单选题On May 5, 2005, at ______ World Table Tennis Championship, Kong Linghui and Wang Hao won the gold medal in men’s with ______ score of 4:1.Aa; aB/; theCa; /Dthe; a

On May 5, 2005, at ______ World Table Tennis Championship, Kong Linghui and Wang Hao won the gold medal in men’s with ______ score of 4:1.

a; a


/; the


a; /


the; a




A world heavyweight championship match is front-page news.________________________________________________________________

The blue whale is( )largest animal in the world. A、aB、theC、不填D、the most

Beijing is () beautiful city.It's () capital of China. A、a;aB、the;theC、a;the

The blue whale is () largest animal in the world. A、aB、theC、the most

Let’s play table tennis _____ Tuesday morning, shall we?A. on B. in C. to D. at

This area experienced____________ heaviest rainfall in _________ month of May.A.不填; aB.a; theC.the; theD.the; a

15. Let's play table tennis _________Tuesday morning,shall we?A.onB.inC.toD.at

People always hate mice, but one mouse won the people’s heart of the whole world.翻译

— _________________ — I’m fond of playing table tennis. A.Do you like sports?B.Playing table tennis is fun?C.Which sport do you like best?D.Is playing table tennis your favorite thing to do?

I want to make ______difference in_____ world. 冠词的用法 A.the…aB.a…theC.a…a

—The film “A World Without a Thief” is on in the Theater nearby tonight.—What ______ pity! I haven ’t got ______ ticket for it. A.a; aB.a; theC.the; theD.the; a

BHi! My name is Tina. I’m an American girl. I like sports and I like ping-pong best. Do you know my favorite ping-pong star? She's a Chinese girl and she's very beautiful. Her name is Wang Nan. Do you know her? I have a great photo of Wang Nan. It's on the wall of my room.Welcome to my room. It's a nice room. Look! 12 soccer balls are on the table. 10 volleyballs are under the table. Behind the door are 12 basketballs. Only 5 baseballs are in my drawer. But I don’t have a tennis racket. I don't like to play tennis.( )26.Wang Nan is a ________star.A. soccerB. basketballC. volleyballD. ping-pong

11. —Where is ________ key to the door?—It’s in my pocket.A.aB.theC./D.an

37. —There's somebody at the door._________ it be Jim?—No ,It __________be him. It's just seven o'clock.It’s too early.A. May; can'tB. Will; won'tC. May; mustn’tD Must; may not

The gold medal was _________to Ms.Barrette for her excellent performance in thedrama.A.distributedB.contributedC.awardedD.rewarded

Passage FiveIn 1924,Nordic ski events were held at the first Winter Olympics in Chamonix,France.But the American skiers came home without medals.Norway took most of the medals for cross-country and ski jumping events that year.They did the same for many years after.From 1924 through 1972,the American skiers had no medals to show for their Olympic trips.The U.S.was generally thought to be weak in ski competitionBut in 1974 it was discovered that the U.S.record was slightly better than people had been led to believe.And Norway's record was not quite as good.The discovery was a surprise and a delight to American ski fans,but even more so to American skier Anders Haugen.After fifty years,Anders got the medal he should have won back in 1924.In the ski jump event at Chamonix in 1924,Haugen had scored in fourth place.He had just missed earning a medal.His score was 17.916,just slightly behind Thorleif Haug of Norway.Haug's score of 18 had won him the bronze medal.But in 1974,Norway's National Olympic Committee did a check of all final Olympic results.There had been an error in?computing?Haug's score!So Haugen,now,an elderly man,traveled across the ocean for his award.On September 12,1974,hewas given a bronze medal in a special ceremony at the Norway Ski Museum.From 1924-1972,U.S.skiers were considered weak in Olympic competition because they______A.had won only two medalsB.had won no medalsC.had never entered jumping eventsD.had won only one medal

