单选题He is()about his chances of winning a gold medal in the Olympics next year.AoptimisticBoptionalCoutstandingDobvious

He is()about his chances of winning a gold medal in the Olympics next year.









解析: 暂无解析


During the interview, the coach said he was _________ on his team ’s winning the game. A. failedB. unableC. confidentD. dwell

What does the man mean?A.He feels sorry about it.B.He prefers his party.C.He is worried about it.

He was () about his new job. A、over the moonB、on the moonC、above the moon

When ________ about his plan, he said he hadn’t made it yet. A.was askedB.askedC.was askingD.asking

He was _____ a gold cup in acknowledgement of his creative achievements for the development of the company A.awardedB.awardC.rewardedD.reward

Which of the following is true of the author?A.He got no access to success.B.He wrote back to his father at 12.C.He was surk his parents loved him.D.He whce asked his father about the letter.

28. "He told his wife about it. "Here“i t”refers to_________ .A. the policeman caught a thiefB. he found money in his gardenC. the coins of a shopD. the hole in his trousers

Passage FourArchimedes was a famous Greek mathematician and scientist. He was born around 287 BC and he died in the year 212 BC.Archimedes is most well-known for one specific idea that he came up with. "Archimedes's Principle" states that a solid object which is immersed in a liquid is pushed up by a force which is equal to the weight of the water that the object moves. For example, if you put a piece of wood and a piece of gold the same size in water, only the wood will float. Both the wood and gold move the same amount of water, but the wood weighs less than this water, while the gold weighs more.It is believed that Archimedes discovered this principle when the king of Syracuse asked him to solve a problem. The king wanted to know if his crown was pure gold or a mixture of gold and silver. The king, of course, did not melt his crown to find out. The idea came to Archimedes as he lowered himself into his bath. He noticed how the water spilled out of the tub. He decided to use the same idea for the crown. He knew that a gold crown immersed in water would weigh more than one made of silver. The experiment was done and the goldsmith was proved guilty of trying to cheat the king.48. A good title for the selection is______.A. ArchimedesB. Archimedes's PrincipleC. A Gold and Silver CrownD. The King of Syracuse

Although an Olympic medal loses its luster after years of storage, a hero never loses his credibility if he stops looking to the needs of others.()

_______, the chances of winning the lotteryAre very small. A.On purposeB.In turnC.In realityD.With pleasure

A Nobel Prize is considered by most people one of the highest international honors a person can receive. As you know, the prizes were started by a Swede called Alfred Nobel. Alfred Nobel was born in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, and lived from 1833 to1896. Alfred Nobel was a chemist and inventor. He made two important inventions. And so he became very rich. Although he was rich, Nobel was not a happy man. He never married nor had children. Also, he was a sick man in a large part of his life. Nobel died at the age of sixty-three. When he died, he left a fund 基金) of $9,000, 000. The money was to be used in giving prizes to those who made outstanding achievements in physics, chemistry, medicine, literature and the promotion 促进)of world peace. The first Nobel Prizes were given on December 10th, 1901, five years after Nobel’s death. Many famous people from all over the world have been given Nobel Prizes for their achievements. Albert Einstein was one of them. Each Prize has three parts. The first part is a gold medal. Second, a winner of a Nobel Prize is given a diploma(证书)saying that he has been given the Prize. The third part of the prize is a large amount of money—about $40, 000. Often a Prize is given to just one person, but not always. Sometimes, a Prize is shared. It may be given to two or three people who have worked together. Sometimes a Prize is not given at all if there is no outstanding achievement. In 1972, for example, no Nobel Peace Prize was given. It is the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm that decides whether to give the Prize or not1.Most people think that the Nobel Prize is __________ a person can receive.A、 the highest honor in the worldB、 one of the highest international honorsC、 a higher honor than othersD、 as high as any other honor2.Alfred Nobel who started the Nobel Prize was __________A、 a rich, happy and lucky manB、 a poor, unhappy and unlucky manC、 a poor, but happy and lucky manD、 a rich, unhappy and unlucky man3.A Nobel Prize is made up of _________A、 a gold medal and a large amount of moneyB、 a gold medal and a diplomaC、 a gold medal and a diploma and a large amount of moneyD、 a diploma and a large amount of money4.A Nobel Prize is given to __________ each year.A、 just one personB、 one personC、 not always one personD、 three persons5.When he died, Nobel left an amount of money __________A、 to his wife and his childrenB、 to the university he used to study inC、 to his parents and his studentsD、 to be spend on setting five prizes

Why did the author shout at the telephone?A. He was mad at the telephoneB. He was angry with his agentC. He was anxious about his wifeD. He was impatient with the secretary

The banker was extremely excited because __.A. he was too rich to care for the moneyB. he was sure of his winning the betC. the lawyer would give up in 15 yearsD. the lawyer would give up before 5 years

