is a theory about the way in which people are motivated. 2) The theory arose out of a sense that classic economics was not giving managers much help because it failed to take into account the complexity of human motivation. Maslow divided needs into five:  · Physiological needs: hunger, thirst, sex and sleep. Food and drinks manufacturers operate to satisfy needs in this area, as do prostitutes and tobacco growers.  · Safety needs: job security, protection from harm and the avoidance of risk. At this level an individual’s thoughts turn to insurance, burglar alarms and savings deposits.  · Social needs: the affection of family and friendship. These are satisfied by such things as weddings, sophisticated restaurants and telecommunications.  · Esteem needs (also called ego needs), divided into internal needs, such as self-respect and sense of achievement, and external needs, such as status and recognition. Industries focused on this level include the sports industry and activity holidays.  · Self-actualization, famously described by Maslow: “A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write, if he is to be ultimately happy. What a man can be, he must be. This need we may call self-actualization.” Self-actualization is different from the other levels of need in at least one important respect: it is never finished, never fully satisfied. 3)It is, as Shakespeare put it, “as if increase of appetite grows by what it feeds on”.  An individual’s position in the hierarchy is constantly shifting and any single act may satisfy needs at different levels. Thus having a drink at a bar with a friend may be satisfying both a thirst and a need for friendship (levels one and three). Single industries can be aimed at satisfying needs at different levels. For example, a hotel may provide food to satisfy level one, a nearby restaurant to satisfy level three, and special weekend tours of interesting sites to satisfy level five.  The hierarchy is not absolute. It is affected by the general environment in which the individual lives. The extent to which social needs are met in the workplace, for instance, varies according to culture. 4) In Japan the corporate organization is an important source of a man’s sense of belonging (although not of a woman’s); in the West it is much less so.One of Maslow’s early disciples was a Californian company called NLS (Non-Linear Systems). In the early 1960s it dismantled its assembly line and replaced it with production teams of six or seven workers in order to increase their motivation. 5) Each team was responsible for the entire production process, and they worked in areas that they decorated according to their own taste. A host of other innovations (such as dispensing with time cards) revolutionized the company. Profits and productivity soared, but Maslow remained skeptical. He worried that his ideas were being too easily “taken as gospel truth, without any real examination of their reliability”.(此文选自The Economist 2008年刊)

单选题The author uses the example of a monkey to argue that robots are ______.Aexpected to copy human brain in internal structureBable to perceive abnormalities immediatelyCfar less able than human brain in focusing on relevant informationDbest used in a controlled environment

单选题Seed is a physicist, which means that he studies______.Ahuman bodyBmedicineCsurgeryDphysics