Passage FiveIn 1924,Nordic ski events were held at the first Winter Olympics in Chamonix,France.But the American skiers came home without medals.Norway took most of the medals for cross-country and ski jumping events that year.They did the same for many years after.From 1924 through 1972,the American skiers had no medals to show for their Olympic trips.The U.S.was generally thought to be weak in ski competitionBut in 1974 it was discovered that the U.S.record was slightly better than people had been led to believe.And Norway's record was not quite as good.The discovery was a surprise and a delight to American ski fans,but even more so to American skier Anders Haugen.After fifty years,Anders got the medal he should have won back in 1924.In the ski jump event at Chamonix in 1924,Haugen had scored in fourth place.He had just missed earning a medal.His score was 17.916,just slightly behind Thorleif Haug of Norway.Haug's score of 18 had won him the bronze medal.But in 1974,Norway's National Olympic Committee did a check of all final Olympic results.There had been an error in?computing?Haug's score!So Haugen,now,an elderly man,traveled across the ocean for his award.On September 12,1974,hewas given a bronze medal in a special ceremony at the Norway Ski Museum.The best title for this passage would be______A.the 1924 OlympicsB.Norway's SkiersC.An Olympic Record CorrectedD.American Skiers in the Olympics

Passage FiveIn 1924,Nordic ski events were held at the first Winter Olympics in Chamonix,France.But the American skiers came home without medals.Norway took most of the medals for cross-country and ski jumping events that year.They did the same for many years after.From 1924 through 1972,the American skiers had no medals to show for their Olympic trips.The U.S.was generally thought to be weak in ski competitionBut in 1974 it was discovered that the U.S.record was slightly better than people had been led to believe.And Norway's record was not quite as good.The discovery was a surprise and a delight to American ski fans,but even more so to American skier Anders Haugen.After fifty years,Anders got the medal he should have won back in 1924.In the ski jump event at Chamonix in 1924,Haugen had scored in fourth place.He had just missed earning a medal.His score was 17.916,just slightly behind Thorleif Haug of Norway.Haug's score of 18 had won him the bronze medal.But in 1974,Norway's National Olympic Committee did a check of all final Olympic results.There had been an error in?computing?Haug's score!So Haugen,now,an elderly man,traveled across the ocean for his award.On September 12,1974,hewas given a bronze medal in a special ceremony at the Norway Ski Museum.The best definition for the word computing is______A.writingB.judgingC.figuringD.multiplying

Passage FiveIn 1924,Nordic ski events were held at the first Winter Olympics in Chamonix,France.But the American skiers came home without medals.Norway took most of the medals for cross-country and ski jumping events that year.They did the same for many years after.From 1924 through 1972,the American skiers had no medals to show for their Olympic trips.The U.S.was generally thought to be weak in ski competitionBut in 1974 it was discovered that the U.S.record was slightly better than people had been led to believe.And Norway's record was not quite as good.The discovery was a surprise and a delight to American ski fans,but even more so to American skier Anders Haugen.After fifty years,Anders got the medal he should have won back in 1924.In the ski jump event at Chamonix in 1924,Haugen had scored in fourth place.He had just missed earning a medal.His score was 17.916,just slightly behind Thorleif Haug of Norway.Haug's score of 18 had won him the bronze medal.But in 1974,Norway's National Olympic Committee did a check of all final Olympic results.There had been an error in?computing?Haug's score!So Haugen,now,an elderly man,traveled across the ocean for his award.On September 12,1974,hewas given a bronze medal in a special ceremony at the Norway Ski Museum.The writer says“the discovery was a surprise and a delight to American ski fans”in order to______A.show that the error and its correction were important to ski fans as well as to HaugenB.show that the error was more important to fans than to HaugenC.suggest that the Americans cared more about the error than the NorwegiansD.suggest that there had been no error