Passage OneOne of the well-known of American writers is Samuel Clemens, whose pen name is Mark Twain. Bom in 1835, Twain grew up in the Mississippi River town of Hannibal, Missouri. As did many other boys of his day,Twain dreamed of traveling on river boats and of someday becoming a riverboat pilot. Twain used his memories of the life of a river town in his two most famous books, Huckleberry Finn and Torn Sawyer.As a young man, Twain held many jobs. He was a printer, a good miner, and, for a time, he was a riverboat pilot. During his pilot days, he adopted the name Mark Twain. This was a term used by the boatmen to mean that the water measured two fathoms, or twelve feet, which was deep enough for safe passage.Finally Twain became a successful writer. He traveled a great deal, writing and speaking, and became very popular both in the United States and in Europe.Twain's style. of writing was simple and direct. Among the things he wrote about were superstitious (迷信的) people and people who were easily fooled. He used his unusual gift for humor to write about many things of importance.36. Generally speaking, this article is about______.A. a riverboat pilotB. a printerC. a gold minerD. a famous writer

The gold medal was _________to Ms.Barrette for her excellent performance in thedrama.A.distributedB.contributedC.awardedD.rewarded

What can we learn about Amos Peters?__________A.He is remembered for his love of animalsB.He donated $I ,000 to build the bridgeC.He was a member of the City CouncilD.He was awarded a medal for building the bridge

共用题干Phelps Wants to Enjoy Life After Olympic GloryPhelps now has three Olympic records一for winning the most overall medals with 22,________ (46)and for the most gold medals in a single Olympics with eight,which he won in Beijing in 2008.When asked at a news conference in London which medal meant the most to him,Phelps said it was the gold medal he won in Athens for the 400 meter individual medley."That's so hard.I'll probably say that it's my first Olympic gold in 2004 in the 400 I.M,"said Phelps."You know being able to,you know,sort of train your whole life to achieve something and finally getting the gold medal and standing at the top of the podium listening to the national anthemplay,________(47)"Phelps said his goal in London was to break the all-time record for career Olympic medals buthe was initially frustrated after finishing fourth in the 400 meter individual medley.________(48)At 27-years-old,Phelps is now retired from competitive swimming. He said he intends to stay involved with his foundation that promotes water safety and encourages young people to swim.Beyond that,________(49)"And I don't have any fears about the sort of next stage of my life.This is something that is going to be enjoyable,"he said."I've been able to,I've swam for 20 years and I've been able to put my mind to something and achieve everything I ever wanted,and there are a lot of goals that I have,and I have the confidence now that I can achieve anything I put my mind to."Phelps said right now he is a bit overwhelmed and needs time to come to terms with the significance of his Olympic achievements________(50)________(49)A:However he regained his confidence after winning his first individual gold medal in the 200 meter medley.B:because he has failed once.C:for winning the most gold medals with 18.D:it was one of the coolest moments of my life.E:before moving on to the next stage of his life.F:he said he just wants to have fun.

He was()about his new job.Aabove the moonBon the moonCover the moon

单选题He orders me about as if I ______ his wife.AwasBwereCwould beDshall be

单选题Which of the following is the best version of sentence 1 (reproduced below)?Mike Reynolds who is the author of the book, The New Girl came to our school to speak about his book, which tells about him portraying a woman for six weeks.A(As it is now)BMike Reynolds, the author of The New Girl, spoke at our school about his book, in which he describes how he portrayed a woman for six weeks.CMike Reynolds, the author of The New Girl, came to our school and told us about his book, where he portrayed a woman for six weeks.DThe author of The New Girl, Mike Reynolds came to our school to speak, in it he portrayed a woman for six weeks,EThe author of The New Girl, Mike Reynolds, spoke at our school about his book, that portrays a woman for six weeks.

单选题All the following sentences have an appositive EXCEPT _____.AI have no idea when he will return.BWhat you said yesterday is right.CWe are all for your proposal that the discussion be put off.DThe news that our athletes won another gold medal was reported in yesterday’s newspaper.

单选题According to the passage, if a sportsman only thinks about winning, he will _____.Afail to succeedBbe successfulClose enjoymentDbe irrational

单选题He is()about his chances of winning a gold medal in the Olympics next year.AoptimisticBoptionalCoutstandingDobvious

单选题______ he is into the video game, it is hard for him to think about anything else—all his attention is on winning the game.AOnceBUnlessCWhetherDUntil

填空题He talked ____ (兴奋地) to the reporters about his hopes of winning the race.

单选题Which of the following is the best way to combine sentences 3, 4, and 5?AThe name of the phenomenon comes from the legend of Archimedes, who had been thinking for days about how to determine whether King Hieron II’s crown was pure gold without destroying it.BArchimedes had been thinking for days about how to determine whether King Hieron II’s crown was pure gold without destroying it, and this is where the name of the phenomenon comes from.CThe legend of Archimedes thinking about how to determine whether King Hieron II’s crown was pure gold without destroying it is the origin of the name of the phenomenon.DThe phenomenon is named for Archimedes and his thinking for days about how to determine whether King Hieron II’s crown was pure gold without destroying it.EThe name of the phenomenon was from Archimedes, and his thinking for days about how to determine without destroying it whether King Hieron II’s crown was pure gold.

单选题John felt great ______.about his upcoming trip to Sidney; indeed, he could hardly contain his enthusiasm.AunrestBuncertaintyCanxietyDexcitement

单选题The gold medal was----to MS Barrette for her excellent performance in the dramAdistributedBcontributedCawardedDrewarded