共用题干Phelps Wants to Enjoy Life After Olympic GloryPhelps now has three Olympic records一for winning the most overall medals with 22,________ (46)and for the most gold medals in a single Olympics with eight,which he won in Beijing in 2008.When asked at a news conference in London which medal meant the most to him,Phelps said it was the gold medal he won in Athens for the 400 meter individual medley."That's so hard.I'll probably say that it's my first Olympic gold in 2004 in the 400 I.M,"said Phelps."You know being able to,you know,sort of train your whole life to achieve something and finally getting the gold medal and standing at the top of the podium listening to the national anthemplay,________(47)"Phelps said his goal in London was to break the all-time record for career Olympic medals buthe was initially frustrated after finishing fourth in the 400 meter individual medley.________(48)At 27-years-old,Phelps is now retired from competitive swimming. He said he intends to stay involved with his foundation that promotes water safety and encourages young people to swim.Beyond that,________(49)"And I don't have any fears about the sort of next stage of my life.This is something that is going to be enjoyable,"he said."I've been able to,I've swam for 20 years and I've been able to put my mind to something and achieve everything I ever wanted,and there are a lot of goals that I have,and I have the confidence now that I can achieve anything I put my mind to."Phelps said right now he is a bit overwhelmed and needs time to come to terms with the significance of his Olympic achievements________(50)________(49)A:However he regained his confidence after winning his first individual gold medal in the 200 meter medley.B:because he has failed once.C:for winning the most gold medals with 18.D:it was one of the coolest moments of my life.E:before moving on to the next stage of his life.F:he said he just wants to have fun.

共用题干第二篇Star QualityA new anti-cheating system for counting the judges' scores in ice skating is flawed, according to leading sports specialists.Ice skating's governing body announced the new rules last week after concerns that a judge at the Winter Olympics may have been unfairly influenced,Initially the judges in the pairs figure-skating event at the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City voted 5 to 4 to give the gold medal to a Russian pair,even though they had a fall during their routine.But the International Skating Union suspended the French judge for falling to reveal that she had been put under pressure to vote for the Russians.The International Olympics Committee then decided to give a second gold to the Canadian runners-up (亚军).The ISU,skating's governing body,now says it intends to change the rules.In future 14 judges will judge each event,but only 7 of their scores一selected at random一will count.The ISU won't finally approve the new system until it meets in June but already U.K.Sport,the British Government's sports body,has expressed reservations."I remain to be convinced that the random selection system would offer the guarantees that everyone concerned with ethical sport is looking for",says Jerry Bingham,U.K.Sport's head of ethics(伦理).A random system can still be manipulated,says Mark Dixon,a specialist on sports statistics from the Royal Statistical Society in London."The score of one or two judges who have been nobbled(受到贿赂)may still be in the seven selected."Many other sports that have judges,including diving,gymnastics,and synchronized swimming,have a system that discards the highest and lowest scores.If a judge was under pressure to favour a particular team,they would tend to give it very high scores and mark down the opposition team,so their scores wouldn't count.It works for diving,says Jeff Cook,a member of the international government body's technical committee."If you remove those at the top and bottom you're left with those in the middle,so you're getting a reasonable average."Since the 2000 Olympics in Sydney,diving has tightened up in its system still further.Two separate panels of judges score different rounds of diving during top competitions. Neither panel knows the scores given by the other."We have done this to head off any suggestion of bias,"says Cook:Bingham urged the ISU to consider other options."This should involve examining the way in which other sports deal with the problem of adjudicating(裁定)on matter of style and presentation,"he says.Who won the gold medal in the pairs figure-skating event?A:The Russian pair.B:The Canadian pair.C:Both the Russian pair and the Canadian pair.D:The French pair.

若要将“s_c_info”表中所有学生的成绩“score”加5分,则正确的SQL语句是()A、UPDATE s_c_info SET score=5B、UPDATE s_c_infoSET score=score+5C、UPDATE FROM s_c_info SET score=5D、UPDATE FROM s_c_info SET score=score+5

单选题He is()about his chances of winning a gold medal in the Olympics next year.AoptimisticBoptionalCoutstandingDobvious

单选题All the following sentences have an appositive EXCEPT _____.AI have no idea when he will return.BWhat you said yesterday is right.CWe are all for your proposal that the discussion be put off.DThe news that our athletes won another gold medal was reported in yesterday’s newspaper.

单选题The World’s Fair won’t be a financial success _____ there are enough visitors.AlestBprovidedCifDunless

单选题若要将“s_c_info”表中所有学生的成绩“score”加5分,则正确的SQL语句是()AUPDATE s_c_info SET score=5BUPDATE s_c_infoSET score=score+5CUPDATE FROM s_c_info SET score=5DUPDATE FROM s_c_info SET score=score+5

单选题The gold medal was----to MS Barrette for her excellent performance in the dramAdistributedBcontributedCawardedDrewarded